Market News

Growing drink market

According to a report by Moody’s, in the next 1-1.5 years the global drink market will expand by 4-5 percent. They expect a decline in volume sales in certain markets...

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Companies want customised stands

Partners of trade exhibition organiser and stand builder companies show growing demand for a 360-degree service. For instance in addition to building the stand, customers want them to help in...

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VHT: the pork strategy stabilized the situation in the sector

The pork strategy stabilized the situation of the sector – the Secretary of the Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (VHT) told MTI on Wednesday. Menczel Lászlóné added...

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A decline in agricultural producer prices

Agricultural producer prices decreased by 4.7 percent last December, compared to a year before, after the 5.5 percent decline in November. The price of crop products decreased by 11.8 percent,...

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It is already certain that the primeur season will be expensive

Inland water and frost cause damages at several areas of the country. The assessment of the winter frost damages in orchards and the fields has begun. The cold, below minus...

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Economic growth can substantially accelerate this year

The gross domestic product (GDP) increased less than expected in the fourth quarter of last year, but this year the analysts interviewed by MTI expect a substantial acceleration. The Central...

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KSH: the cattle stock increased in the second half of 2016

The growth of the cattle population that is lasting since 2010 has continued. In the six months until 1 December, the number of cattle increased by 6 thousand. The pig...

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Analysts: Inflation may continue to accelerate in the first quarter

Inflation may continue to accelerate in the first quarter, but analysts interviewed by MTI do not expect to exceed the central bank’s inflation target of 3 percent this year. According...

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Food industrial support applications can be submitted from Wednesday

Food industrial small and medium-sized enterprises can submit their requests for 212.5 billion HUF development funds for food and capacity expansion investments from Wednesday – Rákossy Balázs, Minister of State...

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The largest companies are optimistic

According to the latest results of the K&H corporate growth index, the large domestic companies start this year with cautious optimism. The companies assume a slightly growing revenue, but most...

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The NAK urges unified EU actions to mitigate food waste

The National Agricultural Economics Association (NAK) urges unified EU actions to mitigate food waste – the public body told MTI on Wednesday. The NAK supports the proposal – that encourages...

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IKEA achieved a turnover growth of fifteen percent in Hungary

IKEA’s two department stores in Hungary – with an increase of 14.5 percent – reached 54 billion HUF sales revenue in its fiscal year ended last August, which is an...

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Export conference for Hungarian enterprises in neighbouring countries

In November the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) organised its first export-themed conference for Hungarian businesses located in neighbouring countries. The event took place in Csíkszereda (Miercurea Ciuc) in Romania...

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Hungarian groceries on the shelves of Chinese stores

More and more Hungarian companies conquer the Chinese market with the help of the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH). Thanks to the government’s ‘Eastern Opening’ foreign trade strategy, in the...

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Magazine: Valuable waste

According to Norbert Höflinger, strategy director of HWD Recycling Kft., working in the waste management industry means facing challenges all the time. One of the biggest problems in the sector...

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OTP: VAT should also be reduced in the case of the long-life milk

According to the experts of the OTP Bank, VAT should also be reduced in the case of the UHT and ESL milks. The VAT reduction would increase domestic consumption, which...

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KSH: GDP rose by 2.0 percent in 2016

Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) in the fourth quarter of 2016 rose 1.6 percent last year, compared to the same period of the previous year. In 2016, GDP rose by...

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Consumer prices grew by 2.3 percent in January

Consumer prices increased by an average of 2.3 percent in January, comapred to the previous year – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) announced. Compared to December last year, consumer prices...

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Szijjártó Péter discused about the possibilities of the Hungarian food export expansion in Japan

Szijjártó Péter, Foreign Economic Relations and Foreign Minister negotiated about the expansion of Hungarian food export to Japan and about Japanese automotive investments in Hungary on Tuesday in japan. Szijjártó...

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Slower growth in the EU and in the euro area

Compared to the flash estimate, the economies of the euro area and the European Union grew slower in the fourth quarter of last year – according to the second estimate...

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NGM: 547 billion HUF development funds for the counties

Decisions will born soon on the usage of the 547 billion HUF development funds of the Town and Regional Development Operational Programme (TOP) for the counties – Rákossy Balázs, Minister...

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Consortium develops technologies used in pig breeding

A consortium established by Bóly Zrt., Kaposvár University and Debrecen University sets out to develop – until 2020 – crop farming and livestock feeding technologies that can result in producing...

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Moderate optimism in the commercial real estate market

According to a survey conducted by GKI in October 2016, a sort of insecurity has started to manifest in the office space market. The utilisation level was increasing in and...

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Ministry proposes reasonable self-regulation in the dairy sector

The Ministry of Agriculture has proposed solidarity-based, reasonable self-regulation to every actor in the dairy sector. One of the main tasks is the development of the processing industry, for which...

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Magazine: 2017 promises a tax revitalisation

Deloitte’s experts analysed the most important changes entailed by the latest tax package. Zoltán Pankucsi, director of Deloitte’s tax advisory division called attention to the fact that a new element...

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The increase in oil prices increases the price of agricultural products

Cereal prices may increase significantly, or at least the recently seen rise in oil prices forecasts this trend – wrote. In the former agricultural inflationary cycles the oil price...

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250 mangalica frams are operating in Hungary

The traditional animal breeding methods – like mangalica – have a priority nature conservation importance, are part of the Hungarian landscape and ethnographic traditions linked to them. They are part...

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The European Commission expects a 3.5 percent growth for Hungary in 2017 and a 3.2 percent growth for 2018

The European Commission expects a 3.5 percent growth for Hungary this year and a 3.2 percent growth for the next year. The European Commission published its winter economic forecast for...

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HNT: the permanent frost caused damages to the grapes

According to a preliminary survey conducted by the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) due to the unusually harsh frost in January, this year’s grape production is significantly reduced. Légli...

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Agrarian Chamber of Commerce: fragmented food industrial higher education

According to the vice president of the National Association of Agricultural Economics, food industrial higher education is taking place at several locations in Hungary, so the latest technology can be...

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