Most types of jam worth buying from store, since canning has become so expensive
Canning certain jams at home costs almost twice as much as high-quality store-bought jams, because the fruit in question costs twice as much in the markets this year as at this time last year. In stores, for example, you can find apricot jam, the price per kilo of which is cheaper than that made at home.

During the booming canning season, high fruit prices do not help canning at home
It is not the Hungarian customers’ fault if they feel this way, they cannot buy granulated sugar in more and more stores. Although the product affected by the price cap does not yet face a national supply problem, even the largest domestic supermarket chains have admitted it to our paper, it is true that stocks may run out in one store for a shorter or longer period of time. During the booming canning season, high fruit prices do not help canning at home either.
How much does homemade jam cost?
According to PÁIR data, in the 29th week of 2022, the average price of a kilo of plums in the two Budapest consumer markets was 589 HUF, that of apricots was 889 HUF, while that of raspberries was 3,989 HUF. It follows:
- 3 kilos of plums for 1,767 HUF,
- 3 kilos of apricots for 2,667 HUF,
- 3 kilos of raspberries costs 11,967 HUF.
Add 1 kilo of sugar to the wort. According to the latest data from the KSH, the average price per kilo of granulated sugar affected by the price cap was 259 HUF in June.
From 1 kilo of fruit and 33 dkg of sugar, approx. 1 x 6 dl jar of jam comes out, by definition, in the case of 3 kg, we will have 3×6 decims of jam.
The good news is that this year it is 20 HUF cheaper to make plum jam at home, and homemade apricot jam is 123 HUF cheaper in the 29th week of this year than at this time last year. On the other hand, those who would undertake to plant raspberry jam would have to reach very deep into their pockets. The average price of raspberries per kilo in the two capital markets has almost doubled since last year. While in the 29th week of 2021, our jam cooking would have cost 6,690 HUF, this year it would already cost 11,967 HUF.
Is homemade or store-bought jam more expensive?
According to our calculations so far, from 3 kilos of fruit and 1 kilo of sugar, we would have approximately three 600-650 gram bottles. If we calculate with 600 grams, then the average price of one kilo of our jam for the 29th week of 2022, according to market data:
- 1,126 HUF for plum jam,
- 1,482 HUF for peach jam,
- in the case of raspberry jam, it would be 6,648 HUF.
Therefore, for the price, we would get a fruit content of around 60 percent (since the pitting would reduce the amount of fruit we bought going into jam) and of course around 40 percent sugar in comparison.
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