
Nébih: puffed rice slices have been recalled from the market by their manufacturer

Recalled from the market by Coop – Good for me! the manufacturer Planta Medicia Kft. of puffed rice slices – the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) informed MTI on...

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(HU) Az internet kitörli az életünkből az intimitást – új FutureTalks podcast

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Szorongás a polikrízis korában – A fogyasztók érzelmi támogatása minden márka és szolgáltatás számára elengedhetetlen feladat

Évek óta erőteljes válságsorozat – polikrízis – határozza meg a mindennapjainkat, amely szerint minden irányból újabb fenyegető veszélyek és uralhatatlannak tűnő kihívások leselkednek ránk. A klímaváltozás, az orosz–ukrán háború, a koronavírus,...

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The Treasures of Regions program also started in Budapest

From now on, the high-quality Hungarian products of domestic small businesses, producers, craft companies, small wineries and breweries have become available not only in the country’s six regions, but also...

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Lidl-sportruházat újrahasznosított műanyaghulladékból

Különleges új sportkollekciót dobott piacra a Lidl, mely nem csak stílusos, de környezetbarát is. Az időszakosan elérhető, Global Recycled Standard (GRS) tanúsított Crivit sportruházatok szálába olyan újrahasznosított műanyaghulladékot építettek be, amit...

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The proportion of companies planning to raise prices in Germany further decreased

In August, fewer German companies planned price increases in the next three months than a month earlier, according to data from a survey published on Tuesday by the German economic...

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A kevesebb nem mindig több

Napjainkban egyes iparágakban a kereslet-visszaesés okozta készletfelhalmozódás és az áruk áramlásának lelassulása figyelhető meg. A szállítmányozási szektort az erre adott reakciók kidolgozása és a lehetséges stratégiai irányok megszabása jellemzi. Kivárás...

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Soybean production must be increased further, the goal of which is also self-sufficiency

Agricultural subsidies for Hungarian farmers are also provided for the period until 2027, so the complete and comprehensive renewal of our agriculture and food industry can continue – stated Sándor...

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Walmart partners with Google parent for drone delivery

The drone technology subsidiary of Google parent Alphabet will support deliveries via drone at select Walmart stores. Walmart, which initially launched drone-based deliveries from three stores in Northwest Arkansas in late...

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The producer price of young bulls did not change, but that of slaughter heifers and cows decreased

In the United States, the bull price was $6.41 (USD) per kilogram of cold cut weight in July 2023, up 32 percent from a year earlier. In Brazil, the price...

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L’Oréal Closes Acquisition Of Luxury Beauty Brand Aesop

Cosmetics giant L’Oréal has announced that it has completed the acquisition of luxury beauty brand, Aesop. Chief executive officer of L’Oréal Groupe, Nicolas Hieronimus, said in a statement, “The Aesop...

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Picnic to become online drugstore in Germany

Online-only supermarket Picnic is expanding its product range with the help of Edeka, a German chain of supermarkets. It is adding drugstore items and wants to become a drugstore in...

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We are raising Kyrgyz-Hungarian agricultural relations to a higher level

We will further strengthen the cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and our country in the field of seed production, crop cultivation and animal husbandry – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy, who...

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Idén húsz új üzletet nyit a Lidl Spanyolországban

A Lidl Spanyolország idén mintegy 230 millió eurót fektet működésébe: megnyit 20 új áruházat, bővíti logisztikai hálózatát, valamint növeli a spanyol termékek beszerzését és exportját. A kiskereskedő megkezdte a barcelonai...

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À la nature

Health consciousness is gradually replacing the indulgence function in the yogurt buying process. Covid intensified the trend of flavoured yogurts losing ground to natural, plain variants. This article is available...

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The digitization competition in the automotive industry is intensifying

The global vehicle industry is going through one of the most difficult periods in its history: although the total value of the industry is around 3 trillion dollars, the energy...

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The start of the school year for 1,600 children was made easier by the school supplies collection campaign of the Maltese Charities and SPAR

This year, the Hungarian Charity Service of Malta and SPAR Hungary’s annual Giving Joy! school supplies collection campaign. By purchasing more than 62,000 school supplies and donation cards worth nearly...

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MTÜ: traffic similar to last year is expected at Lake Balaton in September

More than 425,000 reservations were received for accommodation in the Balaton tourist area for September. More than half of the bookings were registered in the four most popular settlements, Hévíz,...

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LG opened its exhibition stand at the 2023 IFA under the title Sustainable life is joy for everyone

At the 2023 IFA exhibition, LG Electronics (LG) will present its ideas for an environmentally conscious lifestyle in the framework of a sustainable settlement concept (LG Sustainable Village). At its...

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Medicine in grass, wood, functional

Fizikai és mentális egészség, nyugodt alvás, hangulatjavítás, energiapótlás – jólléte biztosításához, egészsége megőrzéséhez a ma embere már nem feltétlenül a gyógyszertárban keresi a segítséget, inkább az élelmiszerüzletek polcain. És még...

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Life, strength, paprika

Have you ever woken up sweating in the middle of the night from your worst nightmare? This is how Hungarian chefs would feel if there were no more paprika. This ingredient...

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Already 31 percent of medium and large companies use artificial intelligence

31 percent of medium-sized and large companies already use artificial intelligence in one of their processes on a regular basis, and another 19 percent on an experimental basis, according to...

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WWF Hungary and K&H cooperate

Today, 75 percent of natural habitats on land have been transformed as a result of human activity, more than 85 percent of freshwater habitats have disappeared, and this alarming balance...

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This year, GOSZ-VSZT is also helping farmers with objective variety test results

The national post-registration trial of winter wheat and winter cabbage rape has come to an end. The organizers published the results of the objective survey in 2023 in summary publications for...

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Fókuszban a fenntarthatóság: fehérjeátállás, állatjólét, kommunikáció, étrend

A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában olvasható. A fehérjeátállás előmozdítása Európában A növényi fehérjék, ezen belül is a hüvelyes növények fogyasztásának növelése minden szempontból fontos törekvés azokban az országokban,...

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Második e-kamionját állította forgalomba az ALDI

Miután a kiskereskedelmi láncok közül 2021-ben elsőként állított napi forgalomba e-kamiont, az ALDI 2023-ban tovább bővítette e-flottáját egy lokális károsanyag-kibocsátás nélküli Scania tehergépkocsival. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában...

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A well-balanced diet can protect against cardiovascular diseases

There really are no superfoods. Although the term is already in the dictionary as “a food that is rich in substances considered beneficial to health (e.g. antioxidants, dietary fibers, unsaturated...

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Rising Caffeine Levels Spark Calls For Ban On Energy Drink Sales To Children

Pediatricians and parents are calling for the US to treat new high-caffeine energy drinks like alcohol and cigarettes and ban their sale to minors as a single serving can contain as much caffeine...

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Animal keepers and veterinarians, attention! Support can be applied for carrying out resistance tests

From January 1, 2023, it became possible to implement resistance tests with financial support. The support applies to sampling, laboratory bacteriological testing and sensitivity testing for food-producing animals of small animal...

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Mercadona Opens New Hub For Online Services

Spanish retailer Mercadona has opened a second hub in Boadilla del Monte in the Community of Madrid to boost online services offered by its existing facility in Getafe. Mercadona has...

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