Market News

Consumer sentiment in the United States improved slightly in May

Consumer sentiment in the U.S. improved slightly in May from the previous month’s eight-year low, but a survey of the University of Michigan continues to show deep consumer concern. Analysts...

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Japan is home to five million food and beverage vending machines

One of the first things that stands out to the tourist in Japan is that it is amazingly many vending machines can be found everywhere – origo wrote. In Hungary,...

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These two crops could be the biggest losers of this year’s drought

Last week’s rains did not eliminate the drought either, according to information received by the National Association of Cereal Growers (GOSZ), rapeseed is in a very bad condition, wheat is...

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Restaurants, bars and cafés have reopened in the Netherlands

In strict compliance with the rules on community distancing, restaurants, bars and cafés in the Netherlands were reopened on Monday afternoon, thanks to a further loosening of restrictions on the...

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Private Label 5 steps to new normal

In grocery retail, private labels are key to building loyalty. In the aftermath of a pandemic, when many are struggling financially, this area is given a new chance to grow....

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Moody’s: 4.8% decline this year, 4.1% growth next year at home

EU economies in Central Europe cannot escape the deep recession caused by the coronavirus epidemic this year either, but the public debt profile of most regional economies can withstand short-term...

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KSH: GDP grew by 2.2 percent in the first quarter

The volume of gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter was 2.2 percent higher than in the same period of the previous year. According to seasonally, calendar-adjusted and balanced...

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GfK Consumer changes – after the virus

GfK Hungária conducted online research on the effects of the COVID-19 virus in more than 2,700 households. According to the most important findings of the research, customers tried to avoid...

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Milk consumption is also promoted with online football

The Milk Product Council is celebrating in an unusual way. In view of the global emergency, the 45th World Milk Day is being held online. To celebrate the milk and...

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Consumption increased sigificantly

According to today’s statistics from the KSH, family spending jumped sharply in the first quarter of 2020, to 7%, due to cumulation. But the March pandemic limits have already pulled...

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Hungarians are afraid of losing their jobs

The population’s fear of unemployment has increased dramatically, which is no wonder, as tens of thousands have lost their jobs every week – wrote. The KSH survey showed what...

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The pandemic has sparked up digital banking

The pandemic situation has accelerated the digitization of banking use and transformed previous habits. At Erste Bank, the number of digitally active customers jumped, the number of transactions in NetBank...

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EY would respond to the crisis worldwide with portfolio clean-ups

The ongoing economic crisis is forcing companies to divest their businesses and use the proceeds from the sale to improve their technological capabilities and increase their competitiveness, the global consulting...

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More than 30,000 boxes of untaxed cigarettes were seized by NAV

National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) staff have recently seized more than 30,000 boxes of untaxed cigarettes from a group of Vietnamese nationals with a criminal record. NAV told MTI...

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Retail sales in Germany declined less than expected

Retail sales in Germany fell significantly, but much less than expected, in April as the rapidly spreading coronavirus pandemic peaked. According to preliminary data released by the German Federal Statistical...

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The pace of consumer price inflation in the euro area slowed further in May

The year-on-year slowdown in consumer price inflation in the euro area slowed to a lower-than-expected, but still unprecedented level in almost four years, according to a flash estimate by the...

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Lockdown gives Albanian beekeepers a ‘golden year’

With factories and farms silenced by the coronavirus shutdown, Albania’s bees have been busier than ever, stirring excitement among farmers expecting an unparalleled honey harvest thanks to a respite from...

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NAV sees everything from 1st July

From July 1, the National Tax and Customs Office will see all invoices between two Hungarian taxpayers, so it will have a view of almost the entire Hungarian economy, Lilla...

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The Hungarian Competition Authority will contribute 150 million HUF to the relaunch of the Hungarian economy

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) will return HUF 150 million from its own budget to the central budget to contribute to alleviating the economic damage caused by the crisis caused...

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Business in times of coronavirus – the fifth AGÓRA conference was held online

The biggest business success story of the epidemic is that of the disinfectant manufacturer in Szeged, which increased the production of its product tenfold and built a factory out of...

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Online soccer is a way to celebrate milk now

The Milk Product Council is celebrating in an unusual way. The 45th World Milk Day on World Emergencies is being held online. He will challenge the country to the championship...

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Facts about milk

Codex Alimentarius defines a milk product as a “product obtained by any processing of milk, which may contain food additives, and other ingredients functionally necessary for the processing”. The range...

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Is canned or frozen the more nutritious?

It has long been a matter of debate what kind of food and in what form to take and consume: several conscious nutritional trends consider canned and frozen foods to...

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New timing is needed after coronavirus

Hundreds of well-known people think it is a mistake to believe that our life before the coronavirus epidemic was normal. A new era is needed – said Hungarian actors, activists...

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A promotional was launched for the consumption of milk and dairy products

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) and the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Council are launching a campaign to promote the consumption of milk and dairy...

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Turn new shoppers into loyal customers

C-store retailers have welcomed millions of new customers through their doors as people adapt to life under lockdown worldwide, but how can retailers hang on to these shoppers in the...

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KSH: investments decreased by 1.8 percent in the first quarter

Partly due to the domestic and international economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, a longer-term increase in investment was broken, with the volume of developments in the first quarter decreased...

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KSH: earnings grew by 9 percent in March

In March, the average gross earnings were 400,400 HUF, 9.0 percent more than a year before. In the first quarter, both gross and net average earnings increased by 9.1 percent...

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The epidemic pushed back the number of shopkeepers selling manufactured goods

Already in March. The 15-hour closure of manufactured goods stores has already held back the number of shoppers and the number of shop assistants. The dismissal of 4-5 thousand people...

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Nagy István: another 80 billion HUF to support animal husbandry and horticulture

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) announces new agricultural investment tender package worth 80 billion HUF in the summer for high value-added livestock and horticulture sector, in order to reduce the...

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