Market News the Hungarian job market stabilized in the fourth quarter last year

Last year, the Hungarian job market stabilized in the fourth quarter: the number of new job advertisements was only one percent lower than in the same period of 2019,

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AM: extends the commitment period of the Bovine Milk and Animal Welfare Call

Due to the length of the legislative procedure for the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) extended the commitment period of the “Animal Welfare Restructuring Support”...

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Materials containing plastic and bamboo together should not come into contact with food

Marketing of food contact products containing plastic and bamboo together is banned in EU member states, National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) grants grace period to distributors until next quarter...

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The EC would provide additional support to help economic operators

According to the European Commission, economic operators need additional support due to the coronavirus pandemic, and the panel is proposing to extend the deadline for the application of temporary state...

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Consumer prices in the euro area also fell in December

In December last year, for the fifth month in a row, consumer prices fell on an annual basis in the euro area, according to a report published by the European...

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Takarékbank: EB should make clear the environmental expectations of farmers

The European Commission (EC) should clarify the environmental obligations of farmers in the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), said Takarékbank’s Executive Director responsible for Agricultural and EU Relations. In a...

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Google is launching a tender to digitally catch up with the Central and Eastern European region

Google has announced the Impact Challenge program for countries in the Central and Eastern European region, which aims to support organizations working to catch up digitally and promote inclusive...

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The Romanian government forecasts a 4.4 percent decline in the economy last year

The Romanian government’s Economic Forecasting Committee expected the performance of the Romanian economy to decline by 4.4 percent last year compared to 2019, a worse forecast than the 3.8 percent...

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Gen Zers are truth barometers

Half of U.S. Gen Z respondents aged 18 to 23 years will always research a company to ensure it aligns with their position on corporate social responsibility before making a...

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ITM: A third of the shops surveyed made a price indication error last year

Last year, consumer protection inspected the price display and application practices of about five thousand stores, and specialists found deficiencies at nearly 1,700 locations – the Ministry of Innovation and...

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Fruit prices almost doubled

Both in 2020 and 2019, Hungarian fruit growers had a very bad year, so in two years the fruit prices in Hungary increased significantly, almost doubling – Apáti Ferenc, chairman...

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The difference in net earnings between settlements was nearly thirteen times in 2019

According to NAV data, in 2019 the average monthly salary (employment income) was HUF 295 thousand gross, which meant HUF 200 thousand net per month. There was a significant difference...

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A nearly 660 million HUF program will be launched to support women entrepreneurs

A business revitalization project called WINGATE was launched in Hungary, which aims to increase the number of successful women businesses in the region. The project is supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein...

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China is the largest strawberry-producing country

China has produced a total of 3.21 million tonnes of strawberries in one year, with this performance leading the world ranking of strawberries. The United States had 1.02 million tonnes...

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Nagy István: agriculture is the most important bastion of the country

The coronavirus pandemic has shown that agriculture and the domestic food industry based on it are the most important bastions of the country – the Minister of Agriculture said at...

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No food can be made from the larvae of the flour beetle for the time being

For the time being, it is still necessary to wait for food to be prepared in the European Union using the larva of the common flour beetle – Magyar Nemzet...

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Aldi U.S. helps workers get their COVID-19 vaccine

Joining to other retailers Aldi U.S. plans to set up on-site vaccination clinics at its warehouses and offices in the U.S. as part of its efforts to encourage workers to...

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Inflation in Germany was in line with the expectations in December

According to analysts’ expectations, monthly and annual inflation in Germany developed in December. The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said on Tuesday as final data that consumer prices rose by...

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One eye is crying, the other is laughing…

Veronika Kisvári, buying and sales director of Bognár-Vin Kft. (the distributor of Ági fruit syrups) reported to our magazine that the pandemic restructured the fruit syrup market very much: retail...

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(HU) Fékezett habzású a boltos munkaerőpiac

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The rise in agricultural producer prices began to accelerate again in November,

As a result of a 15.5 percent rise in prices for crop and horticultural products and an average fall of 6.2 percent in the prices of livestock and animal products,...

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Minister of Agriculture: 7,537 billion HUF to strengthen the Hungarian countryside

7,537 billion HUF will come to strengthen and develop the Hungarian countryside through the EU and domestic resources of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) by 2027, said Nagy István at...

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Varga Mihály: 5 billion HUF tender to be launched for food companies

A 5 billion HUF tender will be launched to support the investments of Hungarian food companies, Minister of Finance Varga Mihály said in a video published on his Facebook page...

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Consumer-friendly personal loans to come

New personal loans can be taken out for a maximum term of 7 years, and banks need to decide quickly on disbursement, which also maximizes fees and loan interest. Although...

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IGC has deteriorated its global grain yield estimate

The International Grains Council (IGC) has slightly worsened its global grain harvest expectations for the 2020/21 season, compared to its November forecast, but the volume could still be at record...

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This is how global apple and grape production will develop in 2020-21

According to a report issued by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), world apple production will decrease by 4 percent in 2020-21, while global grape production will remain at the...

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Consumer sentiment in the United States deteriorated slightly in January

Consumer sentiment in the United States deteriorated slightly in January, according to a standard monthly survey by the University of Michigan. According to preliminary data released on Friday, the value...

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The Netflix influence on sales of related products

Data now show that a streaming TV series can have an impact on product sales. Researchers are finding correlations between Netflix shows and U.S. sales of products related to their...

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The Chinese economy grew by 2.3 percent in 2020

The Chinese economy grew 2.3 percent in 2020 after the country’s economy recovered at an accelerating pace from the downturn recorded in the first quarter following a domestic curb of...

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Fidelity: Rope Dance

For most of 2020, asset prices were well ahead of revenue expectations, thanks to significant fiscal and monetary measures taken to mitigate the economic damage caused by Covid-19. On the...

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