
Coming from America – Thomas Vernon whiskey-ambassadors courses

According to Brown-Forman, the whisky category is worth over £1.2bn and is being driven by the American whiskey segment. That segment is said to be worth nearly £570m and growing...

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Magazine: Combi steam oven specialist’s visit

Ugo Pradella, chef of Italian kitchen equipment manufacturer Angelo Po led a two-day workshop in Coninvest Kft.’s Budaörs kitchen. The chef talked about the importance of preserving the value in...

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Invitation to the gala of MVI

Meghívó a Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestületének díjkiosztó gálavacsorájára November 29-én a budavári Magyarság házában rendezi éves gálavacsoráját a Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestülete, ami idén első ízben kötődik a szervezet által alapított Gundel-díjak...

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Thats the sound of popcorn – Video of the day

In this episode, Taras and Dima film a cool and amazing video (incredible science experiment) of a pop corn kernel popping in super slow motion. The amazing footage shows how...

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Magazine: Atelier kitchen

Another talented young chef demonstrated his skills from the Arany Kaviár ‘atelier’: Ákos Horváth represented Hungary on 5 September 2014 in Durban (South Africa) at Chaine des Rotisseurs’ International Young...

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KSH: tourism increased in September

The total guest traffic of the accommodations in September exceeded the datas of the year before by 2.5 percent. In September, 8.2 percent more domestic guests spent 7.3 percent more...

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The OTP Széchenyi Rest card holders are more satisfied with their employers

More than half of teh domestic worker (54.8 percent) receive some kind of cafeteria benefit. This is two percentage points growth, compared to 2012. The most popular non-wage benefits has...

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Increase in tourist traffic in the Czech Republic

Tourist traffic in the Czech Republic increased by two percent on an annual basisin the third quarter of 2014 – the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) announced on Friday. In this...

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Lunch seen by the birds

So we have to assume that Dominos just doesn’t exist in Germany. It’s the only possible explanation for the fact that German food delivery company Allyouneed.com has launched a new...

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Harry Potter-Themed Hotel Rooms Prove a Hit in London

A London hotel offers fans of Harry Potter the chance to stay in Hogwarts-themed rooms, dubbed 'wizard chambers'....

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A large number of Hungarians traveled to Croatia in October

After the summer months, the Hungarian guest data, show the highest growth rate in Croatia during the autumn months. Even in October, the number of Hungarian guest nights increased by...

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A Czech hotel was fined for not receiving Russian tourists

A Czech hotel was fined in Ostrava for not receiving Russian tourists. The owner decided to boycott the Russian citizens, after Russia occupied the Crimea peninsula in March. The owner...

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Magazine: What is in our hands? II.

ó felhasználásáról, és a sült csirke szárny sikeréről lesz szó....

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Doyen of pizzaboys – Video of the day

Bill's fifty-two years old, has a mountain man beard, and delivers pizza on a fixie in Brooklyn. Over the course of several shifts, DELIVERY unveils an intriguing man rushing food...

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Denver's Corvus Coffee

Cold coffee is suddenly hot. Not sat-in-the-pot-all-day cold coffee, but purposefully cold-brewed coffee. And now Denver's Corvus Coffee is taking it up a notch — bringing beer lovers and coffee...

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Magazine: What is in our hands? I.

Hungary’s catering and hospitality sector has been getting to know finger food for 15 years to Csaba Mossóczy, country manager with McCain Foods, one of Europe’s biggest finger food producers,...

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Magazine: Health in focus

Nestlé Hungária Kft. and Gasztro Terni Kft. organised their partner event on 18 September in Pécs. Gergely Bálint, head of the Nestlé Professional division welcomed the nearly 500 participants, and...

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The number of guest nights increased by 6 percent in Romania

The number of guest nights increased by nearly 6 percent to 16.054 million in the first nine months of the year in Romania – the Romanian national statistical institute announced...

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You only hang out in the fridge – Video of the day

Brian Conti has over 12 years experience in the field of design, here is the esence of his fridge-art:...

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Na, kids, what's caviar like? – Video of the day

Rich people love caviar and edible gold, but do kids?...

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What Nespresso add up to Halloween?

A coffee machine is a coffee machine is a coffee machine. Or is it? Because the Nespresso VertuoLine promises to be the “revolution” your coffee didn't know it was in...

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The first cinema with bed opens in November In Hungary

A wing of the Buda Entertainment & Gastro opens in November 2014, where a Bed Movie which is unique in Europe will be installed. In addition, a folklore room, a...

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Guest traffic increased at The Lake Balaton

This year in January-August 1 million 139 thousand guests spent 3 million 948 thousand guests nights at the Lake Balaton, and the number of guests increased by a total of...

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The new Paulaner Beerhouse was opened

Open kitchen, traditional Bavarian foods and authentic Oktoberfest atmosphere welcomes everyone to the new Paulaner Brauhaus. In addition to the modified interior, some new features can also be discover in...

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High occupancy after the weekend holiday in Pest County’s hotels

After the long weekend’s sold out occupancy reamined high in the hotels in Pest County, thanks to the autumn school break and the fact that many hotels offer kids programs....

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A New Napa Cuisine Cookbook – Video of the day

Trailer for Chef Christopher Kostow's debut cookbook ” A New Napa Cuisine”....

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Magazine: We have to comply, but it won’t be easy!

Csilla Pálházyné Sármány, the president of (National Association of Catering Executives) told us that higher quality ingredients (wholemeal bread, special meat, dairy products, fruits, etc.) will have to be used...

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