Market News

1.1 million purchases are expected during this year’s Black Friday

Hungarian retailers are expecting 25-30 billion forints turnover this year on Black Friday and nearly 1.1 million purchases. The action will be available at 62 percent of webshops – according...

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EPAL introduces quality-tested CP pallets

EPAL – the world’s largest pallet quality assurance association – starts to market the EPAL CP pallets. Producer and repairer licenses for quality EPAL CP pallets can now be requested...

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The European Waste Reduction Week is about re-use

The European Waste Reduction Week campaign, organized by the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture (FM) from 18 to 26 November is focusing on re-use – the Parliamentary Minister of State said...

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Mobile payment is comfortable

László Szetnics, regional head of mobile paymesnt services at Mastercard told at a presentation held for journalists that it takes 8 hours for people to realise that they have lost...

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KSH: retail sales have continued to grow

In September, the volume of retail stores grew by 5.6 percent. According to the raw data it was 5.6 percent higher than a year before, while calendar effect adjusted it...

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A growth in Christmas turnover is expected in retail

Retail sales may exceed last year’s 1000 billion HUF turnover by 3-4 percent in December this year – Vámos György, secretary general of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) told at...

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FruitVeb: fruit growers closed an average, vegetable growers have had a good year

The fruit growers had a somewhat better year than average, but the vegetable growers have closed a good year in 2017 – Ledó Ferenc, President of the Hungarian Vegetables and...

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The KETGATE project helps in the innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises

The Bay Zoltán Research Center and its Central European partners make their research infrastructure and innovation services available to the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises within the framework of the...

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Turkey Association: the sector is stable, but production will be lower than last year

The domestic turkey sector is beyond the difficulties of recent years, the VAT cuts have helped to expand domestic trade. The Hungarian turkey meat is also popular abroad, but the...

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Agricultural logistics center is being built in Bonyhád

The Agricultural Logistics Center will be built with a 450 million HUF investment in Bonyhád. The facility will be able to store 3000 tons of fruit a year. In the...

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NGM: the increase in earnings is mainly due to the wage agreement

According to the Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) responsible for Labor Market and Training, earnings growth is mainly due to the fact that in November...

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Áder János: By 2050 we will need 50 percent more food and 30 percent more water

As a result of population growth, by 2050, fifty percent more food and 30 percent more water will be needed for almost 10 billion human kind – President Árder János...

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Magazine: To spread or not to spread

The dominance of pre-packaged products and private label products characterise the liver paté market. A small drop in volume sales has been offset by an increase in value sales. Zoltán Szántó, senior...

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KSH: earnings rose by 13.6 percent in September

In September, average wages grew by 13.6 percent compared to a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Wednesday. The annual rate of increase of average earnings...

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E-merchants are expecting 25 to 30 billion HUF turnover during this year’s Black Friday

The Black Friday is here again and is bigger than ever before. This year, a record number of merchants will join the initiative from America. 62 percent of the webshops...

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The Hungarian National Trading House is organizing an IKT Expo Academy again

The Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) is organizing an IKT Expo Academy for the second time in November and December. According to the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH), the two-day...

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Eat for Each Other charity action of the Food Bank

Breakfast, lunch, dinner… Eating is one of the best things in the world that we look at as a natural thing. Still, there are many people in the world and...

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Nielsen: global brands in the saddle for consumer wallets

Consumers worldwide increasingly prefer global brands over locally produced products, according to a recent study by Nielsen Market Research. Most Hungarians choose domestic products mainly in case of dairy products:...

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Hungarian companies abroad: for the time being, few of them cross the border

Only a fifth of the domestic micro, small and medium-sized enterprises carry out export activities and the proportion of new players entering the foreign market is also low – according...

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The challenges of the digital economy

The Accenture has published a new study: The study seeks the answer to the challenges of the digital economy. The experts of Accenture interviewed more than 40 professionals, consultants and...

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Make a Thanksgiving Turkey! – its flesh will be really crumbly

The Evening of Thanksgiving is a family celebration with a long tradition overseas. In this case always a deliciously prepared turkey is placed on the table, which we can try....

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Economic growth slowed down in the OECD countries

The quarterly rate of economic growth in the member states of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) slowed in July-September. In the 35 member states of the OECD...

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A craft beer festival will be held in Gyula next summer

A handicraft beer festival will be held for the first time in Gyula next summer- Varga-Bora Tímea, main organizer told MTI on Monday. She said that the organizers would like...

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Agricultural census by the Central Statistical Office

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) carries out the census of individual farms between 15 November and 15 December. The purpose of the census is to monitor the changes in the...

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The nature-friendly agricultural practices are becoming more popular

Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture told MTI in Bonn that the nature-friendly agricultural practices are becoming more popular. Fazekas Sándor took part at a conference in connection to the UN...

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The debt of companies exceeds their quarterly sales revenue

Approximately 28 percent of the total revenue of the companies is an amount that has already been billed but has not yet been paid out, according to the latest information...

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Chocolate traders evaded to pay 626 million forints tax

A company in Tatabánya and in Budapest have suspected with tax evasion in a value of 626 million forints. The companies imported chocolates from Poland, Slovakia and Bulgaria and sold...

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Tens of thousands of new jobs are needed in the agriculture and in the food industry

Over the past six years, 50,000 new jobs have been created in agriculture and in the food industry, and in the coming years a same amount of new labor force...

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GKI: Stable property market outlook with a price bubble about to burst

The GKI real estate indices for Budapest and Hungary stood at -1 and 0 points in October 2017, respectively. Compared to the previous quarter, the index in the capital has...

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The agrarian chamber wants a larger advance payment

According to the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), there would be a possibility to pay out even tens of billion HUF more in the remaining two weeks of the advance...

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