
A complex industry with many players

The supply chain plays a decisive role in the value chain: transporting ingredients, finished and semi-finished products in a fast, efficient and safe way constitutes great competitive advantage. Logistics has...

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Following elephants – Absurd of the day

First, let’s get the elephant out of the way so we can talk about more important things. What is the elephant? No, it’s not Larry Page, co-founder of Google, seen...

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Magazine: We have to profit from the opportunity III.

Gyula Berkes – owner of Biarritz restaurant – The European final in Stockholm was a special experience, the Scandinavian countries were deservedly successful in the final. Hungary must prepare very...

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Rainbow in the kitchen – Video of the day

Light Lurpa Butter lets you discover a new side to your favourite ingredients with Rutger Hauer's monologue in a rather spectacular video....

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Magazine: We have to profit from the opportunity II.

Lajos Bíró – As far as I am concerned, Gábor Molnár finished 9th in a strong competition, I think that the finalists represented about thirty percent higher quality than last...

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The best Brazilian melodies from the toilet – Video of the day

A joke- A happenning in a pub… or in fact in the toilet. A bizarre business project. Perhaps a psychological experiment. Some motivation to make men be more considerate of...

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The large hotel chains are expanding in China

The large hotel chains are increasing their presence in China after the increase in disposable income and the mood for traveling. In recent months the big hotels have announced their...

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Trash for you! – Daily absurd

Australians print the numberplate on the package of the fast food items, so that nobody can throw away stuff easily…...

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Magazine: We have to profit from the opportunity

László Kovács, president of MVI – The trip to Stockholm opened up our eyes to many things, as were comparing ourselves to local restaurants and to the skills of our...

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Be brave! – Smile of the day


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EAting french fries makes you calmer – Video of the day

Heading uptown on the 6 train, this woman sits down next to maker of the video below. Then all of a sudden she jumps up and starts wailing this guy...

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Million Dollar Menu – Video of the day

Here's a pretty good parody rap music video “Million Dollar Menu” from the duo Buckwheat Groats. It's shot, of course, without permission at a bunch of McDonald's restaurants, including the...

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Tablet substitues the restaurant menu

The iMenu application is revolutionizing the hospitality. It is a digital menu that is supported by the European Union. A waiter and a restaurant development at the same time. The...

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Adventurous Chinese can eat their dinner by hanging fifty meters high in Shanghai

The “restaurant” hanging 50 meters high is conquering in Shanghai, where the unique dinner experience can cost several hundred thousand HUF. The restaurant, nicknamed Celestial Restaurant was announced by the...

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Magazine: Major league catering II

Participants of MVI and Coninvest Kft.’s study trip to Munich visited the warehouse of ProfiMiet’s local logistics centre first. ProfiMiet operates in 9 European cities and rents and supplies everything...

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He got some space! – Smile of the day

The accident at Germany’s pre-World Cup training camp in north Italy on Tuesday left the steward in hospital and the German by-stander in a serious condition following the crash during...

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The proportion of direct hotel sales has increased

The proportion of direct hotel sales has increased in 2013. In Budapest, 26.9 percent of the guest nights were booked ovia wn online web pages, while in 2010 this ratio...

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Magazine: Festival season

Hungary summer is the season of beer festivals, when breweries introduce their new products and promote their old ones. Craft Beer Festival started out as a festival introducing Hungarian microbreweries...

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The dinner of poor Americans – Video of the day

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The makers of aristocratic wines (Part 1)

The Twickel Vineyards (formerly known as Liszt Winery) is the largest winery of the Szekszárd wine region. The winery has shown an impressive development in recent times. The estate is...

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Beer is the truth – The smile of the day

The internet is full of astounding, “professional” news that are belonging to almost the absurd category. But all of those that we choose for this summer are true! A fifty-year-old...

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CIG: Hungarian pensioners spend on home activities rather than on holidays

The Hungarian pensioners spend only the one-fifth of the amount on holiday than the European average – according to a recent analysis processing domestic and international statistics of the CIG...

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Wing Bowl championship – Video of the day

The Wing Bowl is Philly's annual bacchanal, a celebration of booze, wings and women. Competitive-eating champ Takeru Kobayashi (tah-kah-roo koh-bee-yah-shee) conquered Philadelphia’s annual gustatory gorge-fest by eating 337 chicken wings...

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A four-star thermal hotel was handed over in Tiszakécske

The Barack Thermál Hotel & Spa is the first hotel in Tiszakécske, Bács-Kiskun county and the latest hotel opened in the southern Great Plains The hotel was handed over on...

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Two billion HUF worth tourism development in Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő

The 2.1 billion HUF worth tourism development will be finished soon in Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő – Kovács Ferenc mayor of Nyíregyháza announced on Wednesday. As part of the development a Viktória house...

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Alchemy a'la Italia – Video of the day

It is always a good idea to shot a 2-3 minute long arty-farty movie for a club: this time, the Milan-based club Micca creates a short film of their mixer...

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Bladder promotion – The smile of the day

The internet is full of astounding, “professional” news that are belonging to almost the absurd category. But all of those that we choose for this summer are true! Every guests...

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Dancing, a bit differently – Video of the day

MK Restaurant is a big brand in Thailand. It is definitely worth watching waiters & waitress dancing during peak hours in the restaurant…....

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Bitter vulture fate – The smile of the day

The internet is full of astounding, “professional” news that are belonging to almost the absurd category. But all of those that we choose for this summer are true! Two men...

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Labor shortage at the Lake Balaton

The main season starts soon at the Lake Balaton, but the hotels and catering outlets are facing with serious labor shortages – Világgazdaság Online wrote. Several waiters, cooks, maids and...

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