
The winners of the “Az Év Szaloncukra 2023” award were selected

This year, the Sugar Salon of the Year competition was organized again as a civic initiative. They tried to invite all small and large domestic manufacturers to the competition. Manufacturers...

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(HU) Czakó Borbála: a gazdaságot értem, az embereket szeretem

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Minden várakozást felülmúlt idén az Anuga

A világ első számú élelmiszer- és italszakmai vására, az Anuga idén október 7. és 11. között adott találkozót az iparág vezető szereplőinek. A 200 országból érkező mintegy 140 000 látogatóval...

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Az I. Flexi Fórum főbb témái között a flexitáriánus életvitel, XYZ generációk táplálkozási szokásai is szerepelnek ​ 114 / 5 000 Fordítási találatok Fordítási találat Among the main topics of the 1st Flexi Forum are the flexitarian way of life and the eating habits of the XYZ generations

According to a domestic research conducted by Danone and NMS, Generation Z is currently the most open to replacing dairy and meat products with plant-based alternatives, as well as considering...

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Domestic antibiotic sales data in animal health are improving

The sale of antibiotics in the field of animal health has decreased significantly in our country, but there is still plenty to “cut down” – it was revealed in a...

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Permanent installation wins Display of the Year 2023

POPAI Hungary Association’s year-closing event organized with the Trade Marketing Klub was held in the Simándi József Hall of MOM Kult on 23 November. The host was the Bonafarm trade...

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Christmas TV commercials 2023 – audience award voting

Christmas is one of the most heartwarming holidays, so this year Trade magazine would like to collect the Christmas TV commercials and ask the audience for their opinion, which of...

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Is the circular economy the Swiss army knife of ESG reporting?

As a complex system, the circular economy is associated with efficient tools for addressing climate change, biodiversity, and ESG issues. This key message was at the forefront of the sixth...

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Successful 32nd Budapest Wine Festival

Between 7 and 10 September, the Budapest Wine Festival – one of the most prestigious wine events of the year – took place for the 32nd time at Buda Castle Palace....

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Zsófia Benedek: localization does not necessarily automatically mean environmental sustainability

Biologist and economist Zsófia Benedek highlighted the role of local foods in sustainable food production at the Science Festival of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In the presentation, Zsófia Benedek...

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EY: It turns out what tax managers are afraid of

Domestic companies are most worried about inflation, while transfer pricing, corporate tax and the global minimum tax are considered to be the most risky tax areas, according to a survey...

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István Nagy: there is no food without bees

Every sixth food in the store is thanks to bees, so it can be stated: if there are no bees, then there is no food, no fruit either – said...

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This weekend we can shop for those in need at Tesco

Between November 17 and 19, the volunteers of the Magyar Élélmiszerbank Egyesület will collect non-perishable food products offered by customers in 154 Tesco stores, which will be delivered to people...

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The latest issue of Trade magazine is out now!

The digital version is available with more content once again, and can be read by clicking on the front page below. In the November issue of Trade magazine, we start...

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Ceres is 70 years old

Ceres ZRt. is one of Hungary’s leading baking enterprises, whose legal predecessor was founded in 1953, this year celebrates its 70th anniversary. On the occasion of the anniversary, the company...

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(HU) Dr. Füredi Júlia: A fiatalok már nem akarnak annyit dolgozni

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Today is World Diabetes Day: every 10th Hungarian is affected

Deaths related to diabetes and its complications are constantly increasing all over the world. In our country, 1,000 people lose their sight every year due to diabetes. 75 percent of...

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Az álmok megvalósultak!

A Lánchíd Klub 2003 őszén jött létre. Az egyesületi formában működő Klub küldetése elsődlegesen a kereskedelem és a gyártói oldal közötti együttműködésnek az elősegítése, de tevékenységében fontos szerepet kapott a...

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Who will definitely be there at SIRHA BUDAPEST 2024?

Those who wish to exhibit at SIRHA Budapest, which is increasingly becoming part of the professional public consciousness, should proactively secure their place; for the event taking place in March...

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Hungarian winemakers can count on government support in the future as well

Zsolt Feldman, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) responsible for agriculture and rural development, gave a presentation on the state of the grape and wine industry, the new...

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Introduction of plant-based foods – just a passing fad or is it the future?

On November 14, Hungary’s leading plant-based food industry conference will focus on the segment of the business sector that follows, advances, and colors the plant-based trend in Hungary. Does your...

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A year of records?

For us, but also for the world around us. For some time now we have been reading about record food inflation, record volume declines in retail sales, record subsidies coming...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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Digital Retail Media Workshop 2023 – or a new media channel in the making

DigInStore Zrt, which created and operates TrafikTV, the most dynamically developing digital signage advertising network in Hungary, organized its first workshop. TrafikTV offers a solution to further strengthen the effectiveness...

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Business Days 2023 video summary

The video summary of this year’s Business Days conference has been prepared, which anyone can view by clicking on the link below. Hunguest Hotel Pelion hosted the largest 5-day professional...

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Trade Marketing Club and POPAI joint year-end event

We invite you to an exciting meeting. The Trade Marketing Club and POPAI Hungary, as the international point-of-sale marketing association, are jointly organizing their last meeting of the year. Visitors...

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István Nagy: the food industry and trade play a national security role

In the current, challenging period, the Hungarian food and processing industry and trade have not only become a strategic sector, but also play a national security role, said Minister of...

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Cool kitchen gadgets – Picture of the day

They are practical, look good and help solve real problems....

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Kristóf Steiner and Gianni Annoni discuss the future of plant-based food

The Plant-Powered Perspectives conference will be held for the third time on 14 November 2023. This year, Hungary’s number one innovative plant-based food event will focus on hospitality, with talks...

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“Ecology and economy, two sides of the same coin” – Bertrand Piccard at the BCSDH’s exclusive CEO business breakfast

30 business leaders talked with explorer Bertrand Piccard on November 2nd at the MagNet Community House. Piccard is best known for being the first person to circumnavigate the globe in...

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