Market News

Heavy fines were imposed on the beer industry cartels

Five German beer manufacturers have to pay a total of 106.5 million euros fines because they coordinated their prices. The German Federal Cartel fined the Bittburger, the Krombacher, the Veltins...

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Plastic bags are problematic

Due to their polluting effect the European Commission would give any tools to its Member States to fight against the use of plastic bags – the European Commission told on...

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Vámos: a positive change in retailing

Retail sales increased in 2013, so a slight expansion has started in the retail sector. However, Vámos György, the Secretary-General of the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) does nor expect a...

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HVG: Still a huge delay in cash register exchange

Only a fraction of the 200 to 250 thousand cash registers have arrived to the traders, that meet the conditions of the NAV. The HVG published a panorama about the...

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Cash registers: the OKSZ considers the end of February deadline as acceptable

The businesses wanted longer deadline, but they consider the end of February deadline as acceptable, but later it must be reviewed, whether the manufacturers and distributors could meet the deliveries...

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The Hungarian economy turned to the new year in a good mood

According to the latest datas of the European Commission (EC), the December economic sentiment indicator (ESI) was the highest in Hungary in the European Union (EU). The Hungarian index was...

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Cash Registers exchange: the traders who comply with the deadline can use the support by the end of February

The state aid will be paid to those, who install their online cash registers until 31 January, but those traders who have complied with the deadlines in ordering the online...

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Food Club: free seminars for artisan food producers

The Food Club Foundation (Élelmiszerklub Alapítvány) organizes free seminars all over the country for the producers of artisan food – the foundation told MTI. The aim of the series of...

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There are not enough bees to pollinate crops in Europe

A new study found that there are not enough bees to pollinate crops in most of the European countries. The experts believe that due to the spread of biofuels it...

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Stable revenues in food retailing

Food retail revenues remained stable between December 2012 and November 2013, compared to the similar comparable period, among the ninety food categories continuously measured by Nielsen. During the twelve months,...

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GfK: consumer confidence minimally improved in December

The Complex Consumer Confidence Index of the GfK Hungária was 171 points in December 2013 and minimally improved compared with the 170.3 points of September – the market researcher told...

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Tobacco shops will be safer

Films can be taken down from the windows of the Tobacco shops. Since the introduction of the tobacco law, more than fifty tobacco shops were robbed, sometimes with gun or...

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Retail sales increased in the EU and in the euro zone

Retail sales increased by 1.4 percent in the euro zone and grew by 1.2 percent in the European Union in November compared to the previous month. Compared to the datas...

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The code of the victims of Patkós-Cassa can remain

The victims of Patkós-Cassa were waiting help from the NAV. They submitted to the authority that they could not received cash registers, not due to their fault. The tax authorities...

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Smart Home Program for Conscious Consumer education

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) has launched the Smart Home Program especially for primary school children. In the scope of the program, the children can learn how they can...

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KSH: export surplus further increased in November

Foreign trade surplus was 803.5 million euros in November last year, 237 million more than the year before. On the basis of the preliminary datas, the trade surplus even in...

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Young farmers at the support sprint

Those farmers, who claimed support for young farmers in 2007/2008 and received decision taken in 2009 and who has reached the assumed plant size for the fourth year can submit...

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Companies’ good reputation on the internet

According to Nielsen vice president for reputation management Wendy Salomon, a company’s good reputation is more and more often considered to be one of its most important assets. From this...

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Analysts: low inflation contributed to the growth of retail sales

The low inflation contributed to the larger than expected growth of retail sales last November – the analysts of the Erste and the TakarékBank said. They believe, retail may slowly...

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KSH: the growth of retail sales accelerated in November

The growth rate of retail sales accelerated in last November: the volume of sales increased by 4.9 percent, compared to November 2012, according to calendar adjusted datas, while the unadjusted...

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31 January is a tight deadline for the supports

The 31 January deadline for the exchange of the cash registers is very tight – the Secretary General of the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) said. According to the Népszabadság daily,...

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One billion HUF VAT fraud in the Slovak milk business

Tax investigators unveiled a well-functioning criminal organization in Szolnok. The criminal organization was selling Slovakian milk, and defrauded the state with hundreds of millions of HUF. Three men and a...

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Israel would reduce high food prices with market liberalization

Food prices are 25 percent higher in Israel than in the European Union, therefore they plan the liberalization of the market – the Iszrael Hajom wrote on Wednesday. The new...

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One hundred and forty kilograms of cocaine among the bananas

A total of 140 kilograms of cocaine was found in banana cartons in Berlin and Brandenburg. According to the communication of the police, the smugglers probably committed a logistical error....

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37871.png From Greece to Germany: consumers changed their spending to save money

According to a Nielsen survey, in the 3rd quarter of 2013 eight out of ten Hungarians changed their spending habits to save money. The average of 31 European countries in...

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Ipsos: “…time seems to stand still”

Ipsos’ continuous survey carried out in 24 countries shows that the people's economy mood remained unchanged to the previous year. 37 percent of the respondents consider their country’s results as...

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The MVM launched a unique application for the energy conscious domestic businesses

“Energy efficiency is becoming a competitive issue” – Németh Lászlóné, Minister for National Development and the patronage of MVM’s application told. The MVM Partner Zrt., which is the subsidiary of...

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NGM would bound the support of online cash register to a deadline

The National Economy Ministry (NGM) proposes that the deadline for state aid to the exchange of the cash register to be 31 January 2014. The Ministry in its communication sent...

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The unusual warmth has not damaged the orchards yet

The unusually warm weather in December and January has not been damaged the orchards yet, the buds are having a rest – Mártonffy Béla, president of the Hungarian Fruit and...

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VM: more then a hundred winning applicants are promoting Hungarikums

More then a hundred winning applicants are promoting Hungarikums and the national values – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) told on Tuesday. The Ministry of Rural Development, announced an...

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