Market News

Butter prices rose twofold

Food prices may became more expensive this year, due to the increase in the price of butter – Origo wrote. Butter prices have doubled this year, due to unfavorable weather,...

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The breach of procedure, due to the restriction of retail companies in a new stage

The European Commission has informed the Hungarian Government that it has sent a reasoned opinion on the matter, which is the second stage of the procedure. The legislation prohibits the...

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Advocacy: the operators of the beverage and food vending machines will be affected badly by the new legislation

Thousands of beverage and food vending machine operators may disappear, as the new legislation disadvantages operators, and some of its specifications are unachievable – the Hungarian Food and Beverage Association...

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Cold storage facility built in Iváncsa

A cold storage facility has been built from HUF 1.6 billion in Iváncsa. From the project’s budget HUF 1.2 billion came from the government. Owner Alba Fructus Kft. created 15-20...

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Information exchange for risk assessment purposes

The recommendations worded as part of OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project have great influence on the international practice of transfer pricing. The goals of the BEPS action...

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KSH: agricultural purchasing prices have continued to rise

In May, due to a 0.9 percent decline in plant products prices and a 15.0 percent increase in live animal and animal products, the agricultural purchasing prices increased by 4.5...

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Tasting in only 4 stores

With the participation of NAK, the melon promotion campaign started last week with the participation of seven chain of stores (ALDI, Auchan, CBA, Lidl, METRO, SPAR, Tesco) Because of the...

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Cattle increased, pig and sheep stocks dropped

The number of pigs increased by 22,000 last year, while the number of pigs decreased by 219,000 and the number of sheep decreased by 36,000, according to the Central Statistical...

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Inflation was at its low point in June this year

The slowdown in inflation in June was in line with the analysts’ expectations, who continue to expect increase. After last month’s slowdown, the price of commodity prices, especially the prices...

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GKI: The minimum wage increase affected net earnings less than expected

The minimum wage increase affected net earnings less than expected. In case of the taxpayers, who declared themselves as minimum wage entrepreneurs, net wages between May 2016 and May 2017...

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The market for robotics will grow by 20 percent this year

This year, the amount spent on robotic technology purchases increases by nearly 20 percent according to the US International Data Corporation’s (IDC) survey. According to IDC’s forecast, this year, 97.2...

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FMCG retail sales at our ‘neighbours’

Czech Republic Retail sales expanded faster than the European average: in Q1 2017 like-for-like FMCG value sales increased by 2.3 percent on average. In Q4 2016 volume sales rose 3.1...

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Tax traffipax from NAV

In the spring the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) performed 120 previously announced on the spot inspections. This so-called tax traffipax programme resulted in more receipts being issued by...

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Parliament gives green light to tax package

The Hungarian parliament has given a green light to the 2018 tax package. The VAT on internet services reduces by 13 percentage points to 5 percent – this step will...

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Consumer prices rose by 1.9 percent in June

Consumer prices were on average 1.9 percent higher in June than a year before. Compared to May, prices did not change – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on Tuesday....

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Őstermelőket ellenőrzött a nagybani piacokon a Nébih

Csaknem 4 tonna zöldség és gyümölcs értékesítését tiltotta meg a Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal (Nébih) 2017 tavaszán a nagybani piacokon végzett ellenőrzései során, amelynek keretében 135 őstermelőt ellenőrzött – közölte a...

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Fazekas Sándor: there is a great interest towards the Hungarian agricultural research results

There is a considerable interest towards Hungarian agricultural research abroad; Not only in the neighboring countries but also in Central Asia – for example towards the new Hungarian wheat varieties...

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Coffee may reduce the risk of death due to cardiovascular diseases

Coffee may reduce the risk of a series of illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, according to two recent studies, but their authors argue that the lifestyle associated with coffee may also...

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The Brexit brings food price increases to the British

One of the expected impacts of Brexit will be that most of the prices will rise in Great Britain thanks to the free flow of goods from EU countries –...

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Bread of the Hungarians: Wheat to be mixed in Nemeshany in August

The wheat will be mixed Nemeshany, Veszprém county in August for the Hungarians’ bread program. Raw materials will arrive from all counties and from beyond the borders – the Mayor...

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Micro chefs in the kitchen

Millions of microorganismscan be found in our environment. Many times we talk about them when they cause trouble, whether it is an influenza, a fever or a food poisoning. We...

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Russian trade surplus rose by one-third in the first half of the year

A surplus of 59.1 billion USD was generated in Russia’s foreign trade balance in the first half of this year, which is 32.2 percent more than the 44.7 billion USD...

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Two thousand packs of untaxed cigarettes were seized in Hegyeshalom

About two thousand packs of untaxed cigarettes were found in a van, by the financie officers on the M1 highway near Hegyeshalom – the Customs and Excise Spokesman of the...

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Cleaning tanks in a product- and environmentally friendly fashion

Annak érdekében, hogy a termék biztonságosan, külső hatásoktól védve jusson el a vevőkig, a szállításnak épp akkora szerepe van, mint a hatékonyan megszervezett gyártásnak, a kifogástalan raktározásnak. A fuvarozás egyik...

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Warehousing: semi-automatic systems are spreading

According to a recent report, in Europe only 5 percent of warehouses are fully automated and 80 percent of them are operated without any kind of automated solution. Zoltán Péter,...

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OECD and FAO see slower growth in demand keeping world food prices low

Global food commodity prices are projected to remain low over the next decade compared to previous peaks, as demand growth in a number of emerging economies is expected to slow...

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Magazine: Stricter rules make life more difficult for freight forwarders

As global trading develops, demand is increasing for the services of shipping and logistics companies. Market players are focusing on a customer-centred service. According to Zsuzsanna Niklós, sales director of...

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Britain scores an own goal

In the United Kingdom almost 60 percent of the members of the ruling Conservative Party want PM Theresa May to resign, after the party lost the majority of their seats...

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Traditions reinterpreted

Last year the two major cured meat product categories were characterised by opposing trends: according to data from Pick Szeged Zrt., sausage volume sales declined – it seems that cutting...

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Agricultural Experts: highly processed products may increase Hungarian agricultural exports

Although Hungary’s agricultural foreign trade was successful, its balance in 2016 was about 3 billion euros in surplus, the country still does not use its agro-ecological potential. To do this,...

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