Market News

Growth in retail sales in the Czech Republic slowed down

In October, retail sales growth in the Czech Republic declined to 3.4 percent year-on-year. In September, the figure has already been revised to 7.1 percent -the Czech Statistical Office annunced...

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China is preparing to exempt certain US agricultural products from additional duties

China is preparing to exempt a certain amount of US soybeans and pork from surcharges imposed during the trade war between the two countries – the Xinhua State News Agency...

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The Sentix euro area investor sentiment index improved in December

Instead of the expected decline, the Sentix Economic Research Institute’s Eurozone Investor sentiment index picked up slightly. The Perception of prospects reached a two-and-a-half-year high. The cumulative index was 0.7...

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Global Report on Food Crises: acute hunger still affecting over 100 million people worldwide

A report presented today jointly by the European Union, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the UN World Food Programme (WFP) finds that around 113...

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ÁSZ: a careful assessment is needed before the VAT reduction

The most recent analysis of the State Audit Office (ÁSZ) is about the impact of VAT reductions on the sustainable whitening process. The Central government’s tax revenues increased by about...

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Winter harvest at the Hortobágy Fish Farm

The winter fish harvest is nearing its end in the lakes of the Hortobágy Fish Farm, and most of the fish are already in the wintering pools – the CEO...

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Five hundred kilograms of honey were donated to the Transylvanian orphans as part of the “Make Every Day Honey Day” campaign

The Agricultural Marketing Center offered an additional 100 kilograms of honey to the four hundred kilograms of honey donated by the beekeepers, so a total of five hundred kilograms of...

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AM: the year of biodiversity was proclaimed for 2020 in the Most Beautiful Vegetable Gardens program

The national program of the most beautiful vegetable gardens in Hungary promotes home gardening. Its aim is to get the work of gardeners duly recognized – the Minister of State,...

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Consumer sentiment is on a seven month peak in the United States

The December consumer sentiment is on a seven month peak in the United States, according to a study by the University of Michigan. Consumer sentiment improved to a much higher...

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Analysts: export growth is a positive surprise

Analysts interviewed by MTI saw the September increase in exports as a positive surprise, pointing out that this is in line with the rise in industrial production. The Central Statistical...

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Domestic goose production is also dominant at European level

In Hungary, demand for goose meat is focused around St. Martin’s Day and Christmas, so the goose industry is confident that the market may become more balanced in the coming...

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KSH: Retail sales grew by 6.2 percent in October

In October, retail trade turnover was 6.2 percent higher than a year ago, according to both the raw and calendar-free data – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Thursday....

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Nielsen: 450 tons of chocolate Santa Clauses in a value of two billion forints

Hungarian consumers bought eight and a half million chocolate Santa Clauses in a value of more than HUF 2 billion in November-December 2018. It is a 5 percent increase, compared...

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The products of the High Quality Food Trademark System represent high quality

The Hungarian government has been paying special attention to the quality and safety of food for years. For example, in 2017, the decision, known as the “20-point action plan”, came...

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VOSZ: the shopping habits of Hungarians are changing

The spread of online shopping is transforming the purchasing habits of one or two monthly bulk purchases in Hungary over the last 20-25 years – the president of the National...

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Consumers purchased from direct sellers for 60 billion HUF last year in Hungary

Hungarians are still looking to buy from direct sellers, with the sector closing at nearly 60 billion HUF last year, which is a 12 percent increase, compared to a year...

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Magyar Posta expanded its parcel processing areas

Magyar Posta has added another 5,500 square meters of additional two logistics logistics areas in the country to meet the ever-expanding parcel delivery needs – the Magyar Posta told MTI...

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Christmas – Domestic pine tree traffic amounts to 10-12 billion HUF annually

Every year, 2-2.2 million pines are sold in the country in a value of 10-12 billion forints – Boross Dávid, President of the Hungarian Horticultural Trade Association (Makert) told MTI....

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We are addicted to our habits: Wick surveyed drug selection habits around colds in the winter

During 2019, Wick conducted a consumer survey that sheds light on consumer behavior and factors that influence drug selection. Best practices for self-healing or pharmacist opinion are crucial in treating...

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Retail sales in the euro area declined in October

In October, retail sales in the euro area declined sharply in the highest amount of the past ten months – according to the European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat. In October,...

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Cofidis: Hugarians spend an average of 38,000 HUF for Christmas

Hungarians plan to spend an average of 38,000 forints this Christmas, according to the latest Cofidis loan monitor research. According to the statement sent to MTI on Wednesday, eight-tenths of...

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Conscious Consumers Association: less material approach and satisfaction can be teached

The Christmas spending fever could be overcome if people would less follow material values and the value shift could be learned – the conclusion of a year-long study that led...

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EP’s professional committee wants more protection for bees than proposed before

In a resolution adopted on Tuesday by a European Parliament committee, the European Commission’s proposal on the protection of pollinating insects was considered inadequate. According to a resolution adopted by...

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Agricultural Informatics Higher Education and Industrial Cooperation Center was established in Gödöllő

The Center for Agricultural Informatics and Industry Cooperation (AGIT FIEK) has been established by cooperation of corporate partners of the Szent István University and the National Research Development and Innovation...

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Január közepéig lehet jelentkezni a kárpát-medencei Hungarikum vetélkedőre

Január közepéig jelentkezhetnek a Kárpát-medencei általános iskolák 7. és 8. osztályos, valamint a középfokú oktatási intézmények 9. osztályos diákjai és felkészítő tanáraik a Hungarikum vetélkedőre – közölte Lezsák Sándor, az...

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KSH: fewer goods were transported for longer distances in the third quarter

Fewer goods were transported over longer distances in the third quarter, the road and rail freight performance declined while it grew on the Danube, according to the Central Statistical Offivce’s...

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ITM: the strengthening SMEs is a high priority

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) gives high priority to the strengthening of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – Szepesi Balázs, ITM Deputy Minister of State responsible for Economic...

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The euro area private sector remained close to stagnation in November

Growth in the private sector in the euro area remained close to stagnation in November, following the strong recession in the manufacturing sector, both in the services sector and the...

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Logistics to miss out on digitalisation?

Logistics experts are worried that the sector will fall behind as the process of digitalisation is speeding up – revealed the Continental Mobility Study 2016. 9 percent of experts were...

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Magazine: Shares are welcome!

Hungarians do like their dessert, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that sales of chilled dairy snacks are growing. Ágnes Pataki, FrieslandCampina Hungária ZRt.’s brand manager told our magazine:...

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