Some shopkeepers opted for part-time work
In addition to the 22,000 layoffs, shopkeepers also threw in part-time work during the epidemic months. The proportion of part-timers in major stores jumped from 20% to 25% by May. But it was not the food workers, but the industrial workers who were depressed by the wage cost, in addition to the redundancies.
The shopkeeper, who had to close at 3pm in the second half of March, didn’t have much choice, could not set foot in April and could only reopen it sometime in May (in the countryside from May 4, in the capital from 18 May). Leave, downsizing, and part-time work remained primarily escape routes, with less or no run of the stagnant revenue. It’s no coincidence that not even all stores were able to reopen in May.
In addition to the downsizing, part-time employment also jumped, which is higher in trade anyway, as the market is fluctuating even during the day. Thus, their number and proportion also increased in April and May. Of course, there were also significant differences behind the average, as while their numbers in larger grocery stores did not change (which means 18,000 workers), they jumped spectacularly in other commodity areas.
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