Healthy nutrition, sustainable production

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2024. 08. 28. 17:53

Kék Fehér Szív (Blue White Heart) is an organisation that brings together farmers, breeders, animal feed and food processing companies, retailers, distributors, but also actors such as health professionals, scientists and of course consumers.

Szabolcs Pattzai
Blue White Heart

“Our goal is to see to it that the products we make are rich in nutrients and good fatty acids and they reach the stores at affordable prices, at the same time reducing the climate impact of manufacturing. Numerous studies and clinical trials have shown: if we feed animals better with Omega-3 rich feed, we can put better food on people’s tables”,

said Szabolcs Pattzai, the organisation’s director in Hungary.

In Hungary nearly 20 dairy and bakery products bear the Blue White Heart logo, but there are already almost 5,000 such products in the world. (x)

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