
Rules on food labeling to be stricter from Saturday

The food labeling requirements will be strcter from Saturday stricter. The Regulation will enter into force on 12 December 2014. According to the regulation, the mandatory informations – such as...

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KSH: consumer prices fell by 0.7 percent in November

Consumer prices were on average 0.7 percent lower in Novembe than a year before, while compared to October fell by 0.4 percent – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) told. Compared...

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Paper consumption can increase by 15 percent In December

In the last month of the year, the average monthly 7.8 kilogrammes per capita paper consumption can increase by 10-15 percent to 9 kilogrammes, due to the intense holiday shopping...

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Twelve companies and institutions to help the agri farmers in the Contivo program

So far, more than 60 farmers joined to the Contivo ™ professional program initiated by Syngenta. These 60 farmers are working on almost 40 thousand hectares was said at a...

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NGM: the businesses will be given more time to get to know the online product tracking system

The government supports the extension of the penalty-free period util 31 January by considering the proposals of the Road Freight Electronic Control System Working Group – the Ministry of National...

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FAO: the global grain harvest will break records this year

The world’s cereal production in 2014 reaches 2.532 billion tonnes, which is 0.3 percent higher than in 2013 – according tothe report of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the...

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Next year the support of animal welfare in the poultry sector will be 11 billion HUF

Next year the support of animal welfare in the poultry sector will be 11 billion HUF, 3 billion HUF more than the original frame – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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MLSZKSZ: Making the EKAER more effective would generate several 100 billion HUF more tax revenues.

On the basis of the initiative of the Hungarian Logistics Service Centers (MLSZKSZ), the Logistics Reconciliation Forum (LEF) compressing the entire Hungarian logistics profession has submitted a proposal to amend...

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The branding – Best of Superbrands


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Mobile devices top the Christmas wish lists

During the Christmas preparations only one out of ten people is preparing consciously and buy gifts well before the holidays. According to the survey carried outby Samsung's Facebook fan page...

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Rondo: the Christmas season provides work for the packaging industry for months

This year's Christmas shopping season brought several months of orders for the domestic packaging industry. Most orders came this – just like in previous years – from consumer electronics companies,...

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A Trading House is operating in Botswana and in South Africa

The Hungarian National Trading House has opened its new representations in Gaborone and in Botswana Wednesday, and Pretoria, Republic of South Africa on Thursday. Thus a total of four African...

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The three-quarters of the Hungarians are doing charity in Christmas

The three-quarters of the Hungarians are doing charity in Christmas period. Most people offer money to children's homes – according to a representative survey made with the aim of making...

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Information on the packaging: to understand and to trust

According to a global Nielsen survey, a bigger proportion of Hungarian consumers consider information on product labels to be precise and credible than the average of 28 European countries. In...

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The possibility of building plazas was re-regulated

The Parliament has accepted the amendment on the possibility to regulate the construction of malls. The law on the protection of the built environment was accepted by 116 votes in...

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The 73 percent of the 18-59-year-olds consume chocolate at least once a week

Nearly three-quarters of the Hungarian population aged 18-59, consume chocolate at least once a week, 13 percent of them each day – the survey of NRC market researcher reveals. 98...

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The Fidesz initiates amendments for higher wage supplement

The Fidesz initiates the amendment of the Labour Code, to increase the wage supplement for Sunday work hours to one hundred percent and to allow the employees to work on...

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KSH: The performance of agriculture increased in spite of the price reduction

According to the first estimates, the output value of the agricultural sector in 2014 at current prices exceeded last year’s result by 3.6 percent. The volume of output grew by...

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The trade surplus was 374 million euros in October

In October, the euro value of exports fell by 2.1 percent, while the euro value of imports grew by 2.3 percent, compared to a year before. The trade surplus was...

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Austrian milk contained carcinogens was not sold abroad

The Austrian milk, which contains a higher proportion of the maximum rate of hexachlorobenzene compound was not exported – the APA Austrian news agency reported. The leaders of the company...

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Another debate broke out between Poland and the Czech Republic about Polish food

Another open debate broke out between Warsaw and Prague about Polish food products imported to the Czech Republic. Warsaw argues that the Czechs a far larger and more closely examine...

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International competitions’ quality level at this year’s HUNGAROPACK

In 2014 the HUNGAROPACK Hungarian Packaging Competition was organised for the 31st time. Since last year the competition is officially acknowledged by the World Packaging Organisation as a national WorldStar...

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Reliable material handling

Jungheinrich’s material handling equipment is the perfect solution for all tasks. It doesn’t matter how high things have to be lifted, what is the floor made of or how far...

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Legal requirements relating to the labeling of foodstuffs to be more stringent

The EU Regulation No. 1169/2011 on informing teh consumers in connection with food products will enter into force on 13 December 2014. “The regulation is applicable directly to all food...

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The unprofitable supermarkets and hypermarkets can be sanctioned

The National Assembly adopted the proposal of the government on Tuesday that prohibits the sales of daily consumer goods for larger shops that are unable to produce profits for two...

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The favorable trend remains in the retail trade of household chemicals and cosmetics

The retail trends has remained favorable in the case of the household chemicals and cosmetics. The turnover of this segment from January to October this year was 270 billion HUF...

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The NÉBIH is checking Austrian milk and dairy products

Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture has ordered the increased monitoring of milk and dairy products originating from Austria – the Ministry of Agriculture’s press office informed MTI on Monday. In...

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One can pay with Bitcoin in the Romanian mobilPay system

Now you can pay with Bitcoin in the about six thousand stores that joined to the Romanian NETOPIA mobilPay payment system – the news website reported on Saturday. Netopia...

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The value of the Becov drink collection is about 20 million crowns

About 20 million crowns (221.4 million HUF) is the present value of the drink collection which was found in 1985 in the western Bohemian Becov nad Teplou castle. The castle’s...

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Fish production may increase by 3-4 percent this year

Fish production may increase by 3-4 percent in Hungary from last year’s 22 thousand tonnes Lévai Ferenc, CEO of the Aranyponty Zrt. told on Monday to MTI. The CEO said...

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