
These issues are investigated by the consumer protection authority in the shops

In order to enforce price control regulations, the government’s consumer protection authority has been very active this year, inspecting stores nearly 2,400 times and imposing fines of several hundred million...

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Kollégramm helps you understand your workmates!

The Hungarian-owned Lounge Group is conducting a comprehensive survey to evaluate job satisfaction and the overall work environment in Hungary. The survey aims to explore employee motivation, responsibility, adherence to...

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National Attitude Formation Conference + “5 countries 1 river” – environmental education without borders

The event covers the fields of greenwashing, sustainability and education and environmental education. The Association of Environmental Service Providers and Manufacturers – in connection with the Sustainability Theme Week –...

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Get up for innovation! Interactive Conference organized by the Joint Venture Association

This is the second time the Joint Venture Association organizes Hungarian for Innovation! Interactive Conference. The goal of the organizers is to present the latest corporate innovations, the greatest Hungarian...

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Vegetables for breakfast too! – Spring breakfast tips from the European Fresh Team

We often hear that breakfast is the most important meal, as it starts the day and affects our performance and our well-being throughout the day. In the spring, we can...

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Happy baby, relaxed mom

In 2022 diaper value sales grew, while volume sales stayed put – reported NielsenIQ. Izabella Kowalska, Essity Hungary Kft.’s category manager: “Our products produced moderate growth, because of the difficult...

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Orbán Viktor: “Although there have been price reductions in stores, it has only happened for a few products”

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke on the morning program of Kossuth Radio, saying that it is not yet time to lift the price freeze. “What has happened so far is...

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The price of food and non-alcoholic beverages rose at a slightly decreasing rate in Spain

The slowdown in consumer price increases is primarily attributable to the base effect, energy prices fell in March this year, compared to the sharp rise seen in March of the...

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Instead of keto, vegan is now America’s favourite diet

A new study claims that for the first time in five years, plant-based diet is now more popular than keto in the USA. Keto – a diet low in carbohydrates...

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Hungary bans the import of agricultural products from Ukraine

The government is committed to representing the interests of the Hungarian farming community, which is why, in the absence of meaningful EU measures, it will temporarily ban the importation of...

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GFM: the sums on the SZÉP card can be used in full until May 31

In order to support the tourism and catering sector and preserve the significant number of jobs they maintain, the government previously decided that the amounts credited on the SZÉP card...

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Tesco sells laundry detergent pods in recyclable cardboard packaging

Tesco is replacing its plastic laundry pod tubs with recyclable cardboard packs in an effort to cut down on plastic waste. The FSC certified box has more than 90% recycled...

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Albert Heijn won’t fly in fruit and vegetables anymore

In line with its pledge made last year, Albert Heijn won’t fly in fresh fruit and vegetables from June 2023 – these will only be transported by sea containers or...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports organic farming

The Ministry of Agriculture treats the preservation of biological diversity and, in this connection, the support of organic farming as a matter of utmost importance. Our future depends on whether...

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SPAR: nearly 60 tonnes less plastic film used per year

SPAR will save minimum 59 tonnes of plastic film every year, by covering some of the goods they deliver to stores with multiuse roll tarp. At the end of December...

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In Germany, the increase in wholesale prices slowed significantly in March

In Germany, the increase in wholesale prices slowed sharply in March, the German statistical office, Destatis, announced on Friday. In March, wholesale prices increased by 2 percent compared to March...

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7-Eleven To Explore The German Market

Convenience chain 7-Eleven is reportedly planning to enter the German market, according to media reports. Master franchisor of the 7-Eleven brand worldwide, 7-Eleven International LLC, which itself is owned by...

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The agriculture ministers of Central European countries are once again taking joint action against Ukrainian imports

The agriculture ministers of the Central European member states suffering from Ukrainian imports discussed the need to limit the duty-free status of Ukrainian agricultural products. There is complete agreement that...

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Danone Expands In Poland With Promedica Acquisition

French foods group Danone has bought Promedica, a Polish company specialising in care services for patients at home, as it expands in the profitable Specialised Nutrition market, a source familiar...

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Gen Z shoppers are less agreeable to the opinions of others

Strategic marketing consultancy Sooth released a number of interesting statistics about Gen Z consumer behavioral drivers obtained by applying AI-driven psychographic models to data sourced from surveys, social conversation and...

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An important deadline is approaching for growers and distributors of grape propagating material

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) draws the attention of those involved in the production and distribution of grape propagating material to the fact that they must declare their...

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Nearly a third of those working at home solve more tasks than in the office

According to one of the largest professional networking social platforms, by the end of the most difficult period of the pandemic, the number of remote work opportunities published by them...

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What happened in the last 15 months?

The online meeting of the Trade Marketing Klub ” First-hand information from market researchers”, traditionally organized in April, dealt with the trends of the consumer goods market. The increase in...

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KSH: the production of food, beverages and tobacco products was 13.6 percent lower than a year earlier

In February of this year, the volume of industrial production was 4.6 percent lower than a year earlier; the index cleaned of the working day effect is the same as...

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The K&H sustainability index increased

K&H’s sustainability index increased by two points to 40 points, K&H announced based on its latest survey. According to the survey, the Hungarian corporate sector is open and sensitive to...

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The focus is on local products

Local products will be the focus of the events of the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Hungarian National Rural Network at the end of April and beginning of May....

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The 10 Million Trees Foundation started its planting program in Zala in April

The 10 Million Trees Foundation started its planting program in April with 2,500 native tree seedlings planted in Bezeréd, Zala county. According to the organization’s announcement sent to MTI, a...

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Annual inflation in the Czech Republic dropped to 15 percent in March, but food and soft drinks continued to rise in price

Annual inflation in the Czech Republic dropped to 15 percent in March from 16.7 percent in February, the Czech Statistical Office announced on Thursday in Prague. Inflation in the Czech...

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Márton Nagy consulted with the heads of the product councils

Today, Minister of Economic Development Márton Nagy received in his office the heads of major product councils representing the producers, processors and traders who produce the most important consumer products...

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It is extremely important to preserve Hungarian values

Our national values define our Hungarian identity at the local and county level and cross national borders to unite Hungarians living abroad with the motherland – said Zsolt V. Németh,...

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