NGM: the rules for the employment of guest workers may be further tightened

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 19. 10:37

In order to protect Hungarian workers and their families as strongly as possible, the rules for the employment of guest workers may be further tightened. The social consultation of the draft decree will soon begin, which – in addition to the protection of Hungarian jobs and the domestic labor market – can further help the organization of training courses available to job seekers, thereby making a substantial contribution to the mobilization of the domestic labor force and the further increase of activity – the Ministry of National Economy announced on Thursday (NGM).

The announcement informed that according to the draft – which will soon be available on the government portal – the sanctions applied to work permits may become uniform, i.e. the application for a permit must be rejected in all cases where the employer has received a labor or an occupational health and safety fine was imposed.

Based on the draft, the issuance of the permit could be rejected even if the employer refrains from employing the Hungarian employee with unfounded conditions, or shows bad faith behavior during the mediation procedures.

In order to avoid abuses, it will now be prohibited for private employment agencies to mediate third-country nationals from outside the European Union.

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