
Burger King expanding in Russia

The first restaurant of the Burger King chain in Russia may open in 2009-2010. It was previously announced that the chain of coffee houses Shokoladnitsa is holding negotiations to cooperate...

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Starbucks opened in Poland – and probably all over Eastern Europe in 2009

Starbucks opens its First store in Poland – AmRest Sp. expects to capture an increasing share of the rapidly growing coffeehouse markets in Central and Eastern Europe.  The coffeehouse segment...

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Even foreign tourists make their reservation in the last minute

According to fresh data by KSH, Budapest hotels faced a less than 32.2 percent traffic, and not even the Easter-season attracts more guests.  The number of guests per night has...

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New four-star hotel in Budapest

A four-star hotel is about to be built in Budapest by next summer: constructions of the new Continental Hotel Zara have started on Tuesday at the location of Hungária-bath. Investor...

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A traditional, 220 year-old cake-shop has just closed in Pécs

Caflish, previously running under the name Éva has been part of the scenery of Pécs since 1789, as a cake shop and a coffee shop, and went bankrupt this spring....

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Tracel agency winning on court against consumer protection authority

No consumer protection rule is being offended if travel agencies indicate extra tarifts separatedly from the participation fee on their fylers – the Supreme Court decided. A travel agency issued...

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Too many restaurants in the USA?

In less than 20 years, the number of restaurants and bars has seen a 49 percent increase, now many of these restaurants must close due to the crisis.Since 1990, the...

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The first five-star hotel of the Istrian peninsula has opened

The number of luxury hotels in Croatia have increased significantly in the past few months, Croatian tourism puts the main emphasis on five-star hotels at the moment.  Tourism has always...

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Back on top again

János Cseh, a well known reform chef has left Gundel after a few months. – We had agreed that renewal was needed, but in my opinion, renewal cannot be partial....

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Change of course

Zsolt Litauszki (33) is regarded as one of the most promising young talents among Hungarian chefs, although he had spent most of his active years working in Austria. These years...

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Following an invitation by the Hungarian Bocuse d’Or Academy, Adam Melonas, the chef of Casino de Madrid spent a few days in Budapest in February and held two demonstrations under...

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The latest restaurant owner Gundel

Following a long pause, a restaurant has been opened by a member of the Gundel dynasty again. Károly Gundel, the great grandson of the founder of the old Gundel restaurant...

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Kalla „al dente”

Kálmán Kalla, former chef of Gundel, the best known Hungarian restaurant retired two years ago, but has recently become active in gastronomy again. – Which side do you represent in...

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Positive answers

Like their counterparts in Budapest, restaurant owners in New York and London also worry about the recession, but are coming up with different answers. For some time, restaurant guests in...

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Ronald on the way to slimming?

McDonald’s has ended up in 8th place on the top 10 list of fast food chains offering the healthiest food, compiled by Health magazine. Thee are several hundred fast food...

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Serving trends in catering

According to a survey conducted by FES magazine, the leading serving trends follow the general trends in catering: providing an experience, interactivity and small plates. In many places, chefs communicate...

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Salt and pepper

Regardless of the quality of ingredients, food will not taste good without spices. Using spices well is not simply a matter of creativity, but also of talent. Though spices have...

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Wine chillers

In order to choose the right wine chiller, we must have a clear idea of what requirements it should meet. Cheap solutions usually end up being more expensive in the...

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Wine chiller with wine spout: new profit centre for restaurants

Sometimes, we cannot have the wine we would like to have with our favourite dish. We often find that we have to order a whole bottle in restaurants even if...

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Flooded with flavours!

While half of the guests visiting confectioneries prefer vanilla and chocolate ice cream, the other half is ready to try other flavours as well. Creative confectioners constantly work on innovation,...

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Barrel hotel in the Netherlands

A special method for utilising old wine barrels has been invented by a Dutch hotel owner. The 14,500 litre barrels have been converted into bedrooms and installed in De Vrouwe...

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Fragile trends

Many attempts have been made at defining an order of priorities among factors which determine how satisfied guests feel in restaurants. In any case, we can be sure that a...

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Exam in wine

The Wine Wednesday event is to be held for the first time this year by Magyar Bormarketing Kht. Bars and restaurants participating in the campaign will sell Hungarian wines and...

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There will be energy!

Sales of energy drinks show continuous growth. Energy drinks have become an essential item in the assortment offered by any club, bar or restaurant visited by young people. Annual sales...

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New candidates for chairman

Following the resignation of István Pető, chairman of the Hungarian National Association of Gastronomy, three candidates have entered the competition for the position: Vilmos Kreil, chairman of the Hungarian Bocuse...

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Energy drink in green

Buszesz Zrt. has launched a product which is unique in the Hungarian market – the green Watt energy drink is made without preservatives, caffeine and taurine. The majority of domestic...

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Crisis management by franchise chains

Franchise chains in different parts of the world have responded to the economic crisis in different ways. McDonald’s has reduced some of its prices in the USA. The introduction of...

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Over 220 restaurants joined WineWednesday

More than 220 restaurants have signed up for this year's WineWednesday until 1st April. The event is going to take place on 29th April.The idea of WineWednesday had been inspired...

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The new Hilton-restaurant is preparing with a special bufet-menu for the Easter-weekend

The freshly opened Icon Hotel of Hilton Budapest is trying to surprise its old and new guests with a special Easter-program set. Consumers may spend a spectacular and cosy Easter-weekend...

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Service provider segment not ready for hotels' needs

Although there appears to be a strong need for hotel-related jobs, Hungary's service provider segment to perform these tasks as expected is still rather scant. Expenes of hotel operation are...

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