(HU) Gyorsan változó trendek, digitalizációs kényszer az idegenforgalomban

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Hungarian Product: Two hundred trademark users!

2021 was a record year for Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft., as the number of trademark using companies went above 200, the company cooperated with retailers 35 times, organised the Hungarian...

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Dirk Rossmann – An interview by Bence Istenes about the new book ‘A polip kilencedik karja’

Haris Park, 10 November 2021 I.B.: Why did you decide to write a book? D.R.: I have been a keen reader all my life and 3-4 years ago two authors...

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KOCH’S focuses even more on healthy and eco-friendly products

In 2021 the company’s main goal has been to make KOCH’S Torma Kft. a really strong company in the domestic and international markets. This December three, innovative new products will...

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(HU) 37 180 gyerek kapott illatos adományt az Örökbe fogadok egy ovit! mozgalmon keresztül

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Award winning company story

On Europe’s Day in Commerce Géza Pahola, owner and managing director of Pahola és Pahola Kft. was rewarded with the Klauzál Gábor Certificate of Honour. He introduced the company to...

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(HU) Kétmillió tyúkra növeli termelési kapacitását a Farm Tojás Csoport

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Sirha Budapest 2022 – The biggest food and HoReCa event in Central and Eastern Europe

Once again the HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center will host the Sirha Budapest trade show in 2022, where the crème de la crème of the food, bakery and confectionery,...

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(HU) Európában is egyedülálló vírusmentes és friss levegő irodaházak számára

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Professional recognitions for COOP workers

Prestigious trade awards were presented to the winners on 4 November, Europe’s Day in Commerce. Several workers of the COOP Economic Group were also rewarded for their professional achievements. The...

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Auchan stores modernised to become more sustainable

In 2021 Auchan started giving five stores an overhaul, making their operation more sustainable by replacing refrigerators with energy-saving ones. The modernisation has focused primarily on the sales area and...

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(HU) Sose volt ilyen egyszerű elkezdeni az online kiszállítást! 

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(HU) Közös karácsonyi készülődés az ALDI-val!

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Extra speed and comfort: Orders can be picked up within just three hours in dm stores!

Since dm was able to react quickly and flexibly to the changing market conditions, the drugstore chain remained successful and customers could benefit from the usual high level of service...

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An open goal situation: New innovation from Sport bar

In August Mondelēz’s Sport bar entered the Napolitaner segment with new product Sport Ziccer. Sport brand manager Krisztina Nagyidai told: Sport Ziccer is available in 36g and 49g formats. Sport...

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Improved digital services

METRO launched its digital services four years ago, with a package that contained a website maker and a table booking system. The pandemic made it clear how many restaurants didn’t...

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(HU) Csúcsra járatják a marketinget az e-kereskedők

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(HU) Készülődés az ünnepekre – portói az ALDI-ban

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Tesco modified the recipes of 300 own brand products to make them healthier

According to Tesco-Global Zrt.’s CEO Zsolt Pálinkás, Tesco is dedicated to helping shoppers live a healthier life. Tesco is modifying the composition of their own brand products or replacing them...

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Sirha Budapest is half full already

International food and HoReCa trade show Sirha Budapest will be waiting for experts from Central and Eastern Europe in the revamped HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Centre between 22 and...

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Engaged in cross-border online sales in the EU? Keep in mind the following!

Under the so-called geo-blocking regulation, all customers in the EU must be granted access to e-commerce sites and products on the very same terms as customers residing in the member...

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(HU) A GEFCO lesz a Citroën innovatív AMI – 100% Electric modelljének logisztikai partnere

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Digitalisation in retail trade

The Vodafone Group has had a comprehensive study prepared about the economic and social digital development level in EU member states. Our magazine interviewed Mátyás Dobó, Vodafone Hungary’s Business Unit...

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Eco-friendly strategy is a priority for ALDI

ALDI Magyarország is dedicated to the cause of environmental protection. At the end of 2019 the discounter banned single-use plastic products and by 2025 private label products will be packaged...

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Three special flavours, two superb confectioners and one excellent cream join forces for victory

Krisztián Füredi and Sándor Fodor both used Debic cream to create the perfect flavour experience with the three Cake of Hungary winners. ‘Sunflower’ – Cake of Hungary Sándor Fodor created...

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Perfect start of the day at Shell service stations

Shell is thinking about those who have to leave their homes early in the morning: the Shell Café units at their service stations offer tasty food, fresh baked goods and...

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Efficiency and safety in logistics

Road transport is growing fast at both domestic and international level. The transportation of goods becomes much more efficient if waiting times get shorter. PALMSPED Cargo Kft. helps partners by...

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Not only card payment but also acceptance technologies partake in the digital revolution

Cashless payment underwent fundamental changes in the last few years in Hungary. While a couple of years back plastic bank cards were making their conquest, today mobile wallets and other...

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Hungary’s new digital farmers’ market calculates with massive volume sales

Széchenyi István University established the Digital Farmers’ Market, as part of Hungary’s new producers’ market: was launched this autumn – informed Dr János Czermann, the CEO of Közért+ Zrt. Közértplusz has...

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