Market News

KSH: producer prices decreased by 9.2 percent in May

Agricultural producer prices fell by 9.2 percent in May, compared to the same period of the previous year. The price of vegetable products decreased by 14.8 percent, the price of...

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The emerging markets and the crafted beers improve the beer market

The growth in developed countries became increasingly challenging for the beer manufacturers in recent years; the largest companies have turned to emerging markets – wrote. Following the consolidation wave...

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The Eximbank is setting up a rural network

The Eximbank is setting up a rural representation network. The Eximbank supports the Hungarian exporters. Its first rural office opens in Győr in the summer – the Parliamentary Minister of...

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The NAK and the MDOSZ both support the voluntary commitments of the food industry

The dietetics of MDOSZ and the National Association of Agricultural Economics will give professional support to ÉFOSZ’s call to promote healthy nutrition. The framework and the website of the initiative...

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Ministry of Agriculture: fish destruction declines at the Lake Balaton

The mass destruction of fish in the Lake Balaton can be traced back to complex causes and its rate declines steadily. The pathogens detected in the fish are not dangerous...

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Illegal tobacco factory was found in Nyírbogdány

Illegal tobacco factory was uncovered by the National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) in Nyírbogdány, where a man in addition enriched the goods with oak leaves that is a significant...

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This year may bring record wheat harvest

Syngenta hosted its traditional plant health solutions show in Dalmand and Hajdúböszörmény with more than 1,000 farmer participants, this time focusing on corn, spiciferous plants, sunflower and rapeseed. Managing director...

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Hundeola Stahl goes to Tatabánya

Hundeola Stahl Kft. leaves Tata and goes Tatabánya, where the company is going to invest HUF 180 million in building a new production hall. The company manufactures stainless steel tanks...

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Wine ‘fingerprints’ are being taken

A consortium led by Data-Press Kft. was granted HUF 670 million from the Research and Technological Innovation Fund for oenology quality control development. Within the framework of a HUF 880-million...

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Which conditions are necessary for sustainable growth?

Trade magazin and Chain Bridge Club’s first Business Dinner of the year was organised on 29 May. This time the guests were Márton Nagy, managing director of the Central Bank...

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The government supports the Bonafarm group with 1.46 billion HUF

The government, on the basis of an individual decision, supports the construction of Bonafarm Group’s new slaughterhouse with 1.46 billion HUF in Mohács. The total cost of the project is...

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According to the president of the Pálinka National Council, a more efficient marketing would be needed to increase the awareness of pálinka abroad

A more efficient marketing would be needed to increase the awareness of pálinka abroad in order to increase exports, because pálinka is only widely known in the neighboring countries –...

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KSH: consumer prices fell by 0.3 percent in June

In June this year, consumer prices fell by 0.3 percent, compared to a year before, while compared with the previous month increased by 0.1 percent – the Central Statistics Office...

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Hungarians are eating healthier

The Hungarian population consumes much less sugar and fat now than seven years ago. A slow, gradual shift can be experienced in the Hungarian food consumption in the direction towards...

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Save the Hungarian sheeps!

The Gödöllő-based National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre has won the public procurement of the Hungarian Sheep and Goat Breeder Association entitled “Preservation of native animal species. The value of...

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Győr Liqueur Company turns to premium pálinkas

Having invested HUF 150 million in technological development in the last few years, Győri Likőripari Zrt. now focuses on product and brand development. The company will come out with special...

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Hundreds of millions for agricultural education

The Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) confirmed the payment of more than HUF 685 million supporting educational programmes financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). Financial...

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Leader support from a 607 million forint budget

The Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) has already given green light to financing 214 applicants with HUF 607 million within the framework of the Leader programme. In the 2007-2013...

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The Nébih pays particular attention to watermelon

The Hungarian melon is available in the domestic stores since the beginning of July. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) pays special attention to the check of summer seasonal...

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The NAK supports the Hungarian milk

The National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) agrees with the aims of the dairy farmers, to create fair market conditions on the dairy market. It is not acceptable that imported...

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Cofidis: More and more people would use loans

The negative attitude towards lending has been reduced, compared to last year – the first-quarterly results of the Cofidis Credit Monitor reveals. More and more people consider the loan as...

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VinCE Balaton: Wines, tastings and concerts for four days

The VinCE Balaton Wine Festival awaits its guests with the wines of dozens of wineries, quality gastronomic exhibitors and free concerts. The VinCE Balaton Wine Festival that is the accompanying...

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The highest average yield of autumn wheat is expected in Tolna county

According to the datas of the Ministry of Agriculture, the highest expected average yield of autumn wheat and rapeseed will be in Tolna county. In Tolna the quarter of the...

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More than one billion forints for winemakers’ technological development

The Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) has earmarked more than HUF 1.32 billion for subsidising winemaking facilities’ technological modernisation, in order to preserve the competitiveness of Hungarian wines in...

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Agricultural investment speeding up

Negyedik negyedéve folytatódott a beruházások növekedése az idei első három hónapban – állítja a KSH. Az eddigi legnagyobb, előző negyedévi 14,9 százalékos növekedés ütemét is jelentősen túllépve a beruházások volumene...

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FruitVeb: This year's fruit crop can be one million tonnes

This year's fruit crop in Hungary can reach one million tonnes – Mártonffy Béla, president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI on Wednesday. He added...

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We love fish but rarely buy

Healthy, light, protein-rich – these come to mind about fish to the majority of Hungarians, 32 percent of them specially fond of fish dishes. However, the most recent survey on...

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The Ministry of Agriculture developed measures to treat the sour market surpluses

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) by involving the participants of the sector has developed the necessary measures to manage the sour market tensions. The Ministry of Agriculture redeployed the additional...

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Economic growth may be close to three percent in Hungary this year

Hungary's economic growth can reach three percent this year, which will significantly above the average for the euro zone’s GDP growth of 1.1 percent. The basis of the domestic recovery,...

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NGM: the share of SMEs increased in export sales

The share of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Hungarian export sales increased by three percent over three years – turns out from the report on the situation of...

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