
Gyula will be the capital of spirits in April

The 12th International Kisüsti Spirits Festival, exhibition and fair will happen again between 15th and 17th April 2011. The traditional event located in the castle of Gyula attracts more than...

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SIAL China is about the world's second largest economy

China has officially surpassed Japan as the world’s second largest economy. The nation is also standing at second for Food & Beverage market consumption. SIAL predicts that China’s F&B market...

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VHT is still against the protest of pigfarmers

The Livestock and Meat Association and Productcouncil (VHT) does not wish to bring trade political questions to the street, so they are not going to take part in the protest...

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The price increases of flour and bread have not ended yet

(HU) The price increases of flour and bread have not ended yet...

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What is an ideal shopping mall like?

The joint background conversations of Futureal, Jones Lang LaSalle and GfK Custom Research were about the general market trends, the most important macroeconomic statistics and the constantly changing needs towards...

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UK food retailers are looking for cheap Eastern European labor forces

English chains are recruiting foreign workers. Tesco is looking for new employees in Slovakia and in Poland, for example. In Hungary the recruitement of cooks became also popular. A few...

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Tender money to support the regional wine houses

The Magyar Borok Háza Alapítvány(MBHA) (Foundation of Hungarian Wines) wrote out a 2.5 million HUF application to support the operation of the regional wine houses and, wine shops. The competition...

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Chocolate bar buyers pay attention to quality

Economic recession left its mark on the market of chocolate bars too, but to a lesser extent than in the countline chocolate or praline categories. “One of the main reasons...

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Despite the 4 percent inflation we can find products that are getting cheaper

In the first two months, prices were higher with an average of 4.0 percent, compared to the same period of last year – shows the analysis of the Central Statistical...

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Mangalica Pig may become a Hungarikum

The aim of the breeders is that the high-quality Mangalica Pig, that has a centuries of tradition to be included among the Hungarikums – said Tóth Péter, President of the...

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Brussels provides 46 million euros to the Hungarian dairy producers

The regulation over the special dairy support has been published. The regulation entered into force on the 28th of  March. As the treatment of the specific disadvantages for of dairy...

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Attracting customers with electronic devices and science information within stores

Within the compass of the Szintézis-ITAB Retail Forum on 23rd and 24th March 2011, the company introduced their latest innovations for those involved in the FMCG-scene. The major focus of...

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Hungarian-Slovak agreement in order to the cooperation of the national rural networks

V. Németh Zsolt, State Secretary of the Hungarian Rural Development Ministry and Csicsai Gábor, State Secretary of the Slovakian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, signed an agreement establishing a...

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France would put the global food market on new basics

France aims to repel speculation in food prices. While the European Commission not even mentioned speculation in its late January report as the reason of of food price fluctuations, France...

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China: sophisticated demand, dramatic supply

More than 1,000 businessmen from 420 companies, government officials and economists participated in the first Nielsen China Forum in Shanghai. Mitch Barns, the president of Nielsen’s China affiliate told at...

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The final run-up to the interpack 2011 has begun

Preparations for interpack 2011, which is taking place from 12 to 18 May, are now moving into the final busy stages. The prospects for the world’s most important trade fair...

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In most EU countries, the VAT rate of basic foodstuffs is lower than in Hungary

As previously been reported in Hungary, many sectors are lobbying to ensure to be in the scope of the 5 or 18 percent reduced VAT rate, however, very few succeed...

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Are the less well-off really poor?

Join us in a myth hunt! Each month Trade magazin and GfK Hungária Market Research Institute examine a statement popular in the field of retail, to decide whether it stands...

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Confectioners gathering in Cegléd

Confectioner students and confectioner experts will held a consultative meeting on Friday and Saturday in Cegléd, over the present and future of the Hungarian confectionery profession. Linked to the conference,...

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After three-quarters of strengthening business sentiment in Germany declined slightly

The business confidence index of the Munich-based Ifo Institute for Economic Research declined to 111.1 points in March, from the former 111.2 points of February, but it's better than the...

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France would coordinate the control of Japanese food

France urged the European Commission to introduce a coordinated monitoring system in connection with the imported Japanese fresh products. So far, eight countries prohibit the imports of food from Japan....

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It is worthy to open sub-account for Internet shopping

According to the recent survey of the National Consumer Protection Authority, 60 percent of the respondents have already paid online by credit card, a bad experience occurred at just one...

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Number of traditional small stores decreased, but they still catch 27 percent of all food sales

The number of general grocery stores decreased by 2 percent, which means a total of 332 stores last year, compared to the previous year. Thus, there were 19 669 stores...

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Egg prices may significantly increase for Easter

In Tolna county markets, farmers sell eggs for 28 to 32 HUF. According to a fellow worker of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture, before Easter, significant price increases are experienced,...

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The indication of discounted prices is problematic

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) investigated the Christmas promotional activities of twenty-seven chain of stores, as well as general trading coditions. Controls were carried out in a total of...

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Mobile phones may replace credit cards

The NFC-based payment has the potential to help the purchases: the credit card of the future is the mobile phone. According to James Anderson, CEO of MasterCard; during the following...

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Fruits and vegetables are the most sought for among organic food products

In Europe’s leading ‘organic countries’ the consumption of organic products grew by 20-30 percent in the last couple of years – with the exception of 2010 when consumption significantly fell....

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Cosmetic Industry delighted with BEAUTY INTERNATIONAL DÜSSELDORF

Exhibitors and visitors to BEAUTY INTERNATIONAL DÜSSELDORF closing on Sunday were once again delighted by this leading fair for professional cosmetics. Over 100 specialist events on the four focal points...

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VHT – do not protest, but they want a controlled VAT-reduction

The Livestock and Meat Association and Productcouncil (VHT) does not agree with the protest planned for 30th March in Kossuth tér, Budapest, which is organized by the Association of Hungarian...

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The retail trade turnover repeated the performance of last year's January

This January, the turnover volume of retail stores – on the basis of the calendar-adjusted data – was similar to the January of the previous year. According to the seasonally...

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