
Irregularities were found in one-third of the summer tests

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) tested 868 catering units during the summer and found irregularities at 35 percent of them. The authority is primarily tested the waterfront resorts, that...

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Workania: Workers often receive warm meal vouchers

The last survey of Fizetesek.hu site opertaed by the Workania job portal focused on the fringe benefits provided by the Hungarian employers. According to the survey, based on the responds...

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The OTP Széchenyi Rest card can be used at more than seven thousand acceptance points

The use of card-based fringe benefits are increasingly popular among the firms. In a half-year a 50 percent increase occurred in the number of employees, using the OTP's cafeteria system....

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One-fifth more tourists visits the crisis affected Greece

While sixty percent of Greeks does not go on a holiday this year – the GDP fell by 6.9 percent in the second quarter due to the constraints – foreigners...

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Danubius has a loss of 706 million HUF in first halfyear

Sir Bernard Schreier has purchased 3,508 shares in Hungarian hotel company Danubius Hotels on an average price of HUF 3,499 per shares on June 28, raising his direct and indirect...

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Carnival week started in Debrecen

On Monday, the largest summer event of Debrecen, accompanying the August 20th celebration has started: the Flower Carnival is on. In every August Debrecen bursts into flower on the festive...

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Félsziget attracts ten thousands of visitors

Tuborg Green Fest Peninsula is Romania`s largest festival. The unique blend of international stars, local flavors, a beach and non-stop fun makes it the ultimate festival experience, but its greatest...

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The Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants advocates the restoration of the unified tourism tax

The Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants advocates the restoration of the unified previously used tourism tax in its Friday statement sent to MTI. The association also seeks to achieve,...

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The Sziget festival Continues to be profitable

The Sziget festival has grown into the largest cultural event of Europe. According to the reports and the datas; the company's success has been steady for years, and even the...

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Seasonal catering units function properly

THe majority of seasonal catering units operate within lawful and acceptable boundaries – food safety check of the goverment's Agricultural Office proved. Between 4th July and 31st July, 1121 controls...

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Cloudy season on the beaches

After the heat wave of early July after a significant drop occurred in temperature, as well as in the number of the tourists. Mostly, those guests stood away, because of...

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The Cake of the Country was presented in the Parliament

Hungary's birthday cake was presented in the Parliament, of which 15-20 thousand slices will welcome the visitors on the embankment of Buda on the 20th of August. At Wednesday's Government...

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The third of German restaurants employs illegal workers

Illegall employees are working in every third German restaurants – states the president of the food and catering union. According to Frank-Josef Möllenberg; 840 thousand employees are working in the...

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KSH: The number of domestic guests has stagnated

In the first half of the year, the number of guests at commercial accommodations increased by 3.8 percent, the number of guest nights by 2.9 percent, compared to the level...

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Sziget-HORECA: from bread to Michelin-stars

Besides multiculturality, a versatile gastronomic background is present at Sziget. In addition, besides international cuisine from India, China, Transylvania, Thailand and Greece, five points selling corn, 5 lángos-, 5 pizza-,...

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Increased ferry traffic on the Lake Balaton

The ferry traffic of the Balaton Shipping Co. increased by 6-7 percent, the revenues of the sailing business increased by 8 percent, but passenger ship traffic decreased by 5-7 percent...

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Hungarian tourists flooded Croatia

The number of Hungarian tourists rose the most in July in Croatia – said the Croatian Ministry of Tourism. Damir Bajs Minister informed that the number of guests has increased...

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Contactless payment takes four seconds

You can add credit to your Metapay Festivalcard at 34 recharging points at Sziget, and pay at 1200 terminals. Two-hundred cashiers, 60 hostesses help you to use your Metapay-card. Besides,...

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6000 people have built up the Sziget festival-town in 15 days

On the 76 hecter area of Hajógyári Sziget, 6000 people have built up the so-called Sziget festival-town in 15 days. The main routes of Sziget now have plastic pavement delivered...

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There will not be demonstrations on the Sziget Festival

Sixty-four County Youth Movement cannot held demonstrations during the Sziget Festival on the Shipyard Island. The Communications Section of the Police Headquarters of Budapest told to MTI on Wednesday; that...

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Sziget received a new main stage

Starting from this year, a more beautiful and bigger main stage is serving international stars. In order to fulfill a wish by Prince, the new venue will also be expanded...

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The SCD Group sells the Magyar Turisztikai Holding Zrt.

The SCD Group will sell the Balaton Development Program, the FlyBalaton airport, and the Magyar Turisztikai Holding Zrt. According to the communication, of the property development and investment group, sent...

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The authority monitors the compliance with the new catering arrangements from the 1st of August

After a one-month transition period the authority can check that; do the restaurateurs comply with food security and the new regulatory requirements. With the new catering regulation requirements for reception...

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Kaposvár: the development of the 3.5 HUF bath has been completed

The development of the Kaposvár bath has been completed; the handing over of the lat section was on Friday. Frank József, manager said: 18 pools including a childrens pool and...

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Airline revenue increases

Norwegian carried more than 4 million passengers in the second quarter, 26 percent more than the same period last year. The turnover was just over 2.7 billion NOK, up 34...

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A new conference wing in the Boscolo

After the completion of Boscolo Luxury Residence, the 600 square meters of conference and exhibition center will be opened under the new wing in the Boscolo New York Palace. A...

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The New York Times offers an unusual Budapest city tour

The Sunday travel annex of the New York Times offers a sightseeing route, that perfectly ignores the traditional sights of Budapest. Evan Rail who compile the 36-hour program advices to...

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Two billion HUF development in the Spa of Bük

The Spa of Bük was expanded with new sauna world, indoor restaurant, a children's centre and with medical and wellness section after a two billion HUF development. The new sections...

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Presidential chefs in Russia at Club des Chefs des Chefs

President Obama is a very “adventurous” eater who often interacts with his White House chefs, Executive Chef Cristeta Comerford said from Moscow on Saturday. Comerford is attending the annual weeklong...

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(HU) Törvényes

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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