
Start-ups are developing vegan salmon fillet and crab cake

Toronto-based start-up New School Foods is working on developing vegan seafood. With three years of work, they invented cutting-edge technology, utilising target freezing to create structures similar to the muscle...

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Is potato milk the new alternative in the dairy industry?

Swedish brand DUG is using potatoes to reinvent dairy products. The company claims its potato milk is the best alternative in the market, pointing it out that potato is a...

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Soy protein reduces the risk of heart diseases

A recent study claims the special proteins in soybean can reduce the LDL cholesterol level, and they also diminish the risk of metabolic disorders such as arteriosclerosis and fatty liver....

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If the lemons are sour…just use them to make lemonade!

Nielsen data reveal that fruit juice value sales grew by 11.2% in January-November 2022, but volume sales decreased by 6.6%. The like-for-like sales drop was even bigger in the last...

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An overview of the eating habits of Hungarians

Nestlé Hungária has conducted a representative survey on what Hungarians think about healthy eating and what their meat consumption habits are like. It turned out that the majority would never...

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Hungarian-owned retail chains: adjustment period after the 54% inflation

Many of us thought that we would be able to take a breather post pandemic, however, the 54% retail inflation in Hungary has proved us wrong. So, what is fuelling...

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Retailers in the metaverse

Deloitte’s experts have studied what can influence the expansion of retail trade in the metaverse. At the moment there are several factors that hinder the large-scale use of the metaverse,...

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Cleanness in large portions

Sales grew in the cleaning product category in 2022, but this growth was driven by the higher product prices. Also because of the price increase, there has been a small...

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Visa: five payment trends to look out for in 2023

1. We will spend more on travelling: passenger turnover strengthened in 2022, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023. 2. More conscious consumers, more sustainable shopping: in another...

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There will always be buyers for quality pálinka

Károly Gerendai, METRO’s wine expert: “Pálinka is a cult spirit and it isn’t simply a drink that is made in Hungary, but a Hungaricum product. This also means that there...

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EY: the tax office is capable of more and more targeted tax audits

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) is capable of more and more targeted inspections with its automated processes that utilize artificial intelligence and its database supplemented with international sources...

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KSH: The volume of food exports decreased by 7.9 percent, while the volume of imports increased by 5.5 percent

In December, the product foreign trade deficit was 168 million euros, compared to November, the adjusted volume of exports increased by 0.6 percent, while that of imports decreased by 5.0...

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Gergely Gulyás: the international recognition of Hungarian wine must be increased

The international recognition of Hungarian wine needs to be increased, and this will be helped by the upcoming Hungarian Wine Marketing Strategy – explained the minister in charge of the...

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The brandy tasting campaign launched at the airport is the agricultural marketing center

The Agricultural Marketing Center has launched a one -month brandy campaign for foreigners in Hungary. Not only can he taste the Hungaricum at the Heinemann Duty Free Skycourt shop at...

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NAV checks: they will have to watch if they are in the crosshairs

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) has published its audit plan for 2023. This year, the tax authority is paying special attention to electronic commerce, businesses dealing with dietary...

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Food prices rose at an accelerating rate in February in Italy

In Italy, consumer prices rose by 9.2 percent year-on-year in February, after a 10 percent rise in January, the Italian statistics office, Istat, announced on Thursday based on preliminary data....

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Prices don’t hurt Túró Rudi brands

Chilled dairy snack makers were forced to increase prices, owing to the drastic growth in the price of milk. In the light of this, it isn’t surprising that Túró Rudi...

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Affordability, health, sustainability and comfort influence shopper decisions

Everyday life during the cost of living crisis In the middle of the cost of living crisis, the biggest fears of consumers are rising food prices and energy bills. According...

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Gloomy outlook for the maritime transport market

Spot rate indexes vary, but overall indicate that the US container shipping market is trending down again.  Developed countries continue to struggle with the effects of galloping inflation and recession,...

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International food prices have been decreasing for almost a year

The 11th month of global food prices has been on the ground after the decline in February – marginal – experts from the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). The...

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The Hungarian Food Bank Association helped the needy with HUF 10 billion worth of food in 2022

In 2022, a total of 239,000 needy people benefited from the near-expiry or defective products that the Hungarian Food Bank Association collected from stores and manufacturers. In 2022, we increased...

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Where is the line drawn: when do we talk about excessive shopping?

For many of us, the beginning of the year is about renewal, starting over, and getting rid of our bad habits. Yet this is in interesting contrast to the end...

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The new EU proposal would be impossible for chicken and egg production

It would cause serious damage to the European Union, such as the Hungarian, chicken and eating egg producers, if the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) had been implemented in the...

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PepsiCo aims to capture new consumption occasions

Executives at PepsiCo, Inc. are eyeing opportunities to add the company’s snack brands to more meal occasions. “More and more we’re experimenting with how Lay’s can substitute potatoes in many...

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The social significance of Hungarian wine is still overwhelming in the vineyard and wine sector

Last year, better quality wines were added to the Hungarian cellars, said dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary for Food and Commerce Policy, the Ministry of Agriculture, at the 11th Wine...

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Revolut Launches 3% Cashback Service For Customers

Revolut, the global financial app, has launched a new way to shop, whereby customers earn cashback from their favourite retailers. The new service – Shops – lets users search and...

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Waitrose ends partnership with Heston Blumenthal after 12 years

Waitrose is set to end its long-standing partnership with chef, Heston Blumenthal as it takes a ‘new direction’. The Heston from Waitrose range, which has been ongoing for the last...

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Start the new agricultural support website of the Ministry of Agriculture

Within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy Strategy Plan, the Ministry of Agriculture launches a new website for the widespread information of farmers as possible to present the rules...

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Power supply anywhere, anytime – portable power plants have entered the market

The Euronics Technical Store chain is targeting a new market – portable electric power plants can be an excellent addition to our home’s energy supply in addition to the runaway...

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Oils under price pressure

Sunflower oil’s dominance continues in the cooking oil market. Hungary produces enough sunflower seed, so we don’t need to worry about supply problems. Currently there is a HUF 720/litre price...

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