
Less households buying private labels

According to data from the ConsumerScan of Gfk Hungária, beer consumption rose last year both in terms of value and quantity. Sales were up by 5,6 per cent in terms...

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What really matters is inside

When we see that the interior of a supermarket that we regularly visit has been completely redesigned, we usually feel that it takes us longer to find the products we...

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Top categories: plus and minus

Nielsen monitors the sales of 90 food categories. The graph shows the changes which took place in the February 2007-January 2008 period. All categories produced expansion of between 3-17 per...

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Drugstores holding largest market share in body lotions

Hand and body lotions are expanding categories with sales showing an increase of 10 per cent in terms of value and 8 per cent in terms of quantity last year....

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Food still fuelling inflation

In February 2008, average consumer prices were 1.1 per cent up compared to January and 6.9 per cent higher than in the same month of 2007. Food prices were up...

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Faktoring ABC – about factoring in simple terms

We hear about factoring every day, but relatively few businesses actually use this financial service. Probably, not many people are familiar with the advantages of factoring. We have asked Andrea...

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Hydration is no longer enough

Five major brands (Garnier, Nivea, Dove, Johnson & Johnsons and Baba) control 70 per cent of the hand and body lotion market. The category showed growth both in terms of...

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Barbecue season to start early

The Agricultural Business Research Institute (AKI) monitors trends in the world markets of meat and poultry. Data from the Market and Price Information System of KSH and AKI can be...

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FMCG retail chains ranking

21,340 general food stores operated in Hungary at the end of 2007, whereas the same number was 21,959 in 2006. According to Mrs. Szalóky Judit Tóth, director of Nielsen, this...

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More effective compact washing powders more expensive

Washing powder is the largest among the 60 categories of chemical products monitored by Nielsen. Sales increased by 10 per cent in terms of value last year, reaching HUF 37...

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Improving expectations

The business expectation index of GKI showed some improvement in February. While entrepreneurial expectations show a definite improvement, consumer expectations show stagnation. All sectors of the economy show more optimism...

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Measuring trade marketing?

Trade marketing my love – was the title of the conference held by the Trade Marketing Klub on Valentine’s day. Participants of the first event organised jointly by TMK and...

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Market of washing powder shrinking – fortunately this time

While sales of washing powder in terms of quantity are shrinking in Hungary at a slower pace than expected, sales show dynamic growth in terms of value and exceeded HUF...

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Chains of small stores suffering biggest loss 2007

According to the Retail Analysis 2007 study by GfK Hungária, discount stores and hyper markets improved their respective market positions, while the FMCG sector slipped into relative recession last year....

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The inquisitive eyes of MARI

Thanks to Martin Kingdom, head of English POPAI, his MARI (Marketing at-Retail Initiative) can give us an accurate picture of the effectiveness of our POS activities. It has been an...

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Trapped colours

Spotless colour trap tissues help to prevent different colour clothes leaving stains on others during washing. They have been present in the Hungarian market under the brand name Grey since...

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CIES: business objectives and responsibility

According to a survey conducted for CIES, manufacturers and retailers agree: leading enterprises in the food sector are able to view issues from a far wider than purely business perspective....

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To see and to be seen – in stores as well

According to the Shopping Monitor survey of Gfk Hungária, highly visible price discounts are the most effective means of getting customers to buy things they had not originally intended to...

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Exceptional advertising for softeners

Fabric softener is the sixth largest among the 60 categories of chemical products monitored by Nielsen. Total annual sales amount to almost HUF 13 billion. Sales increased by 6 per...

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European champions in promotions

Supermarkets account for half of total FMCG sales in The Netherlands, while both the market share and turnover of hard discount stores is shrinking. The food retail business is highly...

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Hard time for private labels in the market of chewing gum

Retail sales of chewing gum show dynamic expansion. Sales were up by 28 per cent last year, compared to 2006, with total sale exceeding HUF 14 billion. Adult products account...

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Fabric softeners with exotic fragrances and attractive packaging

The market of fabric softeners is expanding dynamically in Hungary. There has been a shift in consumption towards concentrates and manufacturers are reducing the assortments of normal softeners. – Expansion...

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Visiting neighbours

The Slovakian economy has certainly caught up with us. However, they are producing 8 per cent growth, while we are producing stagnation. We can see significant differences in their retail...

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Chewing gum brands in zones

Chewing gum is a category where spectacular growth is not the result of the expansion of private labels, but of innovation. Sales of chewing gum increased by over a quarter...

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Instore Audit: a review of store space

Excellent plans are worked out for instore sales promotion and BTL communication. However, the question is: how are these implemented in everyday life? Data from Nielsen Instore Audit shows that...

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Steve Martin and Gary Colleran: Sold!

How can we make it easier for our customers to buy from us? In my opinion, Steve Martin and Gary Colleran have found the answer in their book. Steve and...

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Trident ready to take off

The utmost secrecy surrounded the latest product launch by Cadbury in Hungary, which took place on 11. March. Jose Bonito, regional director of Cadbury, descended from the sky commando style,...

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Inspiration for shopping in tomorrow’s stores

Over 1,900 exhibitors from 90 countries attended this year’s renewed EuroShop event. Both the number of exhibitors and visitors to the event broke all time records. Visitors were able to...

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Notes to a book review

Not even marketing, or trade marketing tools or loyalty programs can guarantee a competitive advantage in the long run. Sales personnel are still the key figures in sales. Most companies...

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Slowly improve of the internal and external balances of Hungary

By the end of the year the economy will be out of the slump it slipped into last year. Inflation, however, will start to decline more substantially only around the...

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