
That is why it is worth giving up smoking

The full results of the research, published in the journal Internal and Emergency Medicine, followed the positive changes shown in the three- and six-month reports. The observed improvements were sustained...

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K&H: prepare for a temporary but significant slowdown in 2023

In the short term, the analyst of K&H’s parent company, KBC, expects a significant slowdown in the world economy. Recession fears are also reflected in companies’ expectations: 9 out of...

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The community marketplace of Brancs is gaining ground with investors

Brancs, Hungary’s first entrepreneurial community marketplace, is launching an investment campaign called “Be a part of the next big launch”. Their goal is to increase the number of conducted campaigns,...

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The Hungarian Food Bank Association is launching a food collection campaign on Friday

The food collection campaign of the Magyar Élélmiszerbank Egyesület will take place from Friday to Sunday in the stores of four retail chains across the country. The Food Bank asks...

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The 7th World Italian Gastronomy Week has begun

The 7th World Italian Gastronomy Week introduces Italian gastronomic traditions from Monday to Sunday through cooking shows, screenings, lectures, master classes and other online and in-person programs. The World Week...

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Food prices are also rising the most in Slovakia

Inflation reached another peak in Slovakia, rising to 14.9 percent in October from 14.2 percent in September. This means that the rate of inflation in our northern neighbor has not...

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Ipsos: moderate interest in Qatar World Cup

Ipsos’ study of the global reception of the upcoming soccer World Cup in 34 countries. The Arab world, Asia, and South America are visibly moved by the event, on the...

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Hungarian companies can apply for the Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year Award for three more weeks

You can still apply for the Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year Award in the categories innovation, responsible business, productivity, mobility, most successful young entrepreneur and rural development, but the main...

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Chaos management is the new normal: participants of the Stretch conference can prepare for next year’s challenges with top managers

While a year ago we thought that nothing could get worse after the pandemic period, the cold shower came quickly: war, energy crisis and rising prices make everyday life even...

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Regenerative farming: much more than a sustainability issue

Exploitative farming practices deplete natural resources, for instance food systems are responsible for more than third of greenhouse gas emissions. One of the solutions to these problems can be farming...

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Briefly about SIAL

In the next issue of Trade magazine we are going to discuss SIAL in length, but for now just a few things while the memories are still fresh. The last...

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For each other and for the Customers! – this was the message of the European Trade Day

The European Trade Day was held for the eighteenth time. The organizer VOSZ wanted to focus on the strategic importance of the situation of the domestic trade sector, as every...

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MOME Open: sustainability, design-based thinking and business development go hand in hand

In terms of sustainability, the competitiveness of (large) companies is supported by the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts (MOME) ‘Business of Saving the World – Designing for impact’ master course, which...

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(HU) Ott voltunk a (játék)szeren (1. rész)

Between 19 and 23 September, the Trade Playground was full: Trade magazine organised its Business Days conference for the 15th time. Almost 900 decision-makers gathered from the HoReCa and FMCG...

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Man in the jungles of existence – fears, adaptation, consumption

On November 10, 2022, the VII. The Marketing and Tourism Institute of the University of Pécs jointly organizes the Interdisciplinary Symposium on Consumption, Man in the Jungles of Being –...

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Italy’s Conad Opens First TuDay Conad Store

Italian supermarket chain Conad has rolled out its new urban format, TuDay Conad, in the city of Pistoia, in Tuscany. The TuDay Conad proximity store, located in Corso Gramsci, features...

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Social media news

The online club meeting of the Trade Marketing Club on November 3 dealt with trends in social media platforms. The relevant experts presented the latest opportunities, expectations and challenges with...

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Recession-proof solutions at the AGÓRA conference

More than 150 trademark users sent their representatives to Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft.’s 8th Agóra conference in Esztergom. Managing director Eszter Benedek welcomed participants and told: they believe that sharing knowledge...

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Food security cannot be sustained without reducing energy prices

In order to curb the increase in food prices due to sanctions and to increase food security, the sanctions policy imposed by Brussels must be changed, energy prices must also...

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Applications for planting grapes can now be submitted

In accordance with the practice of previous years, between November 2 and November 30 this year, it is again possible to submit individual plans to support the restructuring of vineyards....

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Only 10 days until Plant-Powered Perspectives begins!

Hungary’s number one plant-based food industry conference, where plant-based nutrition trends are presented from many different perspectives. The Hungarian food industry and HoReCa sector are facing more and more challenges...

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The third leg of ESG is more important than we think

Among the ESG, i.e. environmental, social and management aspects aimed at sustainable development, the first two receive a lot of attention, while G is often forgotten. Indeed, what sustainability goals...

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Greening reports at leading large companies

According to the KPMG Survey of Sustainability Reporting, sustainability reports supported by reliable data and covering social problems are needed. KPMG first published its KPMG Survey of Sustainability Reporting report...

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The eco-classroom and community space raise environmental education to a new level

Another eco-classroom was built in Hungary. The project, which mobilized more than 100 volunteers, was realized with the support and initiative of DS Smith with the assistance of the Department...

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It would be a shame to throw away cardboard – here are some creative uses

It is no coincidence that corrugated cardboard is one of the most popular packaging materials: it can be used in many ways, it is light, yet strong, so it is...

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The regulation of the extraordinary agricultural interest subsidy program has been published

In accordance with the decision of the Drought Emergency Task Force, an extraordinary agricultural interest subsidy program will be launched to facilitate the financing of working capital for livestock keepers...

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According to MKB and Takarékbank experts, food prices will decrease

Food may become more expensive until the end of the year, and a price increase is expected in the first half of 2023, but it will be smaller than this...

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The customer experience can be improved, solutions against internet fraud are available

The jury was able to evaluate a total of 40 entries: the absolute winner was the Hungarian Gaia, with a solution that can filter out users who come to websites...

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Soon, e-signatures for smartphones will be available for free from vending machines

It will soon be possible to request a qualified electronic signature that can be used as a private person on a smartphone from the “automated machines” in higher education institutions,...

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