
(HU) Bővül a Békési pálinkacsalád

A Békési Pálinkafőzde idén ünnepli fennállásának 35. évfordulóját. Hazánk egyik legnagyobb kereskedelmi főzdéje az évfordulóra prémium termékcsaládját új taggal bővítette, debütál a Békési Barackpálinka. A Békési Zrt. legsikeresebb terméke az...

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The menu of Buda has been completed

The menu of Buda has been completed! The 12 restaurants of Kés-Villa-Buda (Knife-Fork-Buda) has compiled the most authentic menu of Buda hospitality, full of traditional cuisine. The purpose of the...

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Absolut Juice Edition ‘appeals to increasingly health conscious consumers’ – Video of the day

Available as a UK exclusive, Absolut Juice Edition comes in two flavours inspired by the Swedish summer and autumn: strawberry and apple. With a lower abv of 35% and bottle...

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Catering in a spectacular way


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Magazine: The Italian job

Organiser Éva Vojtek reported to our magazine about the trip Hungarian confectioners took to Italy in October. They went to the Veneto region to learn about the typical cakes and...

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We don’t eat that much!

Six years ago, a study found that people in Britain drink considerably more than they say they do. It became an international news story even though it is common knowledge...

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(HU) Borvirág Borklub az MKVM-ben a villányi Agancsos Pincészettel

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That’s the way a Disney-themed macaron is being made

Okay, I lied. Decided to post the video today because I can't even contain my excitement. Beauty and the Beast themed Mac stack! I'm off to Disney World tomorrow to...

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MNV Zrt. aells holiday homes for nearly 6.5 billion HUF.

The Hungarian National Asset Management Company (MNV Zrt.) announces a 6.5 billion HUF resort near the Balaton for e-auction on Tuesday – the organization announced on Monday. Buyers can apply...

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The proof that you are what you eat


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A christmas-themed time travel – Video of the day

Tesco launched its 2019 Christmas campaign, which ties in with the retailer’s 100th anniversary. The advert tells the story of a Tesco delivery driver, Joel, travelling through time to deliver...

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(HU) Nagy Borkönyv – Könyvbemutató az MKVM-ben

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A multifunctional decanter – Video of the day

A revolutionary new wine preserving decanter with airtight seal that keeps wine fresh for weeks....

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The guests spend only three thousand forints at one time in the restaurants

This year, Hungarian guests spend an average of 2,900 HUF on a restaurant meal. 72 percent of them are informed on the Internet before choosing a place, but 60 percent...

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The ‘Heatbox’ Self-Heating Lunchbox Keeps Foods Tasting Fresh – Video of the day

The lunchbox boasts an all-in-one functionality that will allow a meal to be stored within for easily transporting between locations and a self-warming design that can have it ready in...

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The best schnaps of the year


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Magazine: Tripping on beer!

This year the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) organised its sixth culinary trip. The destination was the Czech Republic and the first stop was the Valtice Palace, where after visiting...

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The Gundel Károly award ceremony gala lunch was organized by MVI

This year’s Gundel Awards were handed over at the Gundel Restaurant on Sunday. In 2019 Szulló Szabina, Széll Tamás and Meskál Tibor earned the recognition. The executive chef at the...

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Even Brooklyn-based vegetarians would be tempted – Video of the day

We can’t get enough of the expertly smoked meats and delicious sides at Red Hook, Brooklyn’s Hometown Bar-B-Que, so we asked them to build us a plate of all their...

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The world’s most famous three-star Japanese sushi restaurant has been removed from the Michelin catalog

The world’s most famous three-star sushi showroom, which Barack Obama and Katy Perry have previously visited, has been removed from the Michelin Catalog. The problem was not with the quality...

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Open a beer and fire ahead – Video of the day

Our Firing Cap Gun is the ultimate way to open bottles. The bottle opener is shaped like a gun and lets you shoot your bottle caps across the room. It’s...

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Magazine: Festive desserts: Economising is out of the question!

In the Christmas period traditional Hungarian cakes, pastries and desserts dominate in the market of festive desserts – informed Gergely Németh, Chef Market Food Service Company’s commercial director. In line...

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The more you eat, the better

Joseph Christian Chestnut is an American competitive eater. He is currently ranked first in the world by Major League Eating. He is a resides in San Jose, California. Chestnut’s height...

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(HU) Vegyen részt az MVI Gundel-díjkiosztó gálaebédjén a Gundel étteremben!

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Slovak-Hungarian cooperation facilitates cross-border tourism

The aim of the Cultractive initiative is to showcase the natural and cultural values of Csallóköz and Szigetköz, and to promote cross-border cooperation, offering thematic hiking trails, architectural attractions and...

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This is what the perfect Peking duck is like – Video of the day

Peking duck is one of the world’s most complex foods — both in terms of its preparation as well as its flavor. Chinese chefs have perfected a method for rendering...

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