Grant Thornton survey: Flexibility and an inclusive work environment can help retain accountants

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 04. 23. 10:53

Not only recruitment, but also retention poses serious challenges to employers in the financial and accounting sector.

Finding and hiring the right specialist is only the initial step for employers. Retaining the workforce can often be an equal, perhaps even greater, task. In recent years, service providers operating in the field of finance and accounting have also faced significant challenges on the labor market, and thanks to the growing competition, companies are now trying to outbid each other more and more in the field of company welfare programs and other benefits, not only when searching, but also when retaining them.

Still, what could be the reason that prompts an employee to change jobs, in addition to possible obvious financial or career-related factors?

ACCA, the world’s largest professional organization of finance and accounting professionals, has revealed six key themes in its latest international workforce retention research that help us understand employee motivations a little more closely.

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