It is Good to be Good! – Students could cook together with the chefs of the Bocuse d’Or Academy

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2017. 12. 12. 10:30

The It is Good to be Good! charity campaign of the public media announced the Month of Goodness. Within the program 15 students of the Maltese Charity Service’s Celtic Grammar School and Vocational School could cook together with the chefs of the Bocuse d’Or Academy – was said on Tuesday by M1 news channel.

Bíró Lajos chef, member of the Hungarian Bocuse d’Or Academy (l) cooks together with the students of the Károly Róbert School of Commerce, Catering, Economics, Tourism, Vocational School
MTI Photo: Bruzák Noémi

It is Good to be Good in December! – the Month of Goodness was announced. The essence of the Month of Goodness is that civilians and well-known people can offer a good deed by helping the work of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service in the fundraising campaign. (MTI)

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