Market News

The Online Dealer of the Year 2016 awards were handed over

The Online Dealer of the Year 2016 awards were handed over. At the competition held for the tenth time, winners were announced in small and medium-sized businesses and in the...

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The Agricultural Marketing Centre Nonprofit Kft. was established

The tasks of the collective marketing activities will be performed by the newly established Agrármarketing Centrum Nonprofit Kft. (Agricultural Marketing Centre Office) from 15 June instead of the Hungarian Tourism...

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MNB: the popularity of the growth loan program justified the increase in allocations

The product of the growth loan program (NHP) has become very popular among the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as among the banks. Therefore the National Bank of...

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World Bank lowers its growth forecasts

The World Bank downgraded its 2016 global growth forecast to 2.4 percent from the 2.9 percent pace projected in January. The move is due to sluggish growth in advanced economies,...

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Hungarian companies will set up the food industry’s system in Laos

Sixty Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises will “set up the food industryial and food security system of Laos” within the framework of 10 billion HUF investment program – Szijjártó Péter...

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Hungarian shop assistants were smiling less last year

In 2015 Hungarian shop assistants were smiling a bit less – a 77 percent ratio was measured – that in the previous year (81 percent), but they welcomed customers in...

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KSH: trade and catering increased the GDP in the first quarter

The volume of gross domestic product in the first quarter was 0.9 percent higher than in the previous year. The market services increased slightly, while the industry slightly reduced and...

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The VAT reduction on poultry and milk are accepted

The National Assembly approved the government's proposed tax package for next year on Tuesday. According to the tax package, the Value Added Tax (VAT) on poultry meat, eggs, fresh milk...

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Domestic tomato production area increased sevenfold

The domestic industrial tomato growing area increased almost sevenfold in recent years – wrote. In the early 2010s the sector was at the edge of extinction. Now tomato has...

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Hungarians purchased online in a value of more than 300 billion HUF last year

Last year, net sales in online retail totaled at 319 billion HUF, 17 percent more than in the previous year, reaching 4.1 percent of total retail sales in Hungary –...

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SME sector’s business confidence improved in the first quarter

The business confidence in the small and medium-sized enterprise sector continued to improve in the first quarter, compared to the previous quarter – the Economic and Enterprise Research Institute (GVI)...

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The excise duties on fuels and tobacco products will increase

The MPs adopted Varga Mihály, Minister of National Economy’s proposal with 124 votes in favor, 37 against and 29 abstentions. Under the proposal adopted, excise duties on fuels will increase...

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Another forty billion HUF for agri-environmental program

The framework of the agri-environmental program will be expanded with forty billion HUF. Viticulturists and fruit growers can apply for 15 billion HUF, while animal breeders can apply for 25...

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Illegal distillery was found in Szabolcs

The finance guards found an illegal distillery at one of the settlements in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. Magyar Norbert, Press Officer of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County National Tax and Customs Authority told MTI...

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NAV auctioneers chocolates

The starting price of 500 chocolates is 50 thousand forints. The products will expire in mid-September. The National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) regularly advertises different products, real estates, that...

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Miracle in Brazil

The first months of 2016 produced an unexpected sales growth for retailers in Brazil. Sales were up 1.2 percent in February – the biggest growth since July 2013. There has...

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More funding available in more areas

The annual framework budget of the Economic Development and Innovation Operative Programme (GINOP) got HUF 300 billion bigger. This means that until the end of 2016 businesses can apply for...

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Magazine: Business travel abroad is what Hungarians want

Young Hungarian workers, especially men, are very much attracted by international opportunities. The latest findings of the Randstad Workmonitor show that 79 percent of Hungarian men younger than 34 years...

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Analysts: the increase in retail sales may continue throughout the year

The growth in retail sales continues during the year – according to analysts interviewed by MTI, who mentioned the increase in net real wages as the main reason. The Central...

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Wheat replaces Makói onion

Fewer and fewer onion is grown in Hungary. Rather wheat is produced in the Makó region, instead of garlic and onions – Népszabadság Online wrote. – While the cost of...

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Domestic watermelon is very popular abroad

The melon yield can reach up to 240 thousand tons this year – Magyar Hírlap Online wrote. Half of this amount goes for export, mainly to Germany. The melon growers...

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Another tender was announced for farmers

About 19.68 billion HUF applications were announced by the Prime Minister's Office within a tender invitation on Monday. According to the notice, the supports can be used to establish crop...

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The Greeks have stopped spending on food

The sanctions and tax increases caused a decline in household spendings in Greece – wrote, after Kathimerini daily. The newspaper in its Sunday edition reports that the Greek population...

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Robot farmers in Japan

Human-like robots and self-driving tractors are the future to replace the agricultural labor force in Japan – wrote. The reason is that the Japanese farmers are getting too old...

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Magazine: A new approach in shop fitting

In the last few years there has been great progress in the field of shop fitting design, in terms of both material use and creative ideas. Brand communication can only...

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KSH: Retail sales rose 4.7 percent in April

According to the raw data, retail sales increased by 4.7 percent in April, compared to the same period of the previous year. According to the calendar effect adjusted data the...

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Another program will start to support horticulture

The Ministry of Agriculture launches a new five-year agri-environment program for the horticultural industry from 2016, which provides 15 billion HUF additional support capabilities to the farmers – Kis Miklós...

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Ultrasound may help in the production of the perfect chocolate

Professor Imogen Foubert from the KU Leuven Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems explains: “Cocoa butter crystallises as the liquid chocolate hardens. Five types of crystals can be formed during...

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KKM: the national trading house will open two offices in India

The Hungarian National Trading House Plc. (MNKH) will open two offices in India before the end of the year. One of the offices will open in north and the other...

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Romanian retail sales continued to rise in April

In April, Romanian retail sales volume increased by 6.7 percent, compared to March – the Romanian national statistical institute announced on Friday The sales of food, drinks and tobacco products...

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