Market News

Melons were grown in Europe for the first time in Sardinia

The oldest melon seeds of the Mediterranean basin were found on the island of Sardinia. The forty-seven melon seeds are from 2000 BC. On the basis of the previous findings,...

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New managing director at the Hungarian Seed Association

From January Gábor Polgár has been the new managing director of the Hungarian Seed Association. Mr Polgár started his career as seed supervisor back in 1992 and from 2014 he...

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Record number of visitors at AGROmashEXPO

There were nearly 42,000 visitors at the 33rd AGROmashEXPO, held between 28 and 31 January in Budapest. There were more visitors from abroad than last year. Almost 300 exhibitors showcased...

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2015 will be milk’s year

According to the Agricultural Economics Research Institute’s (AKI) latest report, after the 1 April 2015 lifting of the milk quota a robust production growth is expected in the countries where...

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New year, new products from Syngenta

More than a thousand farmers went to the events in Syngenta’s year-starting roadshow, which visited seven cities. Syngenta’s experts introduced integrated solutions and products to participants. From this year the...

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Magazine: Cleanness taxed

Since the product fee act has been amended, from January 2015 a product fee is imposed in some new product categories. For instance in the case of soaps and detergents...

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Sunday closure: the scope of the exceptions will not be expanded

The government decided about the regulation relating to teh Sunday rest day: the scope of the exceptions will not be broadened – Kovács Zoltán government spokesman told MTI after the...

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The K&H and the Dairy Product Board have signed a cooperation agreement

The K&H Bank Zrt. and the Tej Szakmaközi Szervezet és Terméktanács (Dairy Interprofessional Organisation and Product Board have signed a cooperation agreement. According to the cooperation agreement, trhe &H Bank...

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We can comment on the EKÁER on the government’s portal

The revised draft law of the EKÁER was published, anyone can comment about it on the government’s portal – wrote. From now, anyone can comment on the detailed rules...

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A close to 2.2 million euros support for the promotion of wine products in foreign markets

The mountain villages can claim nearly 2.2 million euros subsidy for the promotion of viticultural and wine products in third countries between 2015 and 2017. The Minister of Agriculture’s regulation...

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The Nébih had withdrawn dried orange cocktail from circulation

The orange product test of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) continued with the monitoring of dried and candied orange products. One out of the four marketed products had...

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Costly food chain safety

In 2015 the food chain safety supervision fee, which was introduced in 2012, grew to 6 percent of a company’s net sales for those grocery retail chains which make more...

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Magazine: EKÁER: NAV’s GPS

Since 1 January every road transportation carried out by toll-paying vehicles has to be reported to the Electronic Freight Goods Tracking System (EKÁER). In the case of high-risk food products...

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More than 4,000 billion HUF EU fundings will be available for economic development

The European Commission has adopted all three operational programs under the supervision of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), so more than 4,000 billion HUF EU fundings are available for...

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The food vending machines will be given a registration number

A total of 625 food and beverage vending machines were announced to the National Tax Administration (NAV); until last Friday . All of the operator needs to report their equipments...

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The GVH, the MNB and the NFH have signed a cooperation agreement

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH), the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) and the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) have signed a cooperation agreement for the consistent enforcement of the law...

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The Magosz asks the government to support the small and medium-sized farms

The Association of the Hungarian Farmers' Societies and Cooperatives (MAGOSZ) asks the Hungarian government to support the small and medium-sized farms. According to the association, in accordance with the general...

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The French government publishes the expansion of the Sunday opening hours in a decree

The French National Assembly adopted the French Government’s proposal on the extension of Sunday opening hours. It was one of the most controversial issue of the economic reform package. Instead...

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A portion of the unearned agricultural subsidies shoud be pay back

A part of the European Agricultural Rural Development Fund’s co-financed subsidies shoud be paid back if the farmers not fulfilled what they undertook when received the support. The regulation of...

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Finance officers seized fake perfumes on the M7 motorway

More than 1,700 boxes of fake perfumes were found by the finance officers on the M7 motorway in an Italian license plated car in which a Macedonian couple have traveled...

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Companies will get help and factual information

According to Linda Szaladják, marketing manager with iData Kft., those affected by the introduction of the EKÁER system want factual information. Businesses are already familiar with the system’s basics and...

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Inspection ordered because of the error in the freight goods tracking system

Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga ordered an internal inspection at the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) because of the error in the freight goods tracking system, despite the...

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Magazine: From a pure source

Draught beer is sold to take away in Csapház’s second unit, which opened on Bartók Béla Street in Budapest (the first one opened in Újpest back in June). The beer...

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Twenty-two organizations have signed the new Hungarian Advertising Code of Ethics

The new Hungarian Advertising Code of Ethics was born as the result of several months of hard work, and with the involvement of 22 organizations. The work was coordinated by...

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Nielsen: the companies are competing for the secrets of the consumers

The trading companies and the consumer product companies can acquire all the secrets of the consumers soon. Mitch Barns,  Presdent and CEO of Nielsen The more thoroughly and intensively we...

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The agricultural parity became wider, due to the Russian embargo

The agricultural parity opened vigorously open due to the effect of the Russian embargo in the last four months of last year – Tresó István Head of the Department of...

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Conscious Businesses: encouraging partnerships

In the summer of 2014, collaboration, research and support action series was launched with the aim to provide useful advice to the conscious entrepreneurs in the SME sector. The name...

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Survey about the country's financial intelligence

The BankRáció.hu. launches a survey called Financial Awareness Test. According to the young economists, the country's population is significantly lagging behind the EU average on the basis of financial literacy....

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GfK: The market of Hungarian technical products increased at the end of the year as well

The sales of long-term technical articles reached a 9.5 percent increase during the fourth quarter of 2014, compared to the same period of 2013. The total sales turnover in the...

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FM: the government will help the tobacco growers

The government is committed towards the tobacco producers and after the termination of the EU restructuring aid, if in a modest extent, too, but helps the domestic prodeucers from domestic...

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