
41 percent of the affected domestic e-commerce companies expect Christmas traffic to be lower than last year

his year’s temporary drop in real wages and the limited resources available to customers will also have an impact at the end of the year. 41 percent of online stores...

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Road carriers: hundreds of Hungarian businesses have been put at risk because of Ukrainian freight carriers

Due to the appearance of Ukrainian freight forwarders on the EU market, hundreds of Hungarian businesses were “on the brink of ruin”, the secretary general of the Association of Hungarian...

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K&H: the record series continues, 64 percent paid more than once with a smart device

In October, K&H made nearly 5 million payments with their smart devices, which is one and a half times more than a year earlier and represents a new monthly record....

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Applikációval támogatja az élelmiszermentést az Auchan

Az Auchan Magyarország számára ki­emelten fontos az élelmiszermentés, és már tíz éve különböző programokkal lép fel az élelmiszer-pazarlás ellen. A jelenleg bevezetés alatt álló Smartway rendszerük segítségével a kiárusítási folyamatot lehet majd...

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K&H: aratnak az okoseszközös fizetések

Továbbra is nagyon lendületes növekedést mutatnak az okoseszközös fizetések a K&H-nál. Az idei év első 8 hónapjában óránként átlagosan több mint 5500 okoseszközös fizetést bonyolítottak a pénzintézet ügyfelei, ami 67%-os emelkedésnek...

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Ministerial fees and diplomas were handed over on the day of producer communities

In the 25th anniversary year of the launch of the News Program, 5 products of 3 applicants won the right to use the news, and the number of trademark products...

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Gyorsan változó trendek

Október 12-én az NIQ (korábban Nielsen) irodájában rendezték meg a POPAI Magyarország Egyesület soron következő találkozóját „Very Fast Mov­ing Trends” (Nagyon gyorsan változó trendek) témában. Az esemény házigazdája Bacskai Júlia, az NIQ MarComm specialistája volt, aki...

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The requirements for prescribing antibiotics for food-producing animals are tight

The Nebih draws the attention of veterinarians treating food-producing animals that, under the relevant decree*, from 1 January 2024, an antibiotic for food-producing animals can only be prescribed by a...

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Three were given the title of the Nation’s Farmer

Those who have received more of talent, perseverance, perseverance have more responsibility and duty. Anyone who can do more than their own and their immediate environment can give an example...

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Danone sells Michel et Augustin biscuit brand to Ferrero

Danone is in exclusive talks with Italian confectionery group Ferrero about selling its French biscuit brand Michel et Augustin, which no longer fits into the French dairy company’s strategy. Danone...

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Campari Partners With China’s Wuliangye

Italian spirits company Campari has formed a strategic partnership with Chinese liquor producer Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group to jointly boost presence in the Chinese and global spirits markets. The two...

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Producer cooperation is also required in horseradish production

At European level, domestic horseradish production is outstanding, the amount of which is 10-12 thousand tonnes per year. Hungarian Torma is of high quality, and farmers can continue to count on...

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Avoiding returns a top priority in DACH

Preventing returns is a significant focus for online retailers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. On average, a return costs them between 5 and 10 euros, with some exceeding this range....

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Inaugurated Nébih’s new animal house and high security research laboratory

Dr. Márton Nobilis, Secretary of State for Food and Trade Policy, and Dr. Imre Nemes, President of Nébih, inaugurated one of Hungary’s largest animals and a high-security (BSL-3) research laboratory...

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The latest campaign for Újház was carried out by Republic

From the end of October to the middle of December, we were able to see the online, TV non-spot and outdoor appearances of the campaign called “Az Újház tudja” (The...

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Brands in the ring

On Thursday afternoon Gábor Tolnai, head of marketing insight division at Kantar Hoffmann, gave a presentation titled “Brand Footprint 2023 – The best FMCG brands in the world and in...

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Around the world in 30 minutes – the horizon through NIQ binoculars

It has been a turbulent year – this is how Erik Vágyi, managing director of NIQ began his presentation on the fourth day of the Business Days. This article is...

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First Marketing Trendbook published!

What is the Marketing Trendbook? A compass for business and social value creation. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 Marketing Trendbook 2023-24 features the thoughts of...

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NRF lays down principles for AI use in retail

As retailers are adopting more AI tools, in the US the National Retail Federation’s centre for digital risk and innovation has formulated and published a set of principles, entitled “Principles...

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MBH Bank: Despite the low prices, the outlook for the Hungarian food industry has become more favorable

After the strengthening experienced in the first half of 2023, the prospects for the Hungarian food industry improved further in the third quarter, according to the MBH AgrarTrend Index, a...

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The Hungarians pile up the gifts

Fewer and fewer people are leaving the purchase of gifts to the last minute, and in addition to classic gifts, pets are still one of the most popular surprises, according...

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KPMG: Achieving net zero emissions by 2050 is at risk

KPMG published the Net Zero Readiness Index in 2021,1 a few weeks before the COP26 UN climate change conference in Glasgow. The event resulted in 153 countries putting forward new emissions...

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Nationwide return system for drinks packaging is ready to launch

Soon a nationwide return scheme for single-use beverage containers will be launched, and is expected to result in the return of approximately 3 billion cans, PET and glass bottles per...

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ICCO World PR report: first in ESG and MI

The most investments are expected in the field of ESG in 2024, and the acquisition of artificial intelligence skills is considered the most important thing for the future by the...

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Although nearly 60 percent of Hungarians help the needy with donations, the rate of regular donations is still low

About 58 percent of Hungarians donate, 66 percent of them donate money and 34 percent help the needy with in-kind donations, according to research commissioned by the Hungarian Red Cross,...

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Bence Tuzson: consumer protection can be one of the priority areas of the Hungarian EU presidency

Consumer protection is one of the most significant challenges for Europe, so it can be one of the priority areas during the Hungarian EU presidency as well – the Minister...

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First “Flexi Forum” organised

According to a national survey by Danone and market research agency NMS, Generation Z is the most open to substituting dairy and meat products with plant-based alternatives and to considering...

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The horticulture sector received almost HUF 200 billion in support

The government has supported nearly seven thousand horticultural investments with around HUF 185 billion in recent years, which, in addition to helping farmers, has created a huge opportunity to reduce...

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The charity campaign of MBH Bank and Mastercard invites bank card customers to make a joint donation

MBH Bank and Mastercard launched a joint donation program involving customers to support the Ecumenical Aid Organization. During the charity campaign, the amount donated to the aid organization by MBH...

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A várakozások fölött a Magyar Termék védjegyet használók éves árbevétele

Az utóbbi időszak gazdasági fejleményei hatására a korábbiaknál is magasabb szintet ért el a hazai fogyasztók árérzékenysége. Ennek következtében a vásárlók egyre megfontoltabban és tudatosabban választanak, aminek köszönhetően keresettebbé váltak...

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