Market News

From stock exchange to goldmine?

February continued what started in January: after a small positive correction the markets started going south again and in mid-February they hit yet another nadir. In Germany the DAX index...

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Unfaithful shoppers – discount stores and supermarkets

Like-for-like FMCG volume sales have been dropping for five consecutive months in the United Kingdom. For instance in January 2016 sales were 0.8 percent lower than in January 2015; value...

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Above-average sales growth

Shower gel sales reached HUF 16 billion in 2015, growing by 10 percent from the 2014 level; volume sales were up 8 percent. The share of stores bigger than 2,500m²...

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Household consumption increased by nearly 9 percent last year

The monthly expenditure of households per capita grew by 8.9 percent in 2015 and was an average of 74 608 HUF. The highest proportion of the household expenditure (26.7 percent...

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KSH: the rise of agricultural producer prices slowed down in February

In February, agricultural producer prices rose by 2.8 percent, compared to the same period of the last year. The price of crop products grew by 7.3 percent, while the price...

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The Chamber of Agriculture calls for an urgent solution to the problems of irrigation

The Chamber of the National Agricultural Economics (NAK) and the Hungarian Farmers' Societies and Co-operatives (MAGOSZ) initiated an inter-ministerial consultation between the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Interior and...

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Cooperation agreement between the GVH and the Brand Association

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) and the Brand Association have signed a co-operation agreement to promote the strengthening of the approach that respect the laws and ethical standards in economic...

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The Dairy Product Board is satisfied with the rapid payment of the crisis support

The Milk Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board call for the attention of the press and retailers for the following: The Milk Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board is pleased that the...

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Hungarian flavors presentation and agricultural ministerial meeting in Washington

Fazekas Sándor Hungarian Minister of Agriculture was negotiating about the dairy market crisis, the European-US free trade negotiations and about maintaining the GMO-free status. Scheduled to the visit, culinary product...

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Slowdown in the growth rate of grocery sales

In the February 2015-January 2016 period HUF 1,550 billion worth of groceries were sold, 4 percent more than in the previous 12 months. However, in the year before last the...

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The new pilot program launches the spreading of the one-touch vending machines

Twenty vending machines will be suitable to one-touch payment. The vending machines are given bank card payment with the support of the MIÁSZ and the MasterCard. The user-friendly one-touch technology...

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American farmers priced new corn low

March corn prices were moving upward, until the end of the month. However, new information came to light that may keep prices low or even lower in the next 12-months....

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NFH: alcohol or cigarettes were sold to juvenile in 37 percent of the test purchases

During the test purchases of the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) the violation of law was observed in 37 percent of the test purchases, in 392 cases out of 1046...

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Few really innovative products

GfK Hungária’s latest newsletter has revealed that only 20 percent of new products are real innovations (new brands or sub-brands). All other new products are so-called renovations – versions of...

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Lower VAT rate for egg is demanded

According to the Hungarian Egg Association, the Electronic Public Road Trade Control System (EKÁER) is efficient in catching some of the illegal egg transports, but in order to ‘whiten’ the...

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The end! Shops are opening on Sunday again!

Hungary’s National Commerce Association (OKSZ) believes the government’s proposal to abolish the Sunday closings legislation, which restricts retailers from opening on Sunday, is a rational one, György Vámos, chief secretary...

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The supermarket chains examine the proposal on the withdrawal of the Sunday store closure

The supermarket chains are examining the proposal on the withdrawal of the Sunday store closure – they told MTI. If the Parliament votes the change, the Hervis can open its...

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The number of domestic food stores fell by 5 percent in one year

A total of 16 869 general food stores were operating in Hungary at the beginning of this year; 5 percent less than a year before. 860 stores have disappeared from...

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The member companies of the OKSZ would help to improve the situation of the Hungarian dairy sector

The member companies of the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) are committed to improve the difficult market situation of the Hungarian dairy farmers; if possible, VAT should be reduced from July...

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Vámos György: the government made a rational decision

The government made a rational decision, realizing that most of the buyers do not agree with the Sunday rest day after a year – Vámos György, General Secretary of the...

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The effects of climate change could be reduced by decreasing food waste

Reducing food waste around the world would help curb emissions of planet-warming gases, lessening some of the impacts of climate change such as more extreme weather and rising seas, scientists...

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Hungarian foie gras exports to Thailand can be increased significantly

The Hungarian foie gras export to Thailand is expected to be increased significantly this year – Budai Gyula, Ministerial Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade (KKM)...

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A slight increase in the eurozone’s economic growth in March

The eurozone's economic growth was “subdued” in the first quarter of 2016, and is struggling to find a “significant gain in momentum”, according to the latest PMI data released by...

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Magazine: The wonderful world of natural products

There are more and more conscious buyers who select which cosmetics to purchase very carefully. These people really like natural products and care less about prices than others. Virgin Oil...

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Fazekas: the dairy sector strategy contains the reduction of VAT on milk as well

The dairy sector strategy, prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) contains the reduction of VAT on milk as well. The document is scheduled to be discussed in April by...

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V4 Chamber of Agriculture: milk producers and pig-breeders will have a difficult year

The milk producers and pig-breeders will have a difficult year – the representatives of the Agricultural Chamber of the Visegrád Group (V4) said in Czajowice, Poland held on 7-8 April...

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The Hungarian e-commerce market increased to tenfold in the past ten years

The Hungarian e-commerce market increased to tenfold in ten years, over 300 billion HUF last year – the Association of Electronic Trade Public Association ( reveals in its estimate based...

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KSH: foreign trade turnover picked up in February

The euro-denominated value of exports rose 8.0 percent in February after a 0.9 percent rise in January. Imports also picked up, exceeding 7.4 percent from a year earlier after a...

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The amount of grants to fisheries management has increased

Compared to the 13.7 billion HUF of the last seven-year’s EU budget period, in the current period Hungary can spend more than 16 billion HUF for fisheries management proposals. Viski...

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FM: Hungary is committed to reduce food losses

Hungary is particularly committed in the reduction of food losses – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said at the Organization for Economic Cooperation...

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