Market News

The agriculture ministers of the EU will held an emergency meeting on milk prices

The agriculture ministers of the EU wild held an emergency meeting, due to the dairy market crisis leading to very depressed milk price levels – the European Commission announced in...

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The Romanian parties have agreed in a four percentage points VAT reduction

Following debates, the representatives of the main political parties of the Romanian Parliament have reached an agreement over lowering the general VAT level to 20 percent starting January 2016 and...

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Four cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of colon cancer recurrence

Drinking more coffee may keep colon cancer from coming back, find researchers from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston – the Daily MIrror wrote. “Observational studies of patients with established...

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German consumer confidence declines

Market research group GfK released its consumer confidence index for Germany on Friday. German Gfk consumer confidence index fell to 9.9 in September from 10.1 in August. Analysts had expected...

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Dairy farmers are in big trouble

The Hungarian producers give the milk to the processors for a 75 fHUF per liter price that is below the cost price. Harcz Zoltán, executive director of the Dairy Interprofessional...

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The damage of maize growers may be up to 80-100 billion HUF

The extremely hot weather of the recent days and the subsequent storms caused damages up to 80-100 billion HUF to the maize growers – the President of the National Association...

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MNB: several thousand billion HUF worth resources were flowing to the domestic SMEs

Several thousand billion HUF of resources were flowing to the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the past. According to the comparative study of Hidasi Balázs, Plajner Ádám, Pulai...

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A growth in the trade surplus of the euro zone and the EU

The trade surplus of the euro zone and the EU increased in June as well as in the first half of the year – Eurostat announced. The trade surplus of...

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Complies with religious laws

If a company wishes to export to the Arab world, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore or Dubai, it has to have special Halal certification. As a matter of fact, it is also...

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Magazine: The death of information

Recently I have been contacted by the head of a big company who is often asked to do interviews on the radio. He wanted me to help him and the...

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NGM: Retail trade is constantly expanding for two years

The retail sector is growing continuously for two years. Retail trade in June increased by more than 6 percent, compared to a year before, but the first half-year figures also...

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The NAK is an important partner of the Ministry of Agriculture

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) is an important partner in the sector work carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) – the Minister of Agriculture underlined on Monday...

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Bread price increase is not expected

It is expected that new wheat based bread prices will not increase, because the millers will not raise the price of flour and the other cost components will not force...

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Broadband Internet will be available in all of the households

Currently 883 thousand Hungarian households do not have broadband Internet access. According to the Digital Hungary plan, until 2018 the World Wide Web will be accessible in every households. The...

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The rate of GDP growth decreased in the euro zone

According to the preliminary data, the rate of GDP growth decreased in the euro zone in the second quarter, compared to the previous quarter – Eurostat reported on Friday. According...

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The NÉBIH seized relabeled melons

The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) seized relabeled melons at a farm near Nagykálló and banned the marketing of the fruits. According to the communication of...

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Agricultural machinery purchases broke a record

According to the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), agricultural machinery purchases may break a record in Hungary. While the international trend shows a decrease of...

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Security audit reveals the weaknesses

In every phase of the logistic process there is an opportunity to steal raw material, semi-finished products or finished goods. Statistical data shows that a business may suffer 1.5-3 percent...

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Companies don’t trust courts in tax matters

Deloitte’s second survey asked companies opinion on tax matter disputes and how they are settled in court. Two thirds of companies have already had tax authority rulings which they think...

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Certified products bring competitive advantage

In the food safety process certifications can create market advantage for companies if they take audits seriously. Lajos Tánczos, senior auditor of ÉMI-TÜV SÜD Kft. told our magazine that a...

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Packaging materials in circulation

Mária Gergely, a representative of the European Pallet Association’s (EPAL) Hungarian office told our magazine that the organisation has 1,600 members all over the world. In 2014 66.3 million pallets...

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Baby bonus programme welcomes its 200,000th member

In August drugstore chain dm welcomed its baby bonus programme’s 200,000th member with a gift pack. Brigitta Magyarné Benkő registered her son Noel in Kecskemét, who is expected to be...

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Nielsen: the sales of household chemicals and cosmetics increased by six percent in value

The retail turnover of household chemical goods and cosmetics was nearly 170 billion HUF in the first half of this year, which is 6 percent more than in the January-June...

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The milk will be the first Hungarian GMO-free food

The milk will be a GMO-free food by replacing imported feed soy – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) announced in Hajdúböszörmény on Friday....

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KSH: GDP grew by 2.7 percent in the second quarter

Hungary's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.7 percent in the second quarter compared to the same period of 2014. The increase was primarily due to the expansion of the...

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The FM will develop actions jointly with the product council to manage the dairy market situation

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) is aware of the difficulties experienced in the dairy market and will develop mrasures to manage the dairy market situation in cooperation with with the...

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The website of the National Tobacco Store Supply Ltd. has been launched

The website of the National Tobacco Store Supply Ltd. (Országos Dohányboltellátó, ODBE) has been launched. The site contains the condition list of tobacco shops, and the location of warehouses, among...

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Poor apple harvest is expected this year

This year, close to 500 thousand tonnes of apple crop is expected in the country, compared with the more than 900 thousand tonnes of 2014 – the president of the...

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GfK: the turnover of technical durables has increased

The sales of technical durables increased by 4.9 percent in Hungary in this year's second quarter compared to the same period of last year. The engine of growth was the...

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The Savings Bank and the Hungarian Association of Animal Breeders signed a cooperation agreement

The TakarékBank Zrt. (Savings Bank) and the Magyar Állattenyésztők Szövetsége (Hungarian Association of Animal Breeders) signed a cooperation agreement – the bank told MTI. The objective of the agreement is...

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