Market News

Standing on four legs all year round

METRO’s office supplies offering can be divided into four groups: office supply, school supply, office furniture and office machines. Communications manager Yvette Krubl reckons METRO is strong in the category...

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Nielsen: two millions were sold from gift packages containing lotions

The retail sold two million pieces of Christmas gift packages containing lotions and medicinal products. According to Retail Index of the Nielsen consumer information and knowledge services company, the consumers...

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Hungary has the lowest shopping center area rate per capita in the region

Within the region, Poland leads with 225 square meters of shopping center space for one thousand inhabitants, followed by Slovakia (221 square meters) the Czech Republic (210 square meters), while...

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The government sets up an online cash register working group

The government would speed up the online cash register replacement, therefore sets up an online cash register working group, that will include the representatives of the Ministry, the NAV, and...

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Gemius: e- commerce pages are least visited in Hungary in Central Europe

Most e-clients can be found Poland, in the Czech Republic mainly young people are visiting the websites, while the average age of such users are the oldest in Hungary –...

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Genetically modified potatoes cannot be marketed in the EU

In its Friday's judgment, the Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice annulled the decisions of in the European Commission, which authorized the marketing of genetically modified potato called Amflora for industrial...

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Increased amount of support will be given to the sheep and goat breeders

The sheep and goat breeders will be given increased amount of support, because the government succeeded at the European Commission that the Hungarian farmers can receive national resources worth 10...

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Carp fishing is necessary in the Balaton

Carp fishing is necessary in the Lake Balaton, because still 1.5-3 thousand tons of carps can be found in the lake, and carp breeding in the surrounding fishponds should be...

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More and more women drink beer

Domestic beer manufacturers could significantly increase their sales with advertisings for women, and with smaller but designed bottled beers – the research of the Budapest Business School shows. According to...

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KSH: The decline of agricultural prices accelerated in October

The decline of agricultural producer prices further accelerated in October. The agricultural producer prices are decreasing for the fourth month. According to the report of the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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The global marketing industry begins to recover, thanks to the digital area

This year, marketing professionals are becoming more optimistic everywhere all over the world. The budgets will increase, primarily due to the impact of digital investments – the survey of the...

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Hungarian companies are more optimistic, but have different visions about the future

According to the Market Sentiment research of, seven out of ten recruitment and not HR consulting firms believe that the number of their orders and their number will increase...

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The Millennium Generation befriends on the net

They spend most of their free time with passive entertainment, but 70 percent of the millennium generation consider themselves as happy internationally. This ratio is 62 percent in Hungary. They...

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Hungarian ecomomy is expanding faster than Germany

Economic activity in Germany grew by 0.3%, a slowdown from the prior quarter, and in France it fell by 0.1%, indicating that the euro zone’s nascent recovery faltered in the...

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Supports in order to preserve genetic stocks

The payment of grants in order to preserve the conservation and protection of the genetic stocks of endangered farm animals has started – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) informed...

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Barely increased food prices, however, much more expensive alcoholic drinks and tobacco

Consumer prices were 0.9 percent higher in November, than a year ago. Compared to October, consumer prices decreased by 0.1 percent – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday....

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The Ministry of Rural Development would increase pork consumption with three kgs in one year

Pork consumption should have been increased by three kilogrammes in one year in Hungary. In oredr to reach this goal a campaign will be launched to encourage consumption – Fazekas...

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A new decree will regulate the kindergarten, and school milk programmes

Educational institutions can require support to finance the kindergarten, and school milk programmes – the new decree contains. The decree was published in the Tuesday issue of the Magyar Közlöny...

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NAV will punish without a confirmed cash register order

Those traders can accept completely different perception, who are waiting do nothing, from those traders who are unable to meet the requirements of the regulation involuntarily – Aszalós Andrea, spokesperson...

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We do not care if the food is expired

The latest online survey of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) reveals how consumers behave in Hungary, when they find expired food products in the stores. The end result...

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KSH : The performance of crop farming had a positive impact on agriculture

The volume of crop output in 2013 exceeded last year's figure by 22 percent, while the performance of animal husbandry fell by 3 percent – the preliminary datas of the...

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Szatmár Region also sees Improvement of Hungarian-Romanian Economic Cooperation in Agriculture

Cooperation between the Ministries of Rural Development and National Economy and the Carpathian Region Business Network are expanding further with the opening of the Network's new office in Szatmárbereg. Thanks...

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The forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. for 2014

Although Hungary came out of recession this year, its economy did not follow into a trajectory ensuring sustained fast and healthy growth. This year’s recovery is based almost only on...

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Nielsen: the sales of toothpastes and toothbrushes have increased

Nearly two million liters of toothpaste and about nine and a half million pieces of toothbrushes were bought by the Hungarian consumers between January and October this year. In the...

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Survey: we spend 10 thousand HUF more on Christmas presents than two years ago

According to the recent survey of Budapest Bank, sent to MTI on Tuesday, the Hungarian population spends 10 thousand HUF more an average of 54 thousand HUF on Christmas presents...

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Reform nutrition and taking medicine: the most popular applications of Ipsos

According to the international survey of Ipsos, eight out of nine applications mean an important aid in everyday life for the vast majority of those who are using health and...

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Three more PC-based cash registers received permission

The Hungarian Trade Licensing Office (MKEH) gave marketing authorizations to three new PC-based cash registers. Laurel has authorized its second computer-based cash register system already, while Synergon’s and Spar’s solutions...

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The agricultural sector will receive an about 20 percent more EU funding

The Hungarian agricultural sector will receive an about 20 percent more EU fundings in the 2014-202 budgetary period of the European Union – Fazekas Sándor, Minister for Rural Development told...

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Petrol stations do not have to close if they ordered cash registers

According to the National Economy Misnistry (NGM), there is no need to extend the deadline of the online cash register replacement, because the law-abiding cash-register operators will not be penalized....

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GfK: turnover of the telecom market grew by 30 percent

In the third quarter of this year, the turnover of the telecommunications market grew by 30 percent, compared to the same period of the last year – the GfK Hungária...

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