
Békében egymás mellett

Berlin egyik előkelő negyedében található Kanaan étterem, amelyet közösen üzemeltet egy izraeli és palesztin arab vállalkozó, Oz Ben David és Jalil Dabit – tudtuk meg a Euronews weboldaláról. A cikk...

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Modular grill – Image of the day

The fact that the +Base modular grill replaces half a kitchen in a certain sense does not need an explanation, it is enough to see the pictures! That is, we...

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How to take care of your commercial – Video of the day

Today’s film, which is longer than usual this time, takes you behind the “scenes” of advertising filmmaking, but it’s hard not to watch it all the way through....

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(HU) A nap mondása

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This is how plane ticket prices will develop in 2024

It has always been important for travelers to choose the right moment when purchasing flight tickets in order to take advantage of various promotions and discounts. In the periods before...

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Hungarian tourists in Croatia broke all previous records

Last year, the number of Hungarian tourists and the number of guest nights in Croatia exceeded the record year of 2019 by more than a tenth – the representative of...

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Industrial style bar cabinet – Image of the day

The unique bar cabinet from the furniture factory Howard Miller looks like a giant capsule microphone: the industrial-style cabinet with curved metal doors is made of metal and wood and...

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Sauce pencil – Video of the day

…which is actually a turbocharged spoon: creative play and food styling for everyone – from children to top confectioners....

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(HU) A nap mondása

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New hygiene consultancy service

Surveys show that cleanliness is more important for 60% of people since the pandemic, and 90% of them also consider a green approach to be essential. This article is available...

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Budapest among the best destinations in the world

Condé Nast Traveler, one of the leading international travel media, ranked Budapest among the best travel destinations in the year-end recommendation. The prestigious recognition is also important because, in this...

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It was one of the best ads of the New Year – Picture of the Day

Witty, original, hard to forget....

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Mandarin tiramisu – Video of the day

You can’t resist this winter dessert so much that we’re starting to present the one video recipe we’re allowed a year already in January....

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(HU) A nap mondása

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VIMOSZ: expectations of tourism companies improved last December

The expectations of tourism companies improved in December – the National Association of Tourist and Hospitality Employers (VIMOSZ) announced to MTI on Monday based on the latest survey conducted with...

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The country’s legendary cave bath is closed

From January 8, no one should try to visit Miskolc’s well-loved spa for a dip – reports boon.hu. As the portal reported, every year, in order to preserve the condition...

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Somewhere deep inside the pizza… – Video of the day

Surprises on the pizza topping – this one, for example, is pleasant. What does an image scan do! [/ot-...

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Now they measure exactly… – Picture of the day

Kitchen scale 2024 – because we don’t always cook for feeling…  ...

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(HU) A nap mondása

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KSH: the number of guest nights increased by 7.5 and the number of guests by 13 percent in November compared to a year earlier

Last November, 1.0 million guests spent 2.5 million guest nights in Hungarian tourist accommodations (commercial, private and other accommodations). The number of guests was 13, and the number of guest...

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Grill table 2024 – Video of the day

Even its name says it all: AroundFire. It’s not one of the brain-saving ideas you often see – it’s really practical, spectacular, multi-functional, and portable!...

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(HU) Sportmárkák harca a gasztronómiában – A nap képe

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(HU) A nap mondása

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2024 Metro Chef wanted!

This year, the METRO Gastro Academy is once again the home of the Free Chef of the Year competition organized by Csak a Mentes. The measurement of safe, allergen- and...

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Szallas.hu: on New Year’s Eve, Eger, Gyula and Szeged are the most popular among domestic travelers

On New Year’s Eve, Eger, Gyula, Szeged, Budapest and Pécs are the most sought-after destinations among domestic travelers – Szallas.hu explained in a statement sent to MTI on Friday based...

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Tourism agency: the number of New Year’s Eve reservations has increased, most of them for at least 2 nights

For the last weekend of the year, 11 percent more pre-bookings have already been received than in the same period last year, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) told MTI on...

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The first phase of the tourism development of Sió has been completed

The first phase of the tourism development of Sió has been completed, in which a bicycle path was built on the Sió embankment from the border of Szekszárd and Sióagárd...

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A vásárlástól elállás joga

Kovács László elnök egy, a vendéglátó vállalkozásokat sújtó, diszkriminatívnak tűnő szabályozás problémájának megoldását kérte Tóth Andrásnak, a GVH alelnökének küldött levelében – ebből idézünk. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/12-01....

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The Food of Hungary – Mátyás Szamos Plate Dessert competition has been announced

The Food of Hungary – Szamos Mátyás Plate Dessert competition was announced on Thursday in Budapest. Entries are accepted until January 30. Sölch Gellért, the Deputy State Secretary responsible for...

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Francia cukrásztanfolyam

Októberben újra hangos volt az ipartestület székháza, ismét mesterkurzuson vehettek részt az érdeklődők; szép számmal voltak olyanok, akik többször is részt vettek már neves külföldi szakemberek itt szervezett süteményprezentációján, de...

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