
New tasting house promotes the pálinka of Gyula

The new tasting house of the Gyulai Pálinka Manufaktúra was handed over, which will promote Hungarian gastronomy and will show the details of the producing of the Hungarian pálinka, in...

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U.S. retail performance is better-than-expected

U.S. retail performance was not so bad in March as it was expected. The rising fuel prices not yet decreased the buying mood of people. The Thomson Reuters’ analysts consensus...

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Hungary’s watermelon producing area should be doubled

Over the past ten years, the watermelon producing area never had been so small, as this year. Since the EU accession, seven years ago, the watermelon producing area decreased by...

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Eighteen companies from Csongrád County had been added to the positive list

So far, 18 companies from Csongrád County entered into the recently created positive list of Consumer Protection Authority. The representatives of corporate and individual businesses took over the documentary evidence...

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Retro-feeling: Geszti Eszti, Kislángos and Baba

All evidence indicates, that the retro-business is unstoppable rumbling Hungary. According to the most recent news; the Príma Maroni Kft. bought the trademark of Geszti Eszti, which was the nostalgic...

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Cash alternative payment solutions at Sziget

Vodafone Hungary continues its co-operation with Sziget Festival as a main sponsor this year. Vodafone is going to focus on mobile internet solutions at this year's Sziget, thus for the...

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Startmobil: smartphone, as we see it now

Nearly a quarter of adult internet users keep a smartphone in their pockets – Róbert Pintér's lecture informed us at the Startmobil 2011 conference. The expert got into details about...

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Reduction in global food prices

After eight months of continuous increase, global food prices fell slightly in March – announced UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, the FAO on Thursday. The FAO price index – which...

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The Association of Confectionery Manufacturers are optimistic before Easter

This year the consumption decline is expected to be halt in the Easter confectionary markets and according to the general trend, there will be a 3-4 percent growth in this...

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Industrial production is on double-digit on an annual level

On monthly basis, and with seasonally and working day effect adjusted the volume of industrial production in Hungary, increased by 0.9 percent in February – reports the Central Statistical Office...

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Horseradish fever in the Hajdúság

Horseradish fever broke out in the Hajdúság. The price of horseradish has rached unrealistical highs. The reason of the high prices is that Polish merchants bought almost the whole export....

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Humusz Alliance: The Hungarian biobags do not decompose down naturally

The biobags marketed in Hungary are based on trickery, almost without exception: in addition to the usual plastics, they contain different catalyst materials, that cause the plastic chains quickly fall...

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Summer in winter – the English way

Summer in winter – this could be the slogan, meaning that the English know how to create a positive mood for potential shoppers – in London Christmas trees and African...

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Employees use social media mainly to present themselves personally

In most countries more than 50% of the employees have a social media profile according to findings covered in the latest Randstad Workmonitor. Countries where usage of social media is...

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GFK: Consolidation process in the retail sphere began

Following the worst downfall of the crisis of 2009, a rather slow process of consolidation began last year in the retail sphere of Hungary – GFK's new survey revealed today....

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The Hungarian Association of Shopping Centers opposes the restriction of Sunday opening hours

Thirty-five thousand people is adversely affected (due to the layoffs or declining revenues), also the state will receive less revenue: limiting the Sunday opening hours is not actual in the...

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Europeum shopping center soon to be opened

The Europeum shopping center opens in Budapest on the 14th of April. Ninety percent of the three-storey commercial facility has already been leased – said Vincze Anna, director of the...

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Pessimism in the SME sector

Hungarian firms became more pessimistic, compared with the previous years. The SME index of Policy Agenda and Ipsos stood on 50.2 percent in this March. It is the lowest data...

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Chocolate prices may increase despite the ciwil war has ended

According to experts, the world price of cocoa beans can decrease by 12 percent in the next few days after yesterday the fights have ended in Ivory Coast, so cocoa...

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The EU plans to introduce more stringent emission limits for Japanese food imports

The European Union plans to introduce more stringent emission limits for Japanese food imports and Japanese animal feed imports as the “low prevalence” water is returned to the sea at...

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Information Point in the service of the New Széchenyi Plan

A New Széchenyi Plan Information Point opens in these days at the Regional Enterprise Foundation of a Székesfehérvár (RVA). At the information point, one can get free advices in connection...

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Four members already leaving the wine-marketing comittee

Four members of the newly resurrected winemarketing association need to leave because of decision made by Sándor Fazekas Minister of Rural Development – pointed out. THe four members are...

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One quarter of supermarket shoppers buy organic food products

Bioculture Association, with support from the Agricultural Marketing Centre, conducted a survey at two Budapest organic product marketplaces and in a downtown supermarket about shopping habits concerning organic products. The...

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GKI: Three economic policy challenges

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., in 2011 the government was finally forced to do what it wanted to avoid, and to implement a program envisaging some...

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Hungarian wines will be served during the Polish EU presidency

Hungarian wines will be served during the Polish EU presidency, that will last in the second half of 2011 – announced the Ministry of Rural Development (VM). To compile the...

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Hungarian meat industry is in nadir

In recent months, discussions have taken place continuously, because of the dramatically increasing feed prices. The association of pig farmers turned to the ministry, pushing for government intervention as soon...

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Four Hungarian wines received gold medals at the Monde Selection

Thirteen Hungarian wines received medals, including four gold at this year’s Monde Selection International Wine Competition. Among the domestic wine makers, the Szekszárdi wines competed the best. According to the...

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Poultry Product Council: Need a day of poultry meat!

The Poultry Product Council (BTT) proposes  the International Poultry Council (IPC) the introduction of poultry world day at the meeting of the organisation that will be held from the 6th...

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The change of waste management rules may result in rising food prices

The change of waste management rules may lead an up to a 10 percent food price increase. The waste management law, still under construction increases the product fee obligation of...

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ProWein 2011: Top Position Impressively Confirmed

Many contacts, good business deals and an intense exchange of information and ideas: the mood at the international leading fair for wines and spirits was excellent. From 27 to 29...

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