
Six tons of waste were collected from Bodrog by the participants of the 1st Bodrog PET Cup

The field of the 1st Bodrog PET Cup has collected six tons of waste from the section of Bodrog between Sárospatak and Tokaj – the communication manager of the PET...

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Palotabozsoki Zrt. has established a feed mixing plant with an investment of more than 1 billion HUF

With an investment of more than one billion forints, Palotabozsoki Zrt., dealing with plant growing, feed production and animal husbandry in Vémén, Baranya County, has established a new feed mixing...

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The OECD expects global GDP to fall less than expected this year

The OECD expects a smaller global economic downturn than previously forecast in June, mainly due to better-than-expected performance by China and the United States in the first six months as...

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The Pálinka of National Cohesion was born

Every year, the city of Gyula becomes the capital of pálinka in the Carpathian Basin for three days. This year, the Gyula Pálinka Festival, which was delayed due to the...

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Flour becomes more expensive again

There will be a flour price increase this month, it can be assured – Lakatos Zoltán, CEO of Hajdú Gabona Zrt. He told Világgazdaság on the flour market situation that...

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Employment in GKI may have stagnated in August

In August, GKI Zrt. conducted a representative population survey of 1,000 people in order to find out the employment situation in Hungary. (Of the 1,000 respondents, 679 were employed.) At...

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An online meeting room helps cross-border business relationships during COVID

Until the end of the year, a new business partner search platform called “Here and Now” (Itt és most) will help Hungarian, V4 and Carpathian Basin entrepreneurs. The site, created...

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At the METU TEDx conference, we will learn what the recipe for successful innovation is

For the third time, the Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) is organizing its own TEDx conference related to the world-famous TED series of events. The event brought to life by the...

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AM: farmers applied for permission to plant more than 17 thousand hectares of new forest

In the country forestation program announced last autumn, farmers applied for the planting of more than 17,000 hectares of new forest – the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of...

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ZEW’s German Economic Sentiment Index is on a twenty-year high

In September, instead of the expected decline, the economic sentiment index in Germany rose to a twenty-year high in a survey by the ZEW economic research institute in Mannheim. The...

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Investor survey: sentiment has improved, but many market participants fear protracted stagnation

Within the global institutional investment community, perceptions of the medium-term global economic outlook have improved, but the latest survey says many fear a prolonged stagnation following the economic crisis caused...

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GDP may decline in the Asian region for the first time in sixty years

For the first time in sixty years, the gross domestic product of the Asian region may decline this year, according to the forecast of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). According...

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Consumers are still accumulating cheap products

Customers are becoming more price-sensitive as a result of the protracted health emergency, and retaining them is therefore a major challenge for even the largest companies, according to EY’s international...

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Strategic investments can be made in Hungarian agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture is helping farmers, producer organizations and food businesses to manage the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic in the form of non-refundable support – Nagy István,...

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Hungarian e-commerce is at its peak, yet we are a country of abandoned baskets

The coronavirus has really exploded web commerce in Hungary as well, more than half (58%) of the nearly 3.5 million online shoppers are still frustrated by shopping in the digital...

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Digital preparedness can be a real vaccine for companies against a pandemic

The importance of automation was appreciated by the pandemic among economic operators, according to a recent Digital COVID Panorama research conducted by SAP Hungary. Firms whose growth prospects did not...

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Home office hidden costs

In the second wave, more and more Hungarian workers are moving to home offices again, ie they will work from home until the pandemic leaves – wrote. However, a...

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Payment of temporary aid to agricultural holdings in difficulty due to the coronavirus epidemic has started

In the case of transitional aid applications submitted by horticultural undertakings and dairy farmers between 29 June 2020 and 12 July 2020 and by beekeepers between 13 July 2020 and...

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A serious infection appeared in the Hungarian wine regions

For the time being, the problem is in Transdanubia with a grape disease called golden yellowing of grapes, which is spread by the American vine that settled in the country...

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Close because of a mask? But there’s something else here

And if the seller is pushed aside by the buyer who is not wearing the mask? Anyway, it could be a miracle if you find a store open: there are...

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GKI: consumer confidence index continued to decline in September

GKI’s consumer confidence index slowed down for three months after falling in April, but rose slightly, but in August and September expectations deteriorated slightly: from minus 29.6 points in August...

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ÖKOINDUSTRIA2020 postponed

Based on the latest information from the epidemiological preparedness period, and in the knowledge of the relevant rules, the Association has decided to postpone its international trade fair scheduled for...

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Hungarian Factoring Association: the factoring market achieved good results despite the crisis

Despite the virus and the ensuing economic downturn, the first half of this year produced a surprisingly good result in the factoring market. Turnover increased by 20 percent compared to...

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The Csaba Sausage Festival will be cancelled

In the light of the events and epidemiological data of recent weeks, the organizers decided not to hold the 24th Csaba Sausage Festival at the originally announced date, between October...

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The EU and China have signed an agreement on the protection of European geographical indications

The European Union and China have signed an agreement to protect hundreds of European geographical indications (geographical indications and designations of origin) and hundreds of Chinese geographical indications in the...

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Christmas is coming sooner in American stores this year

Most American department store chains plan to start the Christmas shopping season much earlier than usual this year so that there will be fewer pople in stores at the same...

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Lay’s ‘Smiles’ campaign reloaded

Lay’s ‘Smiles’ packaging returns with its third iteration, now as counterpoint to masked and unhappy faces. Lay’s potato chips, which is PepsiCo’s Frito-Lay unit, is bringing back its limited-run “Smiles”...

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Americans develop automated farms

A newly established scientific institute is looking for the answer to the question of how automated the agriculture of the future can be. The AIFARMS Institute will primarily study the...

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A 28-year-old has sold his birthday whisky collection to buy a house

A 28-year-old has sold a collection of whisky given to him each year by his father as a birthday present, for 44,000 pounds (57,363 USD), in order to buy his...

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Csúcson a magyar e-kereskedelem, mégis az elhagyott kosarak országa vagyunk

The coronavirus has really exploded web commerce in Hungary as well, yet more than half (58%) of the nearly 3.5 million online shoppers are frustrated by shopping in the digital...

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