Student display competition 2020
POPAI Student Design Awards student display competition was announced this year, organized by POPAI Hungary in cooperation with Zewa as theme sponsor and the main sponsor of SPAR Group. Online entries can be submitted until January 15, 2021 on the organizer’s website.
This year, a total of HUF 400,000 in prizes will be awarded in the two-threaded competition, the first place winners of which can enter the Shop! Global Awards international POP competition in the Student Design category.
Let’s have a Hungarian world champion again
The student competition, which dates back four years now, was launched in 2016 by the Zewa brand of Essity Hungary Kft., one of the member companies of POPAI Hungary. From 2018, the First Secretary of POPAI also participated in the jury. In 2019, the Shop! Global Awards international competition of the national winners launched the Student Design category. Thus, it was possible for the winners of the Hungarian student competition to compete on the international stage, therefore the winners of 2018 were nominated by POPAI Hungary in the Shop! Global Awards. It is a huge achievement that the professional work of Eszter Regina Gaál (BME product design faculty), who received a professional audience award in Hungary, won the world championship trophy. A year later, in 2020, the series continued, with Boldizsár Rajkai (BME product design faculty) bringing to Hungary the Student Design trophy again.
The winners of the 2020 student display competition will be announced to the FMCG industry in February 2021, and the international round will take place in June 2021.
Prizes, detailes
The POPAI Student Design Awards competition runs on two threads. At the BME product design faculty, master professor András Varga’s group prepares the entries based on the curriculum. Here, the brief, the mid-term consultation and the presentation of the entries will also take place with the involvement of the sponsors and the jury. Students studying full-time, product or form design, designer, studying in Hungarian higher education can apply online according to the details provided on the website. The two directions meet when awarding the professional audience award, when the member companies of POPAI Hungary vote for the best display.
The main prize of the competition is a SPAR voucher worth HUF 100,000, but several valuable special prizes await the applicants for a total of HUF 400,000. Other member companies of POPAI also support the competition. DS Smith Packaging participates in the jury and offered an internship as a special prize. ArtMatch Kft. helps the students with a lecture and presentation of display components and design backdrops.
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