
New hotel in Sopron


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A company operating a digital restaurant is coming to the Hungarian stock exchange

A new Hungarian startup will appear on the BÉT Xtend market. The shares of Cyberg Corp. (Cybergastro), the operator of “Kajahu” will be registered by BÉT on the Xtend market...

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Tourism Agency: the new country brand, is a major competitive advantage for Hungary

The new country brand is a major competitive advantage for Hungary, which was presented at the Tourism Summit 2018 conference – Guller Zoltán, Managing Director of the Hungarian Tourism Agency...

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The number of guest nights in Budapest is close to seven million in the first eight months

Budapest’s commercial guest turnover continued to grow in August, with the number of guest nights close to seven million in January-August – the Budapest Festival and Tourism Center announced on...

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Travel smartly!

Four-day weekends to come, so in spite of the fall, we do not have to give up vacation and relaxation plans. A half day trip nearby or even a nice...

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European hiking – beer tour


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The hotel association expects strong traffic for the long weekend

Strong traffic is expected on long weekends in the hotels – according to Könnyid László, the President of the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ). The analysis of Szállás.hu...

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Special fight against the pink tax – Video of the day

In a new video released by Burger King, female guests are charged $3.09 for a box of the company’s chicken fries while male guests are charged $1.69. Chick Fries are...

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Hungary has a Starbuck Rewards program, too!

tarbucks has its eyes set on a new rewards program. In a statement, Starbucks detailed plans that it expects to continue to develop its Starbucks Rewards program, giving customers more...

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(HU) Zavar az evés – kinek higgyek?

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Contemporary bakery exhibition at MKVM


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Mainstream breweries are launching more and more pale ales (PA) in the Hungarian market. The beer’s strong hopped version is called IPA, while the ones made with trendy US hops...

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New Book of Excellent Wines

The latest edition of the Book of Excellent Wines was published in October. It was six years ago that the National Wine Excellence Programme started, and by now it has...

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Love and investment

Baron György Twickel, the owner of Twickel Wine Estate announced that this year’s grape yield had been satisfactory, so Twickel wines will have excellent acidity. The baron added that a...

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Who is the data protection official?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union affects all businesses, including hotels and restaurants as they also manage personal data. By 25 May every company prepared for...

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Small-scale farmers, restaurant owners and consumers

At a recent conference Minister of Agriculture István Nagy told: those restaurants that wish to make further progress as part of Hungary’s culinary revolution, can only do so by using...

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Restaurant trends in 2019

Media group Nation’s Restaurant News has published its trend forecast for 2019. What will characterise US restaurants next year? Some of the following: the fast casual category will keep growing...

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New steak aging method

In Marienlyst Strandhotel in Helsingör (Denmark) chef Casper Stuhr Sobczyk developed a new steak aging method. He dry-ages the steak in logs of butter in a refrigerator and then roasts...

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Functional cakes?

There were 28 cakes competing at Hungary’s Sugar-free Cake – a competition for bloggers and amateur confectioners. Those recipes were eligible which contain neither sugar nor white flour. The jury...

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Pro Turismo

On 16 October the Pro Turismo prizes were presented at the Turizmus Summit. From the restaurant and culinary world the following people were honoured with the prestigious prize: creative chef...

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Euroskills 2018

EuroSkills 2018 took place in Budapest at the end of September. Young cooks came from 24 European countries and Hungary’s Friderika Spekova (Borkonyha) finished 18th, while among waiters Viktória Bernadett...

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Sweet bread for the newborn

Fumu is a pastry characteristic of Hetés, a village in Zala County. It is made for weddings and when a baby is born. The sweet bread is made with walnut,...

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Szállás.hu: Domestic tourism increased by 12.5 percent

The Szállás.hu estimates that domestic tourism grew by 12.5 percent in the third quarter compared to the same period of a year ago. According to a survey of the portal...

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The Day of Hungarian Bath Culture was held on Saturday

The Day of Hungarian Bath Culture is held on the second Saturday of October every year; this year’s programs were held in the 100-year-old Gellért Bath in Budapest, where visitors...

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Shabu-Shabu omakase in New York – Video of the day

At ShabuShabu Macoron chef Mako Okano and her team wanted to do for shabu shabu what has been done for tempura, kaiseki, and of course sushi....

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Tourism agency: tourism is increasing steadily

Tourism has been growing steadily in comparison to last year’s record, and the positive trends continued in August, for example revenues and the number of guests increased – the Hungarian...

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Nearly nine-tenths of the workers receive fringe benefits at the Hungarian businesses

At the Hungarian businesses, 88 percent of the employees receive at least one type of cafeteria in 2018. Most of the interviewed employers, more than 55 percent of them called...

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The Kispipa Restaurant opens again with the Szakcsi-Sziámi duo

The haunt of Seress Rezső composer of the world famous “Sad Sunday” song opens again. At the opening on 25 October, the duo of Szakcsi Lakatos Béla and Müller Péter...

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The turnover of hotels increased by 2.9 percent in August

In August, the number of foreign guests increased by 2.7 percent, while the number of guest nights they spent decreased by 0.2 percent. The number of domestic guests was 5.6...

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