Market News

FAO: Vegetable oils give a lift to FAO Food Price Index

Global food prices rose slightly in September, as firmer prices of vegetable oils and to a lesser extent dairy products offset declining prices for staple cereal grains. The FAO Food...

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Retail sales strengthened

The growth in retail sales continued in August. Store sales were 4.6 percent higher than in the same period of last year, after the 4.2 percent growth in June and...

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The harvest of sugar beet goes well

This year’s sugar beet harvest is proceeding well, both the producers and the processors can look forward to a good season, however due to the cessation of sugar production in...

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NGM: the strengthening of non-food retail trade shows the confidence of the population

The 7.7 percent increase in non-food retail trade reflects a steady increase in public confidence, as it shows that people are buying more and more durable consumer goods – Pomázi...

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Fazekas: the pig sector is a strategic area of agriculture

The pig sector is a strategic area of the Hungarian agriculture, which is also indicated by the fact that the sector’s support increased from the 6 billion HUF of 2010...

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The European Commission has proposed a comprehensive reform in the EU VAT system

The European Commission has presented the most comprehensive plans of the past twenty-five years for EU VAT rules on Wednesday. The plan would reduce the possibility of VAT fraud and...

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The euro area’s retail sales fell unexpectedly in August

Instead of expected growth, the retail turnover of the euro area declined in August, according to a report by the European Union’s statistical office, published on Wednesday. Compared to the...

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Groupama: Young people say that 22 million HUF savings should be enough for a calm old age

Young people between the ages of 18 and 29 expect to retire at the age of 66 and spend an average 18 years as retirees. They estimate that savings of...

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Future belongs to triticale

The man-bred grain, the triticale, combines the qualities of wheat and rye – wrote. The crop can be grown in economically in poorer soil quality areas and has high...

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Dynamic directions

Media planning and buying specialist New Land Media Kft. – a member of the Lounge group – has been present in the Hungarian market since 2013. The company formed a consortium with...

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60 percent of the Hungarian mushrooms are exported

The most significant cultivated mushroom species in Hungary are csiperke and laska. The mushrooms are very healthy, but the mushroom consumption per person is very low in Hungary, 1-1.5 kilograms...

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70 businesses can expand their capacity from 13.5 billion forints

In order to strengthen its competitiveness and productivity, 70 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises won 13.5 billion HUF support under the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program (Ginop). Through the...

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Workania: Wages have risen the most in the worst paid sectors

Wage growth this year occured in the worst-paid sectors, compared to the past years, but salaries are still far behind the wages in the top industries – the online survey...

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One of the key elements of plant production is plant species experimental activity

One of the key elements of crop production is plant species experimental activity, as the biological basic is the safety of cultivation for agriculture and forestry – the Minister of...

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(HU) KKV cégvezetőket kérdezünk!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Illegal cigarette factory operators were accused

The Metropolitan Public Prosecution has filed charges against people who operated a cigarette factory – Ibolya Tibor Attorney General told MTI. According to his report, the eight men are accused...

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Waste oil collected in Romania

Carrefour Romania has started collecting waste oil from customers, in order to reduce the chain’s ecological footprint. Shoppers can take back 1-4kg of filtered waste oil in transparent bottles. In...

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Automatic offices are more efficient

One third office tasks could be automated but this proportion is still less than 5 percent in Hungary – revealed a survey by xFLOWer that was done with the participation...

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Brutal drought caused 100 billion HUF damages to the corn

This year’s summer heat caused up to 100 billion HUF damages to the corn producers – wrote. According to the harvest results so far, yield is more than 2...

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KSH: import was growing faster than export in July

In July, the value of exports in euros was 5.0, while the value of import was 11.3 percent higher than one year before. Export surplus was 348 million euros, 410...

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This year, the autumn wheat varieties were tested by VSZT and GOSZ

The seed experiment work of the Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (VSZT) and the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) has been closed in 2017. Farmers have summarized...

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The seasonally adjusted value of the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) for September is 59.3.

Compared to the previous September, this year’s value exceeds the long-term September average (52.3) and the average of the last three years (54.3) as well. Most of the sub-indices examined...

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Baker Association: the Hungarian Food Book should be developed

A growth in consumer awareness and the further development of the Hungarian Food Book is needed – the Baker Association said after negotiations with the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), the...

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Huge competition support can be used by the domestic “gazelle” companies

By 19 October 2017, the Rapidly Growing Businesses (Gazelle) will be able to apply for a first call for applications for the Complex Development of Domestic Companies. The bet is...

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The NAV found 11,000 packs of cigarettes hidden on a train

The dogs of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) found 11,000 packs of cigarettes on an express train from Kiev – the NAV told MTI on Monday. The dogs...

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The majority check whether the food is Hungarian

The vast majority of the respondents prefer Hungarian food rather than foreign products – the survey of the Research and Marketing Institute of the Budapest University of Economics (BGE) reveals....

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EU Directive confronts banks with new challenges

The first Payment Services Directive (PSD) introduced the SEPA bank transfer standard that is currently valid throughout Europe in 2009. The second to open up the banking market is now...

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The yield of corn and sunflower is smaller this year in Békés county

Due to the droughty summer, yields of both crops are lower than usual – the Békés County Harvest Coordination Committee determined at its meeting. Adamcsik László, a member of the...

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ALDI Hungary joins UN programme

ALDI Hungary is the first retail chain from the country to join the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) initiative, the world’s biggest sustainable and responsible corporate management programme. The ALDI SOUTH...

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Quality meat dishes for children in need

Hungarian Product Grand Prize winner Mar-Ne-Váll Kft. donated 2,000 portions of meat dishes to the children who regularly participate in the trainings of the Hungarian Maltese Charity’s sport club. The chicken breast...

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