
Further drop in agricultural production prices

In July 2014 production prices reduced by 5.1 percent in agriculture if compared with July 2013. The price of vegetable products was down 8.4 percent but the price of livestock...

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Autumn arrived in tobacco retail too

The summer months weren’t bad at all in tobacco retail if we look at value sales. Although partners’ sales data suggest a 2-3 percent drop in August, HUF 45-50...

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Opinion Leaders in focus – letting average consumers go

According to Everett Rogers, the originator of the diffusion of innovations theory, adopters of any new innovation or idea can be categorised as innovators (2.5 percent), early adopters (13.5 percent),...

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Magyar Nemzeti Kereskedőház Zrt. enters the market of eating apples and apple concentrates

The Magyar Nemzeti Kereskedőház Zrt. (Hungarian National Trading House)was established in 2013 with the goal to coordinate the domestic export activities – mainly in the small and medium enterprise sector,...

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Tokaj Kereskedőház Zrt. increases the tariff for the quality of the grape

The Tokaj Kereskedőház Zrt. intends to encourage the producers to sort and deliver good quality grapes with a 50-60 HUF prices increase. The wet weather of the recent months at...

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Whisk(e)ys on top

The International Wines and Spirits Record (IWSR) has ranked the world's best distillates again. The Jack Daniel's finished tied for first place. The American whiskey came forward from last year's...

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Throw less food into the trash!

A lot accumulated surplus food ends in the trasher all around the world, including Hungary. The millions of tons of high-quality food could reduce the number of hungry people. In...

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An EXIM representation was opened in Nagykanizsa

EXIM’s West Transdanubian representation, supervised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade was opened in Nagykanizsa. In accordance with the Hungarian government’s export promotion strategy, the goal is...

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Hungarian SMEs in talks about business opportunities in Kazakhstan

About 60 Hungarian businesses participated in the Kazakh-Hungarian businessmen’s forum organised by Hungarian National Trading House Zrt. (MNKH). A 17-person delegation came from South Kazakhstan looking for business partners in...

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Corporate trust is on pre-crisis level again

The confidence of the world’s corporate leaders is on pre-crisis again: 40 percent of the companies are planning acquisitions and the value of corporate acquisitions and sales (M&A) can reach...

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Hungarians do not like to pay with card abroad

In the first half of this year, Hungarian visitors used their banking cards abroad only 5.57 million times in the, which is almost a fifth less than in 2013 –...

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The Future of Our Region program was launched in Kaposvár

The Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 aims to implement a new rural development policy. The central elements of the programme is to stop the rural exodus, to create conditions that are...

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MNB: more than 400 billions of contracting in the second phase of the loan growth program

The credit institutions that are participating in the second phase of the loan growth program concluded contracts with enterprises in an amount of 402.7 billion HUF. According to the datas,...

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Cofidis: Hungary performs better

The customers are the most satisfied with the Cofidis services in Hungary – according to the company's international prospecting carried out on more than 11,000 respondents. The respondents said that...

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The price of milling wheat increased in September, but it was cheaper than the average price of corn

The Magro Grain Index (MGX), decreased by 2 percent in September, compared to the previous month standing on 9978.4 points on the agricultural marketplace. Although the price of milling...

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Egg Industry participants and researchers are working together to increase the safety of eggs

Ten companies in seven European countries cooperating in the scope of a three-year EU-supported project called OVOSHINE. The goal is to develop innovative technologies in the egg sector. As the...

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Apple Product Board: no steps were made nothing to alleviate the apple crisis

According to the North-East Hungarian Apples and Other Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (ÉKASZ), despite the numerous proposals and visions no meaningful concrete actions were made to alleviate the...

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The cherry cluster of Újfehértó is fifty years old

The cherry cluster was bred out the first time fifty years ago, which recaeived the protection of geographical indications of the European Union in February this year – was said...

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The Wine of Budapest to be selected this year as well

The Wine of Budapest to be selected this year as well: 95 samples were sent to the wine competition. The red and the white wines will be judged on Wednesday...

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The quality product awards of Hajdú-Bihar county were handed over

The quality product awards of Hajdú-Bihar county were handed over to 22 applicants candidates, four of them received a honorable award- said the President of the Hajdú-Bihar county Assembly announced...

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Flour industry: between two millstones

It was with the privatisation wave of 1992 that the Hungarian milling industry’s concentration process started and it has been going on ever since. The process later speeded up though,...

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Seventy healthy commitments of twenty food manufacturers

As the result of six months of preparatory work, twenty domestic organizations and food manufacturers joined to the healthy eating campaign of the National Food Processors Association (ÉFOSZ) by taking...

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The Hungarian agriculture is strong – according to the Agricultural Research Institute

The Hungarian agriculture is “in good shape” which is also indicated by the fact that the industry players Have about 500 billion HUF bank deposits and the state of the...

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The Hungarian eggs to be crowned

The Egg Producers Association began to implement its old plan. In order to protect the Hungarian egg producers they intended to promote the importance of guaranteed quality controlled, six years...

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Tanyasi csirke: unhurried growth, free-breeding, natural feed

The Tanyasi csirke (Farm Chicken) is the organic chicken of the Kisvárda-based Master Good for more than a decade. The Tanyasi csirke (Farm Chicken) is the highest quality chicken that...

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Pogácsás: social cooperatives are doing a value creating work

Those local government organized social cooperatives are making value creating work of the, which are expected to be an independent operators in the coming years and their products can appear...

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Macy’s takes college students shopping by bus

As part of Macy’s back to school campaign the US retailer is shuttling college student to its stores. The college crowd is estimated to be spending USD 913 million on...

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The Nébih examines tropical fruits

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) examines the quality of tropical fruits, mainly citruses (tangerine, orange, grapefruit), avocados and exotic fruits (mango, pineapple) – the authority told MTI on...

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Stalling world economy

The recovery in the world’s leading economies is stalling and too reliant on the US, according to the Tracking Indices for the Global Economic Recovery, the Brookings Institution-Financial Times index...

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Plant diseases hit the brassicas this year

The domestic brassica growers have to face face new challenges this year. The extremely wet weather resulted plant diseases in the orchards, on the other hand due to the Russian...

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