Threat or opportunity?

Commissioned by Bizalmi Kör and RSM Tax Advisory and Financial Services, a survey has been conducted by the Equilibrium Institute and Impetus Research on the worries and expectations of business...

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More optimism

Perhaps this is what describes the past two months in the FMCG market the best. As I have learnt it recently, it is a good idea to watch the “champagne...

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The missing workforce – Lawyers from PwC Legal, Dr László Szűcs and Dr Melinda Molnár were the guests of Chain Bridge Club

At the end of December, a new law on the entry and residence of third-country nationals was passed. Then we had to wait another two months for detailed procedural rules,...

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The calm before the storm?

The first returnable plastic, aluminium and glass drink containers have appeared on stores shelves, as the deposit return scheme (DRS) has been launched in Hungary. 3,000 Re-Pont reverse vending machines...

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In cyber or in Hungarian?

There is such confusion about cybersecurity and AI that we often wonder whether what we hear is in Hungarian or not. Just the other day I attended a very interesting...

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Resilience – how far can flexible adaptation go?

The importance of mental resilience has increased in the corporate world. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4 In the last year two close friends of mine...

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ChatGPT’s thoughts about awards

I asked ChatGPT what it thinks about awards and the answer was this: recognition for an outstanding performance, work or achievements; they can play a significant role in motivating people...

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The second day of the KÖSZ cooking competition

The finals of the KÖSZ 2023-2024 catering cooking competition are going full steam ahead.   The audience award is offered by Trademagazin to the favorites of the dayOn the second...

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Új év, új idők

Ahogy szokták mondani, az életben egy dolog állandó: a változás. És milyen igaz ez mindenre, kicsiben és nagyban, láthatóan vagy láthatatlanul, de folyamatosan változik a szűken és tágan vett környezetünk,...

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Fear and security

Recently we have been hearing these two concepts juxtaposed from more and more angles at a growing number of events. From the point of view of consumers and their purchasing...

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Együtt hajóztunk (2. rész)

Szeptember 25–29. között Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban gyűlt össze a Trade Flotta közel 1100 fős hajóhada, hogy a Business Days konferencia keretében számba vegyék az elmúlt időszak viharait, zátonyait, és...

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Kilátás alulról

Ritkán találkozhatunk azzal, amikor szinte mindenki hasonlóan vélekedik a kialakult helyzetről. A hazai gazdaságról alkotott vélemények most azonban egy szűk tartományban vannak. A nézetek hasonlósága a sokak számára nyilvánvalóan kedvezőtlen gazdasági...

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Here I am again, writing the last article of the year. The year has gone by so quickly that it was almost yesterday that we were looking at how interesting...

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Az álmok megvalósultak!

A Lánchíd Klub 2003 őszén jött létre. Az egyesületi formában működő Klub küldetése elsődlegesen a kereskedelem és a gyártói oldal közötti együttműködésnek az elősegítése, de tevékenységében fontos szerepet kapott a...

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A year of records?

For us, but also for the world around us. For some time now we have been reading about record food inflation, record volume declines in retail sales, record subsidies coming...

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Let’s make our cities more attractive!

Everyone is taking it for granted that in the clusters of towns and villages around cities, and in the interconnected residential areas of the agglomeration of the capital city, the...

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Emberekbe, márkákba és technológiába – nagyjából az egész lapszámunkat rá lehet húzni erre a témára. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. Egy évvel ezelőtt, amikor lehetőséget kaptunk, hogy partnerei...

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„Ezt nem gondoltam volna” – Moldova György után szabadon

A 2002 és 2004 közötti időszak nagy reményekkel volt tele. Új tavaszt vártunk: öt évvel NATO-tagságunk elnyerése után azt, hogy 2004. május elsején felcsendüljön az Örömóda, és a tűzijáték feletti...

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New autumn, new hopes

Although we usually say “new year, new hopes”, I don’t think anybody wants to wait until January with making changes. Anyone who knows me well knows that I always like...

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What does not kill you makes you stronger

Today there is only one stable factor that is present in the daily lives of market players: CONSTANT change! However, as the saying goes, what doesn’t kill you only makes...

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…I usually like it when life is busy, there is bustling and running around all day, but right now it feels like too much, with everything changing around us, and...

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Quo vadis?

Covid has shaken up the world and changed it too in several ways. Firms learned many things and perhaps became a bit more cautious as well. This article is available...

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The only certain thing about life…

…is uncertainty. This sentence is perhaps truer now than ever before. Nobody knows what to expect. Although “the end of the world” that had been predicted for late last year...

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Smaller ecological “pawprint”

Recently the European Commission has given a green light to using crickets as a food ingredient. The European Union believes insects are an excellent alternative source of protein. As their...

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Busy schedule!

Competitions, events, new projects, new colleagues, team building programmes and restructuring… One task comes after the other. We have a busy schedule and the days and weeks are running away...

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Ecologist Mátyás Hunyadi at the Chain Bridge Club – Sustainable retreat instead of sustainable development?

At the January club meeting human ecologist Mátyás Hunyadi was the speaker, and the topic was sustainability. By 2019 the level of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere reached 421 parts per...

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Has the time to act finally come?

In this decade companies are facing challenge such as climate change, the strict sustainability requirements of the European Union (Taxonomy), fewer available resources and the sustainability of supply chains. Plus...

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(It will be) Better

All things considered, the beginning of the year was better than expected. Last year, at the Business Days conference, we had already seen the dark clouds gathering in the sky,...

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Thoughts on the Hungarian motor fuel market

When last November the government set the maximum consumer price for motor fuels, the then 3-month fixed price period seemed very long, and even if the difference from the market...

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Don’t get me wrong, I am not going to share my Christmas poppy seed roll baking experiences with you, but I do want to tell you something personal. This is...

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