Market News

Cabbage farmers trust in conscious consumers

Hungarians cabbage farmers closed an up and down year. While the first half of the year was good for the industry, in recent times the demand as well as the...

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The European Council calls for improvements in food safety

The Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council urged to improve food security in Europe in its resolution adopted on Thursday night. According to the document, beside the increased monitoring of...

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Czech retail sales fell in August

In August, the annual retail sales fell by 0.3 percent in the Czech Republic – the Czech Statistical Office announced on Friday. According to the the Czech Statistical Office, the...

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KSH: the volume of retail sales increased by 1.5 percent in August

The calendar-adjusted volume of retail sales increased by 1.5 percent in August, compared to the same period of last year – the Thursday released flash estimate of the Central Statistics...

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Analysts, the NGM and the OKSZ also expect a continuous expansion in retail sales

Because of the overhead reduction and the increase of wages above the inflation rate, retail sales continue to rise further, but the terms of the growth can be questioned in...

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Vámos György: a company does not fulfill its commitment to the NGM

It is a shame, that there is a company, which does not fulfill its commitment to the NGM. The company signed an agreement with the NGM, that they will sell...

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The domestic dairy industry expects EU funds to increase its competitiveness

The expected termination of the milk production quota in January 2015 will cause a new situation on the dairy market. The Hungarian dairy industry must prepare for increasing competitiveness –...

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KSH: trade surplus rose to 448 million euros in July

In July, exports increased by 4.8 percent and imports increased by 4.0 percent compared to the previous year. Calculated in euros, trade surplus rose by 68 million to 448 million...

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Price is the most important for the Czechs when shopping food products

According to a national survey, carried out by STEM/MARK polling institute, the price is the most important for 82 percent for the Czechs when shopping food products. According to sociologists,...

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Codes in several dimensions

Having become accustomed to the fruits of digital technology, it is hard to imagine how we had managed to live without them in the past. Retail has never been a...

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Purchasing with a bank card would be tax free from 2014

According to the informations of, the financial sector has to pay the bank tax again next year, but it seems that the state will give up its transaction tax...

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Lack of interest when it comes to Crown Egg Trademark

The special assembly of Hungarian Laying Stock Breeders was characterized by lack of interest on 24th September 2013, in the Darány Ignác-room of the Hungarian Rural-development Ministry. The main topic...

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New progressive economic perspectives in the Central and Eastern European member states of EU

The objective of this report is to analyse the effects of the global financial and economic crisis on eleven Central and Eastern European (CEE11) EU member states as well as...

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They have a machine and they like to use it

Coffee’s retail sales develop in a strange fashion. Those rather narrow segments are able to expand which form part of a higher-level, premium form of coffee drinking: capsule and whole...

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GfK: consumer confidence is close to the 2010 September levels

In September 2013 all components of the GfK Hungária’s Consumer Confidence Index turned to growth, so the complex index is also higher than in the second quarter. In June, the...

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MNB: the number and value of credit card purchases increased in the first half of the year

In the first half of 2013, 146 million purchases occurred with domestically issued payment cards, the number of transactions were 14 percent higher, than in the same period of the...

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A significant turnover increase at award-winning products

In April 2012, based on the votes of consumers, products in 17 categories could receive the Product of the Year recognition. The GfK market research company’s Household Panel Survey compared...

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A catalog will present the Csabai Sausage

A catalog will be created for the Csabai Sausage, which became a Hungaricum a week ago. The publication was presented by Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister and Vantara Gyula, mayor...

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Gamay is already harvested in Sopron, the main harvest begins in mid October in Tokaj-Hegyalja

Gamay grape harvest started at the end of the week in the Sopron wine region. The crop’s quality is good, but the amount is about thirty percent less than usual...

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White or red, narrow or wide

We drink the most, if white wine is filled in wide glass in our hand – the experiment of the Iowa State University shows. The researchers of the university requested...

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Stable market shares for various store types

Retail sales of coffee were worth HUF 34 billion between December 2012 and July 2013. Value sales plummeted by 3 percent and volume sales fell by 4 percent – reported...

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There is always something new from Milford

Milford is a brand with great prestige in the tea market which has always been leading the way when it came to innovating. Last year a new segment started expanding,...

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Restructuring spirits market

Combined retail sales of the nine spirits categories audited by Nielsen in the December 2012-July 2013 period amounted to HUF 43 billion in a restructuring market. Four years ago pálinka...

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An old-new success story

– We had a rather easy task relaunching the product as practically everyone above the age of 40 knows Ararat brandy. Still, serious replanning work had to be done in...

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In a bad patch

Hungary’s spirits market has changed dramatically in the last five years, but some say it all started back in 2003 when excise duties were abolished before Hungary’s accession to the...

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The joy of giving

The trend in the field of promotional gifts distributed in large numbers hardly changes: Hungarian gift companies offer the promotional gifts featured in most catalogues and manufactured in the Far...

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Bonbonetti sets out to conquer Europe

Bonbonetti group CEO Sándor Sánta told our magazine that the cooperation agreement they signed with the Roshen Confectionery Corporation last spring guarantees significant investments that would make Bonbonetti more competitive...

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Mobile Wallet: payment and points collection at the same time

The Super Shop is preparing for the launch of the Mobile Wallet System with a full swing. In addition to payments in the shops, the point collection will also be...

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OKSZ: domestic food trade needs a VAT cut

According to the Central Statistical Office, inflation in August was 1.3 percent, which is a very low rate. The price of many products has fallen since last year, but the...

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Apple, Google, Coca-Cola – the ranking of the most valuable brands

Interbrand has published the ranking of the world's most valuable brands again. In the first place we can find Apple with a value of more than 98 billion USD. Google...

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