
FM: special support for farmers who suffered frost and hail damages

The ministry will assist those growers with a special support, who suffered frost and hail damages this year, the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Thursday. According to the information...

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Brussels calls for summit over major egg contamination scandal

The European Commissioner, responsible for food safety has called for a meeting of ministers and national regulatory agencies for Friday, to discuss a widespread European contamination scare, which has seen...

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Without well-trained specialists there is no sure future in agriculture

Without well-trained professionals, there is no safe future and perspective in the agricultural sector – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said on Friday at the...

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Sziget: Hungaricums and national values were also introduced

Hungaricums and other national values are also introduced at the Sziget Festival in the Hungarikum Village, where skansen, dance houses and folk games are awaiting for the visitors. V. Németh...

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Forty thousand fake children’s toys were seized in Kelebia

Forty thousand fake children’s toys have been found by the National Tax and Customs Administration’s (NAV) financiers in Kelebia in a container – the press officer of NAV’s Bács-Kiskun County...

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Slovak retail trade increased

The retail trade in Slovakia rose by 7.8 percent in May, after the 6.5 percent increase of April, the Slovak Statistics Office told on Tuesday. Retail sales growth in May...

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German consumer sentiment on top

In June, the Consumer Sentiment Index of the GfK Market Research Institute in Germany rose to a nearly sixteen-year high. In June, GfK’s German consumer mood index increased to 10.6...

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Hungary will organize the China-Europe Soybean Congress next year

The 2018 China-Europe Soy Symposium of the Duna Szója Szövetség (Danube Soya Association) and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences will take place in Budapest and Vienna, which is a...

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MNB: the 3 percent inflation target could be realized at the beginning of 2019

The growth rate of consumer prices in Hungary is expected to reach the central government’s 3 percent long-term inflation target at the beginning of 2019, Várhegyi Judit, head of department...

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Agricultural Chamber: the wheat harvest is higher than the expectations

Despite the adverse weather, this year’s wheat harvest has surpassed expectations – Süle Katalin, spokeswoman for the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) told M1 news channel on Wednesday. She added:...

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Pöttyös Panni: the finest sugar-free cake this year

The cake of Varga Margit confectioner made without added sugar won the Hungary’s Sugarless Cake Competition. The competition is announced by the One Drop Attention Foundation each year together with...

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Smaller grape yield is expected, due to hail in the Szekszárd wine region

Due to the hail, occured on hundreds of hectares smaller grape harvest is expected, compared to last year in the Szekszárd wine region, while in the non-damaged areas quality grapes...

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The commercial price of spirits will be increased in Ukraine

The Ukrainian government adopted a decision on Wednesday to significantly increase the minimum trade price for spirit drinks – according to the press release of the Ministry of Economic Development...

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Compared to the average, more meal wheat was produced this year

Compared to the average, more meal wheat was produced this year: the share of meal and feed wheat is generally thirty-seventy percent, but this year the rate is 50 –...

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Nielsen: Nearly four million condoms are sold in the summer festival season

Condom sales are on the peak during the festival season in Hungary. In July and August we spend more than 15 percent more on condoms than in the other months...

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KAVOSZ: the maximum loan amount of the Agro Széchenyi Card has doubled

The maximum loan amount of the Agro Széchenyi Card increased, the cost and interest-free loan will be available again for agricultural enterprises that suffered damages due to adverse weather conditions...

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Analysts expect inflation of around two percent

The targeted VAT cuts in certain goods and services (poultry meat, eggs, raw milk, internet, hospitality) reduce inflation, while the fuel prices, rising domestic demand and wage increases increase consumer...

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About 300 exhibitors are expected to the Farmer Expo to Debrecen

Approximately three hundred exhibitors are expected to the 26th Farmer Expo in Debrecen, that will be held beteen 17 and 20 August – the organizers said on Tuesday at the...

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Brits worry for their Darjeeling tea

Brits worry for their favorite Darjeeling tea as well as the Japanese and the Germans. The terroir of the so called champagne of the teas is threatened by strikes in...

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Artificial intelligence writes newspaper articles

BBC and Associated Press have started using the Wordsmith application of Automated Insight (available in English and Chinese at the moment) in writing sports articles. Since the app’s launch 1.5...

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Good quality cereal crops are expected

Almost one million hectares of winter wheat is already in the granaries. A slightly larger and better than average quality grain crops are expected – according to the Minister of...

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Inflation is over two percent

Consumer prices were on average 2.1 percent higher in July than a year before. Compared to June, the average consumer price did not change, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported...

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The Hungarian Product Grand Prize will be handed over in the Parliament on 5 September for the twentieth time

The Hungarian Product Grand Prize will be handed over in the Parliament on 5 September for the twentieth time on the occasion of the Celebration of the Hungarian Economy. In...

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Investment plans are real according to the latest survey of the Takarék Agrárhangulati Index

After the drought period, before the delivery of the application decisions, the majority of the farmers still have a positive view on agriculture, according to the Saving Group’s (Takarék Csoport)...

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KSH: the six-month foreign trade surplus is approaching 5.4 billion euros

In the first half of the year, exports increased by 9.9 percent and the value of imports calculated in euros increased by 11.3 percent, compared to the same period of...

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Business confidence improved significantly in the SME sector

Business confidence improved significantly in the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector, compared to the previous quarter – the MKIK Institute for Economic Research and Enterprise Research (GVI) told MTI....

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Budapest Bank survey on EU funds

Hungary’s companies have claimed 270 billion HUF of preferential credit products combined with non-refundable EU grants, which is more than half of the announced budget – Budapest Bank (BB) told...

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Foreign trade surplus can reach 9.5 billion euros this year

The foreign trade surplus can reach 9.5 billion euros this year, so it can lag just a bit behind the 9.935 billion euros of last year, according to experts interviewed...

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The Göcseji Village Museum is preparing for the bread festival with colorful programs

The Göcseji Village Museum in Zalaegerszeg, is preparing for 20 August with colorful programs. The open-air exhibition space was opened on 20 August 1968. Kostyál László recalled at the press...

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Hungary spends the most on leisure and cultural activities in the EU in the proportion of the GDP

On average, the EU member states spend one percent of their gross domestic product (GDP) for the support of leisure, cultural and religious activities. In the proportion of the GDP...

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