
Brand value can mean a considerable portion of the purchase price of the company

Predictable taxes, measurable efficiency, up to an additional multiple access in case of acquisition, or significantly improved financial and investment opportunities. These are some important advantages, which in any case...

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Media Council develops a recommendation for product placements

The new media law legalized product placement as a commercial communication. Since the beginning of the year, advertised products can legally appear in the programmes. The Media Council decided to...

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Anuga 2011: Large number of registrations – from Germany and abroad

All the signals are pointing to success for the coming Anuga, which will take place from 8th to 12th October 2011 in Cologne. All ten of the event's trade shows...

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Careful consumption dampens retail price increase

The price increase of agricultural raw materials increased retail prices. According to the datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH); the average consumer price of foods incresed by 8.6 percent,...

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The Meat Association expects a 15-20 percent price increase

Meat prices may reach their peak by the end of the year. Specialists expect 15-20 percent price increase. According to the president of the Meat Association; a kilogram of live...

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We can not avoid the increase in egg prices

Prices may increase dramatically not only because of the upcoming Easter. Due to a European Union regulation domestic producers still need to make investment of 40 billion this year.As the...

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More and more card readers

Despite the adverse economic environment, the number of POS terminals significantly increased in commercial units in Hungary. According to the datas of the central bank, at the end of the...

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Euro zone’s industry incresed by 7.3 percent on an annual basis

Euro zone’s industrial production increased less than expected in February, while in Germany continued to grow, and in other member countries turned into increase, but in Greece and Ireland declined...

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The agricultural strategy for the next ten years has been completed

The debate linked to the ten-year plan of rural development has begun – the Ministry of Rural Development announced. The aim of the strategy, among other things, is to keep...

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New EU-rule: no wine-delivery documents needed

Within the framework of the new legistal norms of the EU, winegrowers face several new rules to make their life easier when it comes to administration. There are certain new...

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Leading wineries and the industry's major importers to gather at Intervin 2012

In 2012, Intervin will beat its own record for international participation with numbers not seen prior to this edition. More than 1,000 wineries from around the world will present the...

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More than 800 nominations at the ompetition of Hungarian Spirits

'We are more than happy to announce that more than 800 spirits are nominated for the competition of the 12th International Kisüsti Spirits Festival this year. The jury began to...

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Meat consumption has been declining for years

It is necessary to admit: 2010 was not a succesful year for the meat industry, according to Tamás Éder, head of the Hungarian Meat Industry Association (MHSz) who summarized the...

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Increae of food prices led to an inflation

In March 2011 consumer prices increased by 1.1% compared to the previous month and rose by 4.5% compared to March 2010. In the first three months of 2011 the average...

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More and more potatoes need to be imported

Hungary does not have a sufficient number of potatoes at the moment: according to the president of the Potato Product Council, the country needs to import a significant amount of...

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Always check the pricetag of Easter-ham

The most important thing to look at when purchasing Easter-ham should be the price-tag – FÉBÉSZ (Customers' Rights Association) warned customers this season In the heat of the Easter ham-business,...

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Payvment launches Facebook Shopping Mall

Popular Facebook e-commerce platform Payvment announced the launch of its latest endeavor: the first-ever Facebook Shopping Mall. The new project is marvelously simple: like any other mall, the Payvment Shopping...

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German investor-expectations getting worse

he ZEW German investor-expectations index declined more sharply than forecast in April to 7.6 from 14.1 in March, the Mannheim-based Center for European Economic Research, or ZEW, reported Tuesday. Economists...

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Food Avalanche is on again to help those in need

The winners of the famous Food Avalanche have been announced: this year, families in need coming from fourteen villages receive agriculture-related products which enables them to grow their own vegetables...

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Coface: risky companies already closed

The percentage of the Hungarian companies classified as risky is still above the regional average, but the latest figures from Coface Hungary show an improvement, with the figure falling to...

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KSH: The producer price level of agricultural products increased by almost half

The level of agricultural output prices in February 2011 was 47.5 percent higher than a year ago – reports the Central Statistical Office. The price level of plant products increased...

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OECD: Hungary’s growth may continue to accelerate

Hungary’s growth may accelerate further, the France expansion can also be started, while the UK continues to be slow, but still on a stable expansion path – shows the February...

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Sunday opening hours: the government will not decide without impact studies

The government needs impact studies to decide over the Sunday opening hours of the retail scetor – said Nagy Anna government spokesperson on Sunday, in response to the questions of...

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MNB: local currency is risky

It is easier to forge, it is not clear what will be happen with the forints given in exchange and does not support the local economy either – states the...

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Ipsos: the most popular leisure activity for young people is hanging at the mall

Ipsos carried out a nationwide research, with a participation of 500 youngsters between age 15-25. The personal survey took place in the first quarter of 2011 covered three areas: music...

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Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa received more than 30,000 professional visitors

Alimentaria & Horexpo Lisboa, held 27–30 March at Feira Internacional de Lisboa (FIL), brought together for the first time the entire food distribution, restaurant and hotel industry equipment, and technology...

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A designed platform to tap into the Chinese mainland market for ASEAN exhibitors

HKTDC Hong Kong Houseware Fair is the largest in Asia, attracting thousands of international exhibitors and buyers. Particularly, Chinese mainland ranks the top visiting countries for many years, bought over...

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Dachser opensd new branch office and takes part in transport logistics 2011

Dachser, the internationally operating logistics provider, wants to continue to grow in Germany as well. With a new branch office in Dresden, the Dachser Air & Sea Logistics business field...

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WTO: This year world trade can increase by six and a half percent

World trade this year will increase by 6.5 percent – predicts the World Trade Organization (WTO) in its report published in Geneva. This value, however, is smaller than the 14.5...

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Diabetic products from KKT

Fekete and Bákonyi KKT was established seven years ago as a family enterprise. They produce diabetic products, especially wafers but they also distribute liquid sweeteners. Their products can be consumed...

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