Market News

KSH: the growth of earnings accelerated in January

The gross average earnings rose by 6.0 percent in January in the national economy after the 1.6 percent increase of December, calculated without public employment. In the private sector, wage...

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The world price of cocoa is expected to increase

Within a year, the world price of cocoa beans can increase by nearly 40 percent, due to the drier than average Central African weather. And due to the supply lagging...

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The development of the Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region has begun

The Tokaj-Hegyalja Wine Region Development Program was launched in the historic wine region, to develop the settlements of the area, that is part of the World Heritage. To implement the...

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There will not be protective measures against European wines in China

The negotiations have been concluded between the representatives of the Chinese and the European wine industry. China finishes its dumping and anti-subsidy investigation on the European wines, which was launched...

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The school canteen selling the most Hungarian products won a fruit juicer

The school canteen “Selling the most kind of Hungarian products won a powerful juicer machine worth 150 thousand HUF. The winner of the competition became the Primary School and High...

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Tens of thousands of chickens have been slaughtered due to bird flu infection in Guangzhou

More than 80 thousand chickens have been slaughtered in Zhuhai in south China's Canton province, because H7N9 bird flu sub-types were detected in some poultry – the Chinese media reported....

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Czech Republic: many are afraid grocery prices will rise

If we check what the latest consumer index is in Hungary, in the neighbouring countries (with the exception of Austria) and in Poland and the Czech Republic, what we see...

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Forum for reducing food waste

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) with the co-operation of the Hungarian Food Bank Association launches a forum in order to reduce food wastage and losses – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy...

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The Chamber of Agriculture and the AVHGA signed a cooperation agreement

The National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) and the Ago-Business Credit Guarantee Foundation (AVHGA) signed a cooperation agreement on Wednesday in Budapest, to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural sector...

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The Balatoni Kör wants a culinary revolution

The Balatoni Kör would llike to achieve a “gastronomic revolution” by promoting local products and initiatives and with greater collaboration on the shores of the Lake Balaton. Váli Péter winemaker,...

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The tax authority would like to see the datas of accountants online

The tax and customs authority (NAV) would like to see the system of the accountants as well – the Magyar Nemzet wrote. The tax authority wants similar controls, that they...

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The food retail sales exceeded 1,400 billion HUF

The food retail revenues reached 1,404 billion HUF in the ninety food categories measured by Nielsen, between February 2013 and January 2014 as a year earlier. In terms of volume,...

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GfK: the conquer of the flavored mineral waters

While the demand for natural mineral waters decreased last year, the demand increases from year to year towards the flavored mineral waters. According to the datas of the GfK’s Household...

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Many villages do not have tobacco shops

In the fourth round of the competition, 865 tobacco shop concessions were not filled, so certainly there will be a fifth round – wrote. A total of 127 concessions...

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The NAV helps when the code does not work

Those who cannot install their online cash registers properly, can ask for assistance in email, by giving their codes – can be read on the NAV’s website. According to the...

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147 billion HUF in sales from medicinal products and pharmaceutical preparations without a prescription

The retail sales of nonprescription drugs from medicinal preparations (OTC), increased by 11 percent to approximately 147 billion HUF last year, compared to 2012 – the Nielsen consumer information and...

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Six sectors share the two-third of the online retail sales

The bulk of the turnover is made by web stores that also have traditional shops. Among other things, this came into light at the joint press breakfast of GKI Digital...

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NAK: a guide to futures contracts

Last year, all the participants of the grain market were adversely affected, that futures contracts fell short, due to deficiencies of the legislation. According to the new Civil Code, came...

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The poppy industry may bring twenty billion HUF revenue

Hungary has the conditions to become a great power in the industrial poppy cultivation again; with a processing plant the sector could reach an annual 20 billion HUF in revenue,...

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Whitening economy, due to the online cash registers

175 billion HUF more turnover was admitted from sectors, that were previously infected with VAT frauds, compared to a year ago – the compilation of the Magyar Nemzet states. According...

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Fazekas: the VM wants to help to the spice paprika sector

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) is willing to help to the spice paprika sector, which is in a difficult situation with 170 million HUF seed support – Fazekas Sándor...

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Cigarette smugglers were caught

The authorities found smuggled cigarettes in Tivadar and in Debrecen. About fifty million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes were found by police officers and finance officers in a house in Tivadar...

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It is Sweden’s turn now

As of 1 January 2014 the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary took over the rotating presidency of the European Union’s Chambers of Commerce in Hungary. János Takács, chairman of...

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Light in the Sahara

On 21 January The Coca-Cola Company announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos which one of the Global Shapers Community’s projects they will be funding. The biggest sum, USD...

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Women and older people are more conscious customers

GfK’s Shopping Monitor research was also prepared in 2014. The research monitored the buying habits and the chang od the buying habits over time. According to the datas of the...

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The EU tests the environmental footprint of foods and feeds

On the markets of the EU, different national methods and procedures (ISO 14044, PAS 2050 etc.) are used, that do not allow the comparison of the performance of the products...

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There can be more online cash registers, than traditional cash registers by the end of May

The number of installed online cash registers exceeded 59 thousand – according to the March 10 datas. It is expected that by the end of May most of the shops...

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Budapest is most attractive investment location in Eastern Europe

According to the most recent ranking of the fDi Magazine, owned by the Financial Times group, 2014-2015 Budapest is most attractive location in Eastern Europe in terms of capital investment....

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SafeBrand for the Hungarian for products

For today's conscious consumers, value can be a number of things when choosing a product: in addition to natural ingredients, nutritional values, allergens, much more attention is paid to the...

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Hungary's largest health and harmony center to open!

Hungary's largest health and harmony center, called Bijó opens in March. The center awaits the health-conscious visitors on two floors, on a total area of 6,000 square meters. In a...

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