
Entries for the Brillante distillate competition have started

Entries have started for the Brillante – 2024 international pálinka and distillate competition, which has been a side event of the Gyula Pálinka Festival for years. This year, the competition...

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Motivációk a 21. században

A 20. század motivációi főleg a Maslow-piramis alapján születtek, amelyről kiderült, hogy a gazdasági életben nem igazán működik. A 21. század motivációinak kialakításához a fő felismerés az volt, hogy mindenki...

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(HU) Keresik az Év Pálinkás Bonbonját

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Winners of the HUNGAROPACK Hungarian Packaging Competition 2023

The National Association of Packaging and Materials Handling (CSAOSZ) has organised the 40th HUNGAROPACK Hungarian Packaging Competition in 2023. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 The main goal...

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Few companies use green energy

More and more domestic companies see the importance of environmental sustainability and are planning investments, but for the time being they have held back their implementation because they have neither...

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(HU) A nap mondása

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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There will be a charge for the Interspar parking lot in Székesfehérvár

The sections leading to the Interspar parking lot in Székesfehérvár have been equipped with the necessary structures for paid parking lots. Not by chance, the unlimited free service will end....

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Lidl’s Christmas commercial won the Audience Award

Lidl Hungary “The wonder of special moments: a magical Christmas!” won the Christmas TV commercials 2023 – Audience Award voting, which was announced by Trademagazin for the first time this...

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It is the water that reigns

On the last day of the Business Days conference, organisational psychologist Dr Júlia Füredi gave the audience an insight into what the figures show about how employees feel, and what...

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Animals in the kitchen – Picture of the day

One way or another, they are everywhere!!...

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Törik vagy hajlik?

A 21. század racionális világában a fejlett racionális intelligencia a racionális konfliktusok megoldására alkalmas – mert a kettő meg kettő az négy. De vajon a kettő meg kettő érzelmi konfliktus...

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The Baptist Charity Service, Pizza King Express and Lidl also help

On the occasion of the Feast of Love, on December 22, the Baptist Charity Service will present 250-350 children with 10-12 kilo durable food packages and Shoe Box gift boxes....

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Együtt hajóztunk (2. rész)

Szeptember 25–29. között Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban gyűlt össze a Trade Flotta közel 1100 fős hajóhada, hogy a Business Days konferencia keretében számba vegyék az elmúlt időszak viharait, zátonyait, és...

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They drew attention to International Tea Day with a glass of hot tea

The action called “A Cup of Love” was organized in the Santa Claus Factory in the capital and in several settlements of Balaton. In these places passers-by were offered a...

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The ProWein success story continues in 2024

From 10-12 March 2024, more than 50,000 wine and spirits experts are expected to attend the ProWein trade fair in Düsseldorf. These professionals can be sure to discover here the...

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Készülődés a SIRHA Budapest 2024-re

Az elmúlt évtized során a Közép-Kelet Európa legjelentősebb nemzetközi élelmiszeripari és HoReCa-rendezvényévé váló SIRHA Budapest szakkiállítás 2024. március 5–7. között ismét várja a szakembereket a Hungexpo Budapest Kongresszusi és Kiállítási...

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Kilátás alulról

Ritkán találkozhatunk azzal, amikor szinte mindenki hasonlóan vélekedik a kialakult helyzetről. A hazai gazdaságról alkotott vélemények most azonban egy szűk tartományban vannak. A nézetek hasonlósága a sokak számára nyilvánvalóan kedvezőtlen gazdasági...

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Salt paradox – Picture of the day

Damn, it wasn’t long ago, we were almost able to buy the 250 million year old salt before it expired…...

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István Nagy: we currently have 89 Hungarikums, which we are proud of

When the value and identity crisis rages again in the world, we are proud of our life-giving traditions, our Christian roots that give us our identity, our culture that feeds...

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Road carriers: hundreds of Hungarian businesses have been put at risk because of Ukrainian freight carriers

Due to the appearance of Ukrainian freight forwarders on the EU market, hundreds of Hungarian businesses were “on the brink of ruin”, the secretary general of the Association of Hungarian...

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The latest campaign for Újház was carried out by Republic

From the end of October to the middle of December, we were able to see the online, TV non-spot and outdoor appearances of the campaign called “Az Újház tudja” (The...

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Although nearly 60 percent of Hungarians help the needy with donations, the rate of regular donations is still low

About 58 percent of Hungarians donate, 66 percent of them donate money and 34 percent help the needy with in-kind donations, according to research commissioned by the Hungarian Red Cross,...

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Here I am again, writing the last article of the year. The year has gone by so quickly that it was almost yesterday that we were looking at how interesting...

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Teltház az év beauty eseményén

Három nap alatt telt be a 2000 fős előregisztráció a Rossmann Beauty Expójára, amelyet szeptember 15-én közel 50 kiállító részvételével tartottak meg a Millenáris G épületében. A rendezvényen a legmeghatározóbb nemzetközi beauty márkák...

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A woman is a woman, a man is a man! – The picture of the day

There’s no family: we’ve again selected the gender markings of restaurant toilets – here’s a fresh bunch!    ...

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Hungaria Rosé Extra Dry won a gold medal for the fifth time in a row, and was even chosen among the narrowest elite

Hungaria Rosé Extra Dry achieved a huge feat in France! For the fifth consecutive year, he won a gold medal at one of the world’s most important champagne competitions, Effervescents...

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ProWein 2023: The industry’s leading trade fair met expectations with success

The ProWein trade fair was a resounding success in 2023 as well, with an outstanding evaluation from all participant groups and a significant international exposure. Experts in the world of...

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More than 2,000 Santas took over the streets of Budapest on the 8th Penny Santa Run

Santa Claus does exist. Those walking around Fővám tér could at least be convinced of this yesterday, as on Sunday more than 2,000 runners dressed in Santa Claus clothes took...

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Élelmiszermentő Központ Nonprofit Kft. has launched an Advent charity food collection campaign

The Food Rescue Center Nonprofit Kft. (ÉMK) has launched an Advent charity food collection campaign with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, the offers of the companies are expected...

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