PwC: workplace changes encourage employees to develop their skills in the long term

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 06. 27. 10:16

Globally, almost half of employees (45 percent) feel that their workload has increased significantly in the past year, and two-thirds of them feel insecure due to the acceleration of changes in the workplace, all of which encourages employees to develop their skills in the long term, according to PwC Global Workforce Hopes & From the Fears survey, the results of which the international consulting firm informed MTI in a statement on Tuesday.

In the research conducted in March of this year, 56,600 people from 50 countries were interviewed among the active participants of the labor market.

According to the survey, the increasing workload, accelerated organizational changes and the transformation of tasks are the biggest challenges for employees. Various pressures encourage employees to look for opportunities elsewhere and to develop their skills. 28 percent of those surveyed plan to change jobs in the next 12 months, which is much higher than the wave of resignations in 2022 (19 percent). 67 percent of those considering a change say that skills development plays an important role in deciding whether to stay with their current employer or switch.

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