Market News

Savings Bank has slightly improving expectations, but there is significant uncertainty in agriculture

Expectations of agricultural participants improved slightly by the end of the second quarter compared to the first quarter, but the sector is still uncertain, mainly due to reduced export opportunities...

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SMEs can apply for 100 billion HUF in development funding

Small and medium-sized enterprises can apply for 100 billion HUF in development funding: due to more than double oversubscription, the government doubled the 50 billion HUF budget originally announced nationwide...

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KSH: The number of employees increased in May compared to the previous month

In May, the average monthly number of employees was 4,399,000, 31,000 more than in the previous month and 134,000 less than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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NAK: the online interface for the ice mitigation system has been launched

The National Chamber of Agriculture also wants to increase the public awareness of the ice mitigation system with the system’s newly launched website, which also provides useful information on its...

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EKAER 2.0: the lives of many farmers can be simplified

The Electronic Road Traffic Control System – more commonly known as EKAER – has undergone a number of changes since its introduction in March 2015, but no significant changes have...

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The pandemic has made plant-based foods popular in Britain

According to Mintel’s market research study, the coronavirus pandemic has made vegan, “healing” and durable foods the most attractive to consumers – wrote. A survey of UK consumers clearly...

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The pace of consumer price inflation accelerated in Germany in June

Instead of the expected slowdown, the annual rate of increase in consumer prices accelerated in Germany in June, but still fell far short of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) target....

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Bridgestone is developing an intelligent tire monitoring system with Microsoft

In partnership with Microsoft, Bridgestone has developed a unique tire damage monitoring system using Microsoft’s Connected Vehicle Platform (MCVP). • The aim of the system is to improve road safety...

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Digital taxation brings about a new era

To cover the economic and social damage caused by the coronavirus epidemic, the EU is reforming its budget, one of the key elements of which is the taxation of digital...

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All that is white isn’t milk

Melinda Mizser-Sebők, Danone Magyarország Kft.’s brand manager informed Trade magazin that there is increasing demand for plant-based foods – the category was characterised by two-digit sales growth in 2019. Danone’s...

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Magazine: During the pandemic, after the pandemic: What is the situation in the warehouses?

Just like many other warehouse storage firms, SSI Schäfer is also affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Managing director Péter Kardos told our magazine: transportation difficulties and the loosening of personal...

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Online purchases increased as long as the stores were closed

In April, online shopping purchases doubled with 58 billion HUF, while the traditional stores lost 83 billion HUF. And in May, following the opening of the store, the reorganization between...

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Facebook changes policy

The increasingly supported, NGO-initiated “#StopHateforProfit” movement is about to win. Their goal is to ban hate speech and racism from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter seems now feasible. Facebook said Friday...

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We drink less and less wine

Since 2010, per capita wine consumption in Hungary has been declining almost continuously, so much so that now only one person drinks almost 5 liters of wine or must a...

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At the global level, the NAK has also protested against unachievable EU targets

The National Chamber of Agricultural Economics has now participated as a full member in the annual general meeting of the World Farmers ’Organization (WFO) and has also protested globally against...

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There will be a serious change in Hungarian stores. From July there will be marking on the fruits

The decree of the Minister of Agriculture, Nagy István, is valid from 15 July: all fruits and vegetables – not pre-packaged – must be listed, which country they come from...

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Chlorate residues in food

There is still a lot of the known pesticide, i.e. chlorate, in the environment, and with the chlorination of waters and the increasing use of various disinfectants, it is constantly...

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The number of tax audits may increase as a result of a health emergency

The number of tax audits has dropped dramatically in recent years. However, historical data and the experience of recent months show that the economic slowdown caused by the health emergency...

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ITM: road improvements will be implemented from 3,200 billion HUF by 2024

The development of the domestic road network will be realized from 3,200 billion HUF by 2024, of which 1,800 billion HUF will be from the Hungarian budget – the Deputy...

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Coronavirus: trade is still needed

One of the lessons of the coronavirus crisis so far has been that long supply chains make countries around the world dangerously vulnerable, because if there is a problem in...

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New African swine fever outbreak points were discovered near the Romanian-Hungarian border in Romania

In Romania, the authorities discovered 15 more African swine fever outbreaks last week, two of them in the Bihar and Satu Mare counties near the Romanian-Hungarian border, the Romanian Food...

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This is what people order in Europe, and this in Hungary

According to a fresh survey by Shopalike, people make incredible orders now that traditional shopping is not available anymore, and everybody is locked in their own world. Hungarian prefer to...

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The British have found a surprising solution to the labor shortage raging in agriculture

British farmers plan to test a number of new robot-based and automated systems this season on farms producing strawberries, apples, blueberries, lettuce and broccoli. In Britain, a new agri-food consortium...

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Big brands stops advertising on Facebook and Instagram

More and more companies and brands join the boycott against Facebook. Unilever, Coca-Cola, Honda, Mozilla, Viber and the telecom giant Verizon joined the initiative. Their aim is to step up...

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Emerging wisely with hands-free door opener

The coronavirus pandemic has made us aware that we have to pay more attention to hygiene and protection of our health every moment of our life. After the first wave...

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Join the very best of CSR

In 2020, the Hungarian Business Responsibility Award, the CSR Hungary Award, will be announced for the 13th time. The aim of the Award is to attract companies, enterprises, promotion and...

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Breweries would not be able to enter into exclusive distribution agreements

Large producers could not enter into an exclusive contract with distributors for the sale of beer, soft drinks or mineral water – the Legislative Committee of the Parliament approved the...

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Food is cheaper in Hungary

Eurostat has published its 2019 analysis of prices of consumer goods and services. Based on this, Hungary offered its products cheaper than the EU average, according to the National Chamber...

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Myths often hampers the spread of electronic payments

The government announced on April 16 that from January 2021, all merchants using online cash registers will be required to provide their customers with an electronic payment method, but many...

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