Market News

Turnover can be 10,000 billion this year

After years of positive growth, this year the turnover of trade can reach the 10,000-billion HUF threshold – was said at the 13th European Trade Day, which has become a...

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Tobacco retailers would expand the range of products in the traffics

The long-term viability of the tobacco retail system requires a further expansion in the range of products or services that can be marketed, and in the case of tobacco products...

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Fazekas Sándor: the pace of development of the Hungarian agriculture must be maintained

The Hungarian agriculture is the fastest growing agriculture in Europe, and the goal is to retain this trend in the future, Fazekas Sándor said in Tállya, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County on Tuesday...

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The wine producers of Villány expect a remarkably good vintage

Vintage work has almost completed in Villány. The quality of the harvested fruit is excellent – the secretary of the Villány mountain village informed MTI. Nagy Gergely said that the...

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Complaint handling in superlatives!

The next two to three months will be about purcasing the gifts, sending them and about the expected complaints. In October, the postal service warned of the early purchase and...

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Milk for new products is provided by cows grazing herbs of the ancient grasslands of Somogy

The 24-year-old Kaposvár-based FINO Group is the first company that developed high-protein dairy product line in Hungary. The 5420 cattle bred on the slopes of the hills of Zselica are...

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The business sentiment in Germany was less than expected

The business sentiment in Germany was less than expected and in the euro area deteriorated noticeably in October, according to the survey of the Mannheim-based Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung Institute...

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The National Association of Hungarian Dietetics issued a new nutritional recommendation for Children

A new national nutrition recommendation was issued by the Hungarian Association of Dietetics for the 6-17 age group. According to the statement of the organization sent to the MTI on...

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Sales in the euro area grew stronger than expected

The European Union’s Statistical Office (Eurostat) said on Tuesday that according to the seasonally adjusted data, retail sales grew by 0.7 percent in the 19-member euro zone and by 3.7...

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South American chickens can be imported into the EU with duty discount

The EU poultry market can be adversely effect if the European Union wants to offer a preferential / duty free import tariff quota for the South American Free Trade Association...

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OKSZ: the alliance intends to jointly represent traders

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) seeks to jointly represent dealers and rejects that any direction change will play in its resolutions, the OKSZ will only consider professional issues. However, in...

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NGM: SMEs can develop from 17 billion forints

New call for proposals have been published under the Ginop Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program (Ginop). The companies can claim 5-15 million forints non-refundable subsidies for tool and software...

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Smart plate against winter obesity

Winter obesity can be prevented by the new hungarian nutritional recommendation, the smart plate that has a version for children as well – Miháldy Kinga dietitian told M1 news channel...

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Sentix: investor sentiment in the euro area is on a more than ten-year peak

The investor sentiment in the euro area has risen with a much greater extent than the Sentix German Economic Research Institute survey in November. The November value of the index...

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Retail sales increased by nearly 10 percent in Romania

The volume of retail sales grew by 9.8 percent in Romania, in the first nine months of last year, compared to the same period last year, according to the Romanian...

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Magazine: Shoppers don’t economise when it comes to buying cleaning products

Consumers are more and more interested in buying innovative cleaning products. Cleaning product sales have been growing in all retail channels recently. The sales growth was the biggest in the discount supermarket...

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FM: 1.8 million tonnes of food waste are generated annually in Hungary every year

About 1.8 million tons, about 68 kilograms per capita food waste is generated annually in Hungary, which would be enough to feed 400-450 thousand people in need – MTI informed...

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Let’s fill our autumn vitamin warehouses with fresh vegetables and fruits

Trends show that healthy lifestyle, good nutrition are more and more attentive in our everyday lives than a few years ago. What can we do to make the most of...

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Christmas fairs in Vienna start soon

Vienna’s Christmas Dream (Wiener Weihnachtstraum) opens on 17 November this year at the City Hall Square. In the winter season of 2017, visitors to Vienna will be welcomed with a...

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Nébih: plastic pieces were found in a Danish chocolate

Plastic pieces were found in the Anthon Berg Sweet Moments marzipan bar mini chocolate produced in Denmark, so the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) draws the buyers’ attention not...

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The world’s largest economy is performing well

The United States’ October Composite Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) has been growing at a lesser extent, but growing and shows a robust fourth quarter growth, according to the statement of...

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The winemaker robot was rested in Portugal

The winemaker robot, called Vinbot can overcome up to a forty-five degree slope, it is able to drive independently on the vineyards while taking pictures of individual parts of the...

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Magazine: The sparkling wine market is waking up

The seven lean years seem to come to an end: the market of wine-based carbonated drinks is waking up. Slowly but steadily the sparkling wine market is getting livelier, and more...

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Nielsen: The online turnover of foods can surpass store sales within five years

The growth rate of the daily consumer goods (FMCG) is already exceeding the sales of conventional stores globally – according to the recent report of Nielsen Market Research. Nielsen’s “What’s...

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Eggs are becoming more expensive in Europe and Hungary

The price of table eggs increases in Europe and in Hungary, which is expected to last until the end of the year, the Poultry Product Council (BTT) announced on Thursday....

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Export growth exceeded 10 percent

In August, the value of exports in euro was 10.2 percent higher, while imports increased by 12.6 percent, compared to the year before. The trade surplus was 458 million euros,...

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The Euró Generál is building a dough factory

The Euró Generál owned by Mészáros Lőrinc may build a gluten-free noodles manufacturing plant in Rábaszentmihály, Győr-Moson-Sopron county – wrote. The local government tendered six companies for the construction...

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The purchasing manager index in October was higher than the average

The seasonally adjusted value of the Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) in October was 58.3 points, which is below the 59.3 points of September. Compared with past Octobers, this year’s value...

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The milk producers demonstrated in Brussels again

The EU milk producers demonstrated in front of the European Commission’s (EC) headquarters in Brussels again – wrote. The farmers are pushing for action to get a fair share...

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Another EU step towards protecting consumers: here is the trademark reform

The new comprehensive EU trade mark reform has come into force: “Certain Community trademarks may be canceled after a 5-year grace period on the basis of the report of a...

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